September 2009

Questing, Questing, and yes, level 80

Hamal and I worked hard yesterday, leveling the swashbuckler to 80. The experience seemed to crawl by, but eventually we got there.

Once I dinged I was able to put on my T2 shard gear, as well as the earring from yesterdays post and a few other bits and pieces that I’d picked up. We quested in Jarsath Wastes, a little in Moors, and ran instances in Everfrost, Commonlands, and did Crypt of Agony in Sebilis.

I made a set of 42 tailored gear for a guild mate, and then also made 100 potions for another. They were the special potions that require 40k faction with Mara, at 5 potions each combine it took a little time. I love to help out where I can.

Earlier on in the afternoon Hamal and I decided to help out with a Deathtoll raid. The person running it didn’t have access, nor did he have the flame marked shield required to get past the first barrier, so I logged in my warden who had access. The swashbuckler gained a few aa, and while the entire zone was quite messy because it was green and people were just doing whatever they felt like it was still fun. Tarinax who was once such a formidable foe fell within 8 seconds or so.

I’d love to work on Claymore on a character or two and go back and do Deathtoll again some time. I loved the quest chain when everyone was working on it. Mark of the Awakened was another fantastic quest. That, combined with the Soulfire chain, and Godking, are high on my list of things to finish off on various characters. A few have completed these, but not everyone.

In the mean time the little guild of Dragons Flight is coming along. We hit level 13 yesterday and should easily hit 15 today. My goal is to reach level 30 by December, which shouldn’t be too difficult especially once auto mentoring is live and we can run the Courts raid from Desert of Flames. The names within that zone all grant a lot of achievement experience and guild status.

Excited about it? Yes I am!

I’ve been enjoying myself on the Oasis server. It’s quite a bit smaller then the majority of servers out there, but the community is (for the most part) friendly and supportive and there are always groups going on. I’m pretty sure it’s one of the smallest servers (on par with Lucan D’Lere) but there are benefits to that (lack of lag, people farming). I love mentoring down and helping out those leveling up, and it’s refreshing not to see a plethora of insults being hurled through channels 24/7.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday gaming, no matter where it finds you!

All is Fair (or is it) When it Comes to Loot

For those who may not know, hot zones change every day at 8pm EST (5pm PDT) so there’s actually a possibility of two a day depending on when you do them. Yesterday for the better part of the day MM (Mistmyr Manor) in Loping Plains was the hot zone. After 8pm it changed to Ravenscale Repository (the hardest of the three instances).

I was on my 78 (at the time) swashbuckler, and thanks to the shadowknight I’ve been gaming with for seven years now, managed to find myself in a group for the hot zone, along with a dirge, mystic, necromancer, and warlock. The zone was fairly easy, I’ve actually never cleared it before yesterday but there’s two ways to do this.

Number one, move through the zone and kill all of the named one at a time – this gives you achievements for each of the named. However, it is not the only way to do the zone. The other way is to pull the zone so that you leave all of the named up – and then when you defeat the final boss, the loot chests to all of those named spawn in a room behind him. This method means you do NOT gain the achievement for killing each of the named, but we thought perhaps we’d have a better chance at a master chest if 4-5 chests all spawned at once rather then individually.

We ran the script, and carefully avoided all of the named until the end. It was great experience for me who had never been there before, lots of discovery in the rooms, and when we beat the final mob – a fabled chest dropped. I figured it was the lockbox that holds a number of rewards (mostly dps geared) and I was right.

Now. In this box is also a bard only charm that happens to be the best bard charm in the game aside from avatar loot. That’s right, it’s the battle drums that bards pay up to 500p (as I saw yesterday) for. The dirge in our group offered to purchase the loot – if no one wanted any of the rewards (or wanted to sell their share pretty much) but I decided to roll on the loot. I typically have absolutely horrible luck, but such was not the case yesterday, and I ended up winning the lockbox. The dirge was really mad, he had lost a roll on the box previously too. The earring on the right is a significant upgrade for my swashbuckler, especially since she is not a raid character and has to gain her upgrades where she can. Now, the little bit of an issue comes into play with the fact that she was not yet level 80 when she rolled on this. In my opinion, your level does not matter as long as you’re contributing to the group. I was parsing 1.5-1.8k at my level which is quite low – keeping in mind that I’m wearing level 72 mastercrafted gear as well as weapons, and I was level 78 so everything was very orange to me. That’s not too horrible of a parse. Once I hit 80 and have more skills available to me as well as my set gear it should take a significant leap.

Would it have been the ‘proper’ thing for me to do to decline for this dirge? If it were a close friend I may have considered it, but I think the results were fair. We both rolled and the dice just happened to be in my favour. Should I feel bad that I won? I wouldn’t normally, loot is loot after all. The dirge then proceeded to exclaim his woes on the 70-79 channel about losing to me, which didn’t make me feel any better about the situation. The group reminded him that MM would be the hot zone again eventually, and that you can also purchase the battle drums from an NPC in the moors as of the next game update. Instead he wanted to focus on the fact that he lost the roll to me.

What do you do when you’re faced with these sorts of situations? I know a lot of people out there have stories about loot and who wins and who it goes to. I don’t feel that I was out of line on my roll, it was a huge upgrade and a nice piece for any scout (there were also some pants, not quite as nice, a charm, another earring etc) and I would have understood if any of them had rolled. Now if the inquisitor had of rolled wanting this piece for their DPS set I may have been a little more peeved, and yes, it has happened before. The day ended with me questing in Moors for the last 20% I needed, and the swashbuckler hit level 79. One more to go and this will be my 10th level 80 character (and hopefully it for a little while, but with the expansion not releasing until February who knows). It’s very neat for me to be playing a pure DPS class, something I’ve never done before. All of my characters are either support or healers.

Hopefully I can reach level 80 today, and then it’s time to start on my epic!

Happy gaming, no matter where it finds you.

A Little of This, a Little of That

Yesterday for most of the day, The Crucible was the hot zone. However at around 5pm PST or so it switched over to Scion of Ice. I ended up going with my (VERY) under geared defiler, so under geared she wasn’t wearing anything at all except her T1 set which only has 70 power per piece (why on earth it’s that low for a healer I have no idea). I quickly bought a few crafter made bits off of the broker and off I went. We didn’t do too badly, the illusionist and conjuror died twice but that was it. A fabled helm from the final named (near the entrance) was our reward besides a lot of legendary chests. Nothing I could use, but at least I got a few shards.

This morning I ran all of the Commonlands instances, and gained a handful of shards. I’ve been trying to level the swashbuckler but it’s going incredibly slow. She crawled to level 77 this morning. I really dislike having to quest through the levels in content that I’ve done 9x already now. RoK quest grinding is a complete turn off.

Aside from my quick instance runs I have been drifting away from the game a little while I wait for the next game update. There are so many other games going through exciting times right now (Champions release, Aion release, Fallen Earth, DDO going F2P, Wizard 101 having their first birthday just to name a few) that my attention is diverted between a little bit of everything. I always wander back to EQ2, but in the mean time the little bit of a break has been refreshing. More often then not I sit around in game unsure of what it is I want to do. I hope that when achievements come out a lot of people will be going back to older content and completing raids and instances that they may not have otherwise explored. I’ll just have to see how it goes I guess!

Happy Friday to everyone, I hope your weekends are fantastic, and you get to spend them doing whatever it is you’d like to do! I’ll see you in Norrath.

Wandering through the Bog

I may not write about Vanguard all that often, but I still happen to play (and enjoy) the game a fair amount, and since I didn’t do all that much in EQ2 yesterday (more about that later) I decided why not. Vanguard is one of those games that I wish more people played. The population is exceptionally small (especially on servers like Sartok (pvp) or Halgar (EU) compared to Seradon (the most populated server). There IS a community there if you look for it, and it’s very close knit. I’ve been in the guild Save Haven for a number of years now, and lately there has been a surge in numbers and higher level characters in the guild which is something I haven’t seen for a very long time. Members are partaking in raids now, and on any given night there are 10-30 people around, which I think is fantastic.

My main problem in VG is that I feel so lost when I come back to the game – I don’t have the faintest idea where I should be leveling, or where I can actually handle the encounters. I look at the map to get a rough idea of what zones are where and what level it is aimed at, but that doesn’t always help.

I have a handful of quests on me, so I typically pick a “chunk” (zone) and off I go, hoping that it’s enough to gain me a little experience. Last night I was hunting bog creatures in order to find a very rare bracelet that one of the creatures seems to have eaten or stolen from a lady. I hunted for an or or so but saw no sign of the bracelet, I think it must have been digested.

I wanted to do a little crafting, but apparently there’s a pretty sever bug right now that eats up your crafting supplies without giving you anything in return, so I decided to avoid it for the night and just spent my time quietly questing, talking to guild mates and finding my way around. It was a great way to spend an evening.

I’ve been pretty pro vanguard since release, despite the bugs and issues with performance, I always felt that the good surpassed the bad, and I’ve always personally enjoyed playing. I don’t debate that the release was absolutely horrid, but for some reason something still keeps me coming back for more.

Time to go draw a name for a contest I was hosting over on the Beckett MOG forums for an umbra sword, so I’ll end this post early today. Hopefully I’ll get a little more game time in, we’ll just have to see!

Happy gaming no matter where it finds you.

Nomadic Gamer