Yesterday the LONG awaited character transfer tokens were implemented in game, and I can only imagine how much money SOE will be making off of those. The automatic transfer that we used to be able to do from the web site has been down since last September, they attempted to move it to a petitioned system which didn’t work out and for the past few months the only way you could transfer a character was to call San Diego during business hours and request a transfer. The price at the time was also $50 which was dropped down to $25, a VERY smart move in my opinion. Especially given how much people like to play with their friends (at least the people I know do).

Myself, I’ll be moving to Antonia Bayle along with Kasul, Wpus, and Ultann all from Kithicor. We’ve made no secret of the fact that Kithicor is a particularly horrid server with very low tolerance for anything that’s not up to standards. It makes finding groups and meeting people hard, and none of us enjoy it very much. We’ve kept to ourselves for the most part, and we’re (as far as I know) all looking forward to the change.

Tipa also moved to Antonia Bayle, where Malfi, Cuppy, and Calreth already are. I have actually played on AB before a few years ago and enjoyed the server, but moved to Najena to be with friends (who eventually moved some place else). I’m hoping this will be the last time I transfer characters anywhere, but I’m not holding my breath, stuff happens.

To start off I’ll be moving my 80 mystic and 80 coercer. I’ll be waiting until Monday as Sunday is the day Ultann will be getting his mythical updates (paid) and I wouldn’t want him have to give that up.

In the mean time we’ve got to pack up the halls on both Najena and Kithicor, and make sure everyone is well situated before the moves. Hopefully it goes nice and smooth, I’m not expecting too much trouble. The potions are VERY easy to use, and tell you of any errors you may experience along the way.

The ONE bug I heard about yesterday involves player housing. If you transfer servers and a name change is required, there was a bug yesterday that prevented the items from within your house from moving with you, because the ownership names did not change along with the character name. This meant if you moved from server A to server B and changed names the house items were still under character A and did NOT move even though the house was now owned under character name B. Very frustrating and I hope there is a solution to that in the works, I’d hate to think of how many players lost the items from their homes yesterday.

Wednesday! I hope it’s a fantastic one and everyone is happy. No doubt I’ll be seeing you all in Norrath! If you’re on Antonia Bayle I look forward to meeting some new friends next week, and reuniting with old ones.

12 thoughts on “Character Transfer Potions are a Go”
  1. I used the transfer token yesterday and it worked fine, except for one glitch. I had some ghost mail messages (ones in my mailbox that didn’t show up), which prevented the transfer. I had to petition, but a GM cleared the out, and then it worked ok.

    The bigger question is what plans does SOE have for dealing with the server issue? I’ve been playing on Antonia Bayle for over a year now, having started over fresh after leaving a server that’s dying. You know what dying means, right? Hard to find a group, only a few guilds have access to the higher level zones, so getting your mythical means paying through the nose. Yeah, the mythical weapon that was intended for raiders but is now required by most pickup groups. It’s one of the servers that’s near the top of the list whenever you make a new character.

    By making it easy and cheap (well, cheaper that it was) to transfer characters, is everyone in EQ2 going to be playing on AB soon? I’m not complaining, but I’d like to know that there’s some plan to deal with the inevitable issues.

  2. Hi Stargrace, a quick pre-welcome back to AB server message. Seems like an age since you left. Did you know Littlebyte and Beafcake have started playing again, and the Inquisition is seemingly back on the scene! Anyhow, I hope your transfer is without stress.

  3. theres been a couple issues with the transfers, but for the most part they seem to be a big hit. People are having ghost mail in their mailboxes that prevents them from moving, and CS has to clear it for them. Theyre looking to see if its possible to allow players to do this themselves. @jsquirrel, theyre looking to see if this is possible. Its not atm.

  4. This is so cool to see you all join AB…Maybe I will see ya in game….Look me up (Fada 80 – Fury, Corpeal 80 – Defiler or Coldheat – 27 Wiz, of course)

  5. Welcome back to AB. You just missed the Festival of Unity – but Festival of Discord will be coming up in the Fall. Of course there are taverns nearly every night of the week now on both sides.

  6. Hello Stargrace. I’m a long time reader of your blog and 1st time poster!

    Now that this transfer service is available, I am also going to be moving one of my toons from Butcherblock to AB and I hope to catch up with you and your merry crew. Reading your adventures always makes me jealous, as all my RL friends have left the game and I have a hard time finding my comfort zone in any of the guilds I join.

    I’ll definitely be looking your folks up when I get to AB

  7. Unrest still seems pretty populated to me. There is a nice range of guilds and people out there from 1 to 80. Of course the majority is 80 (or aiming for 80).
    Don’t know how many people plan on leaving servers though. Good luck in your move, can’t wait to see if everything pans out for you and your friends.

  8. When you were choosing your character’s destination server with the item, did you notice if it was possible to move between regions (ie EU region to US region)?

  9. Even on my server Lucan there was much talk of moving to AB. At this rate that’s going to be the only server with a population.

  10. Dera’s items made the switch, but Ettie couldn’t even get into her house at all!

    I DO hope it’s all fixed now. I’ll be bringing Dina’s stuff from her house, plus her crafting station, mannequins and the room downstairs, and I definitely want all these things to make it to the other side in one piece.

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