September 16, 2009

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

How important is how your character looks to you? Above is my swashbuckler, wearing her T2 void armor and her class hat from the Barren Sky Hoo’loh chain. Hamal was off yesterday and so we decided to work on the class hat, I’ve long wanted a hat with a feather in it (in game) and while I didn’t even know if this one would match what my swashbuckler was currently wearing (I found out it did) I wanted it ‘just because’.

Lets face it, for most people appearance slots in EQ2 are pretty important. Especially with a very limited amount of visually different gear available to players at level 80. There’s the T1 shard set, the T2 shard set, and T3, and T4. If we didn’t have appearance slots pretty much every class would look like every other class. With these appearance slots we’re able to (some what) customize how we look, and change that based on our moods (you have to be level 20+ to take advantage of appearance slots).

Have you ever done a quest (or raid) specifically for a piece of gear that ‘looked neat’? What about that black barrister’s robe that’s quested in Zek? Ever longed for the box of classless hats from the Legends of Norrath? These are hats that give off the appearance of a class hat but is made specifically for the appearance slot without restrictions of class. Ever purchased a clothing item off of the station marketplace? I have, I own the cowboy looking hat – now if only they were heirloom instead of no trade.

I don’t miss not having dyes (a la EQ Live) simply because we do have a large selection of colourful clothing available to us. I know a lot of people constantly ask why we don’t have dye available in EQ2 and the answer is always the same. Since tailors can make appearance armor, and there’s a lot of lower level quests that reward neat looking gear – not to mention some off of mobs (the black and white daring outfit that drops in sebilis for example) I’m confident that I’ll find something out there that looks good.

Now, with the station marketplace some times I feel a little peeved simply because some of the best looking gear is sold on there for real life money rather then giving players the option to find it in game. This can also be said for some of the best looking furniture. I’ve come to simply accept this, I’m not against these transactions (obviously I’ve purchased items myself) but that doesn’t stop me from wishing that some of the items (or all) were obtainable from within the game without having to spend real life cash on it (since I already pay for a subscription). Without getting into that whole argument, the appearance gear really is amazing looking. I still also wish it was heirloom so you could trade it between your account rather then having to purchase the gear for one specific character.

The later stages of the Hoo’loh helm are still green to a level 80, and I had fun doing Halls of Fate (Sothis) with Hamal, two scouts and no healers. The updates were far easier then I ever remembered them being, and the quest even rewarded status at the end which I was happy for. Once the hat was obtained (and login servers started working again, they were down for 2 hours yesterday morning) we decided to level Dragons Flight (my baby guild on the Oasis server) to 15, inching us closer to 30 (which is my level goal for December). The experience is still fairly fast at these low levels, it doesn’t feel as though it begins to slow down until around level 22 or so. I’m hoping to hit level 20 by the end of this month at the latest, and then have the months before December to hit 30 and purchase (yet another) guild hall. We’ll see how that goes, knowing me I’ll be playing some where else by that time, heh.

I hope everyone has an amazing Wednesday, no matter where you find yourself. Happy gaming!