Today is Bristlebane’s Day. April Fools. It’s also rent day for me and inching closer to my birthday (I’ll be 28 and don’t mind in the least for those curious) and it happens to be the day I won’t believe a word of anything I read online, because we all know how those articles can be. NOT that I am against having fun and games, but I’d rather watch and not partake. I know, what a spoil sport. 

Last night my trio dived into some more Seeds of Destruction content, and it was a very frustrating night. The quests we needed to do were flagged as solo tasks, but a few of them were so difficult there was no way we were about to finish it if we were solo. They were also some of the most annoying quests I’ve done to date.

I’m talking about the Bloody Kithicor chain of quests. The ones that make you run around the woods taking down named and then burning their house. Except the very first named you’re sent to kill has a fake in place – and when you kill him this updates for everyone on the quest. Then you kill the real version of him and he drops a piece you need to turn in to Lanys T’Vyl. Only one piece drops at a time. So we actually ended up killing him 6 times (the 2nd version of the named was red to me) and waiting for respawns in between. The fun didn’t end there though. You also need to ‘burn’ down houses – to do this you use a torch you’ve been given and click it on a wooden box you’ll find in the back of various homes. These boxes have a 7 minute respawn timer, and you need a few of them. You also need axes, with a respawn timer, and more chests, with more respawn timers. 

Not to mention the portion where you talk to an NPC and four or five mean mobs who hit for 1.2 or so each spawn and attack an npc – your goal is to keep him alive. That didn’t work out so well the first round. 

So I decided to do the quests another time while we completed them for Ninga and Ultann. Doing these quests unlocks further tasks along the progression, and last night I was just not in the mood to work on it. 

I was thinking back to a post that Cuppy made about questing in EverQuest. She’s exactly right. While questing to level is my typical method in EQ2 it was never my main method of leveling in EQ. I grinded in experience groups at camps, and that was what I was comfortable doing. This whole task method of progressing through an expansion and especially The Void because there are so many tiers is just something I’m not comfortable with. I enjoy having a puller, and sitting and talking with my group while we lay waste to things. I dislike being constantly on the move, constantly roaming around. It may sound odd, but I suppose it just comes from my perceptions on what is ‘normal’ for me to do in game.

That being said – I have no idea where the population of Drinal stands, but the players there claim it’s fairly low. In Bloody Kithicor there was only my group and perhaps three others. I realize the expansion came out in October (so it’s been a while) but I had expected a little more of a population. Though I suppose the decrease could also be attributed to fabled going on right now and people working on that. 

It was a nice quiet evening though, and that’s exactly what I was looking for. On a completely unrelated topic – good luck today Ninga! He has some fairly exciting real life stuff going on and I wish him the best. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday today, and don’t fall for any of that April Fool’s Day stuff!

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