I’m sorry, but for now I will be unable to continue to post about my MMO experiences. Health issues are currently preventing me from doing much more then curling up in the fetal position and crying. Hopefully I will be back before the month is up so I can get back to writing about things I love. Thank you all so much for your comments and support, thoughts and hugs and well wishes. Means a lot to me. I can still be reached by email, occasionally on twitter, and in game though I am typically afk. I did not want to leave readers in the lurch over my lack of posts, and hope everyone understands.

Thank you

~ Stephanie Morrow (AkA Stargrace)

28 thoughts on “No Posts Until Further Notice”
  1. Steph..er i mean Stargrace, i have been a long time reader of this post and i hope everything goes well for you, you will be in my thoughts an prayers. please take the time and rest and get better, as everyone above me has said, get well soon, take it slow, BIG HUGSSSSSSS, good luck and i hope you have a speedy recovery.


  2. I hope you get better soon – health is much more important than gaming blogs. I’ll be thinking of you.

  3. Being so far away, I feel helpless. However, you have shown me that distance is no barrier when it comes to supporting a friend.

    You are such a wonderful woman, and I bet you have more inner strength than you might first think. Each day over is one day closer to your appointment and the medical care that will help you. Like many of your other friends I add my thaughs and good wishes. You know where I am any time.

  4. I’m really sad to hear about your health problems. I’ll keep you in my prayers and hope you’ll be back, healthy and happy, in no time. Take care of yourself and get better soon!

  5. You are one of those writers that I look up to and am inspired by. I certainly will miss your writing, but like everyone else has said, you have to take care of yourself first. I’m here for you just as you had been with me through my rougher times.

    Hugs! Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  6. I don’t know what it is that is causing your health issues, but I wish you well and hope that things get better for you sooner rather than later!!!

  7. Dang sad to here, As sad as it it is you know we all want you to do what ever you need to do to get better. I don’t know if your a church going woman, and don’t know if you beleave in prayer, but if you would like a bunch of people praying for you. Just shot me a email and I will get my folks to get the church network praying for you. You don’t even have to say what it’s for, I would not ever think about asking something like that.

    And if nothing else we can network all your friends/internet friends and send you good vibes of good health and what ever more you need.

    Alik Steel

  8. What they said! Health is what matters! Hugs aren’t the same as medical solutions, but they’re being sent anyway. Good thoughts too. :)

  9. *big hugs* I hope you’re able to find some diversions to help occupy your time until this whole mess is settled and you’re feeling well again. I’d like to send you some get-well goodies. Can you email me your mailing address?

  10. Like Kasul says, concentrate on getting well and using what energy you have to try to make yourself as comfortable as possible. We’ll all be here when you’re feeling better.

    I wish there was more we could do besides just wishing you well and sending hugs… :(

    But /hugs anyway. Can’t wait to hear the news that you’re all better!

  11. You have to focus on getting well, and using your strength to stand the pain for now. We’re all hoping it’s sooner rather than later, but appointments are appointments. :\

    Take care, and positive thoughts *hugs*

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