June 10, 2009

Just a Glimpse!

Busy night and not sure if I’ll get around to posting first thing tomorrow morning (which is my usual routine) so as a teaser post here’s a screen shot of just a small portion of GU52!

Once I get my other articles done I’ve got a whole slew of GU52 information to process and I’ll be posting it over on the new (and improved) Beckett MOG forums, and of course mentioning it here on my site. This is a major GU, and it’s going to be wonderful to see it all go live (slated for the 16th for those who are curious – but that is always subject to change so don’t write it in stone quite yet!) if you’re curious about everything that’s going on yourself, remember you can always head over to the test copy server and peek around!

See you in Norrath!

That’s what Friends are For

I meant to mention this weeks ago but things have been a little frantic here. A little while ago Tipa brought my attention to an online contest being held on twitter. If you followed the great Merle Ambrose you would receive daily hints and clues to a puzzle he had that spelled out a word. By the final day when the flood gates opened, 100 players could enter that word into the Wizard 101 web site (log in with your account and you will see a section that says redeem card or code) and have a chance to win one of the pets they were giving away.

Well, I’ll be the first to admit that I slacked on figuring out the puzzle, but Tipa was kind enough to help me out, and so when the time came I rushed off to the web site and entered in the code, and managed to be lucky enough to find myself sporting the new death beetle pictured above. Emma is my Myth / Death wizard who I’ve been leveling up through wizard city getting all of the house items that I missed with my main Life / Storm wizard.

Now, the sad part of this story is that Tipa herself did not manage to win one of the pets. I felt absolutely horrible because she has been so kind to me and I only received one due to her helping me out, I was going to ask if there was any way I could give her the pet or transfer it to her some how.  I only have two pets in Wizard 101, and none of them were rare (though I have added a 3rd one that I will talk about another time) so while I was exceptionally excited to be able to show off the new rare pretty, I was also sad that she didn’t get one herself. She told me it was alright and she was happy that I was able to get one, but I was still disappointed.

No doubt there will be opportunities in the future, and hopefully we’ll see some more great prizes then.

As far as game play goes, the alt is reaching level 10, and owns a handful of house items now. I’m still trying to save up to purchase my first home, I only have access to the first two worlds in Wizard 101, and may have to call upon some friends (I’m looking at you two!) to help me reach the other areas. Of course until I raise another 3,000 gold there is no real rush anyhow.

Wow, that was.. short?

A quiet day in EQ2, but those are also good, right? Right!

I’ve been working away at transmuting which is slow moving at best. I managed to reach a skill of 300 last night which allows me to transmute items up to and including level 65. My next goal is to reach 350 so that I can finally begin working on T8 items. Arysh’ bank is completely filled with items I have been stockpiling for her, and guild mates have been helping out with items as well. It’s a shame that supplies don’t sell back to the vendors for nearly the amount that they cost, but such is the way of transmuting.

Aside from that, it was a quiet night. I hung out in the guild hall and chattered to friends, and prepared for a busy day today. After Friday things should be much calmer, we’ll see how that goes!

Sorry for the short post, but safe travels and happy gaming!