August 20, 2009

Stargrace’ Home gets some Love

When it comes to player housing, some times I am in the mood and some times I’m simply not. It’s usually directly related to my moods, and how restless I feel. When I can’t seem to settle down on a character (or server for that matter) and I have no idea what it is that I’d like to do, I turn to decorating. It’s one of those constants not to mention I find it very relaxing. There are any number of homes that I could work on, I like allowing every character of mine (and we all know that tends to be a lot) their own personal space, a place to drop off their trinkets and call their own. A few homes I deem “complete” but then new housing items come out and I need to re-do them (like the grotto event items).

Anyhow, last night was one of those nights so I decided to dive back in to decorating Stargrace’ humble two room East Freeport inn room. I’ve been working on her place off and on for a short while, I didn’t want to own another gigantic house, the few I’ve been decorating lately have all been on a smaller scale. With the expander items allowing you to place an extra 100 items there’s really no reason for me to place 600 items in a house any more unless I’m going to do a completely awesome one (like the Museum idea).

It was a nice quiet way to spend an evening, and thankfully I’m a carpenter so I didn’t have to spend too much money (of course I spent some). I managed to complete her kitchen and dining area (minus a few utensils) and now I just need an idea on what to do for the back room and bedroom. I was thinking of a garden using grotto items but I haven’t really decided yet.

Before I settled into the crafting niche I was working on language quests and Lore and Legend quests. I finally managed to complete the dreaded Naga Lore and Legend – one of those L&L that sit in my book for a number of days, months, and even years before I get around to doing it. I ran around Shimmering Citadel killing all of the undead Naga I could find, and ended up purchasing the final piece I needed (tongue) off of the broker for a few gold. I made a good amount of plat farming other bits and pieces while I tried to hunt down the few last pieces I needed. All in all it was a fairly productive evening.

I almost feel as though I am in limbo until GU53 comes out and the auto mentoring is in place (along with all of the other goodies). I don’t want to do too much because I love the idea of having things actually con to me again, and I am eager to see what new treats we get in game when this goes live. In the mean time, things are a little quiet. Not a bad thing by any means, but it does reduce the excitement of my posts slightly!

See you in Norrath!