September 24, 2009

How did you spend your time after the patch?

Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity and I had no idea where to start. I decided the Shard of Love was something I had to rush out and see, so access was acquired for that first. My little templar didn’t fair so well with the berserker duo she was with at the time, but later on in the evening I completed access on the warden and went back with a shadowknight and assassin. The story behind the zone was amazing, and I had a lot of fun getting a handful of housing items. Well, more like two handfuls. The wings didn’t drop, but a lot of other really nice things including a chair with a ‘sit’ option that made me crack up laughing because no matter how many times you select it, you will get the message “you don’t really feel like sitting down” that flashes across the screen. Dang, so close!

I didn’t get a chance to try out the chronomagic feature, but I did have a lot of fun looking at the new achievements. A little confusion in channels about alternate advancement (formerly achievements, now aa) and the new achievement system. I’m sure it will catch on in time, especially for those of us who remember EQ Live.

As you can see above, my mystic does not have a lot of achievements. She was never really a quest character, and there’s a lot I haven’t done on her. Hopefully I can change that, and I’m excited about having something to work on. The appearance gear from completing them is pretty neat. I thought I remembered there being more then 488 on test, but I may have been mistaken. I’m sure more will be added with time.

Last night was a raid night, and we were off to Tomb of the Mad Crusader, where my mystic managed to grab herself T4 bracers as well as boots. That brings her to four set pieces, which I’m happy about. After we’d cleared Tombs we headed off to the new x4 raid zone in Everforst, Miragul’s Planar Shard (I believe that’s the name, I may be off this morning). The zone looks almost exactly like Crucible, x4. The gear was not especially exciting, but we did get discovery on a bit or two. Always nice.

Today servers are down with the patch to fix the patch (as usual) and hopefully when they come back up I’ll be working on the Shard of Love access for the mystic, as well as a few other things. Claymore is fairly high on the list of items I want to obtain, which requires a lot of questing. As long as it’s not RoK questing I seem to be doing fairly well.

What about everyone else, how did you spend your time in game once the servers were up? Get to explore anything exciting? I haven’t checked out any new house items yet or even peeked to see where that extra room is in my 5-room homes, but I did find it in my 1-room homes. I had to remove a wall so I could find it in fact, lol.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday, no matter where you find yourself. I’ll see you in Norrath!