Last day of craziness before things will be able to calm down for me, so I (once again) won’t have much to write about today, but a post is still in order! Yesterday I spent some time (once work was completed) playing my coercer in EQ2, and debating whether to finish leveling up the paladin (she’s been stuck at level 73 for quite some time) or move on to something else. I’m undecided so far. Idealy I should just stick with the characters I have and work on their aa so that they can be ready for the expansion in November, but we all know I’m just not that sort of gamer.

I did manage to dip into Sims 3 for a whole five minutes as well as get some quality Wizard 101 time in which was great, this weekend should give me plenty of time to game too. I was supposed to head to that Medieval Festival but alas it’s not in the cards for me this year. I will be going to the Upper Canada Village though once I can, and have a few other trips planned that will hopefully result in some amazing pictures!

I know everyone is SUPER excited about the SOE Fan Faire, though I am not going this year (pouts) I hope everyone who does go has an amazing time. No doubt I’ll be green with envy as I listen to blog posts, twitter updates, and other various communications throughout the event.

Happy Friday, I hope everyone has a fantastic day no matter where you end up gaming!

One thought on “One more Day of Crazy!”
  1. Hey Stargrace,
    Do you still play on the Najena server sometimes? I have a character ( Drakthorne, Iksar Inquisitor ) that is in the Nostalgia guild on that server and I recently restarted my EQ2 account, so I might see you out there! I have also been leveling a new Dirge on the Guk server trying to hang with the Revelry and Honor team, and I like the class so much that I am considering rolling on on Najena too. :)

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