September 21, 2009

Why I’m Not Playing Aion

Yesterday was amusing to say the least. I watched a number of very angry gamers vent their frustrations about the queue lines of Aion, on twitter, their blogs, forums. It was everywhere. I can’t really blame them. I know the excitement of having a new game release and the eager feeling you get when you JUST WANT TO LOG IN, and WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LOG IN! New games are fun. They’re exciting. They’re something new.

I played the Aion beta through all of its stages and I really enjoyed the game. I wrote about it a few times and talked about it with friends. I didn’t really have anything negative to say about it – but I’ve decided that I won’t be playing it.

Why not?

I have a few reasons for this. Number one would have to be that I’m not unhappy with any of my current MMO choices. I have fun in all of the games I play, I’m not unsatisfied, there’s no lure for me to go play something else because I’m perfectly content. I have a good selection to choose from and in the off chance that I DO want something else to play – I want something ELSE, and Aion doesn’t give you something else, it gives you what is already out there and wraps it in a different package. Between EVE (yes, I’ve started up a 21 day trial of that again in the hopes I will actually get some where this time), DDO, Wizard 101,  EQ, EQ2, VG, Free Realms, the occasional WoW,  Champions, WAR, and a few other games that I play for work my MMO plate is already bursting with games that I really enjoy.

The other reason I’m not playing Aion is the cost. While I’m certainly interested in the game I know it’s not something that would hold my attention long term and I don’t want to spend $60 cnd. to try a game for a month. Especially for a digital version of the game.

It feels a little odd to watch everyone get excited and read their blogs and not really be a part of that but I’m happy for the opportunity to watch everyone and see how they react. Are you playing Aion? Enjoying it? Think you’ll stick with it long term?

If you’re not playing Aion, what are your reasons? Please feel free to comment below!

In the mean time, I’ll just keep playing the games I own and watch from afar. Happy gaming no matter where it finds you!