A quiet day in EQ2, but those are also good, right? Right!

I’ve been working away at transmuting which is slow moving at best. I managed to reach a skill of 300 last night which allows me to transmute items up to and including level 65. My next goal is to reach 350 so that I can finally begin working on T8 items. Arysh’ bank is completely filled with items I have been stockpiling for her, and guild mates have been helping out with items as well. It’s a shame that supplies don’t sell back to the vendors for nearly the amount that they cost, but such is the way of transmuting.

Aside from that, it was a quiet night. I hung out in the guild hall and chattered to friends, and prepared for a busy day today. After Friday things should be much calmer, we’ll see how that goes!

Sorry for the short post, but safe travels and happy gaming!

One thought on “Wow, that was.. short?”
  1. Sometimes quiet is nice, makes us appreciate the social aspect of MMOs. Although it does remind of me the time our EQ2 server crashed and suddenly, all of my guild mates who were on vent, realised we had absolutely nothing to say to each other :)

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