October 1, 2009

What’s your best customer service story?

Yesterday little ranger Willamina (pictured to the right sporting her seafury buccaneer cloak) managed to inch her way to level 72 thanks to the help of Shadowgeist and Hamal. Between instances like Crypt of Valdoon, zones like Mistmoore Catacombs and Castle Mistmoore, as well as a brief stint in Sebilis (which was ‘fun’ to get to at level 71 when I had no sokokar or druid rings completed) she gained her levels as well as a few aa.

It was time to finally put on that level 72 mastercrafted gear, as well as make her first few skills. I am slowly going broke again (alts always seem to eat up all my cash) but I know I’ll make it back once I start actually questing with her again. I still need to get a cloak, some charms, food drink arrows and 1 weapon for her, but she’s well on her way. It helps that I have crafters who can create everything – and Hamal made me my jewelery as well as my skills.

Now the slow grind to 80 begins, and I do think it will be quite slow. Considering the ranger only has 1 day and a few hours played, I can’t really complain.

I’m also making adept3 for my bruiser who is level locked at 15 – and her paladin friend who is locked at 15 as well. We haven’t done any quests yet, and I plan on completing a bunch of those before we raise the level cap to 20. Having some adept3 should help the process. Once we absolutely run out of things to do at level 15 we’ll decide on where to level next. I’m excited about it, for once not rushing to end game and being able to enjoy the game in a completely new and different way that I haven’t experienced in a while. I do tend to take my time through the newer content, but stuff that’s been around for a while  I have typically already done a million times.

While working on my claymore quest (with the mystic) I came across a large issue. I had picked up the quest while my character was a defiler, the quest differs from the Qeynos version. Mid way through I betrayed over to a mystic, and upon completion of my quest the NPC would no longer speak to me because I was not the right alignment.

I petitioned when this happened, and after a bit of a wait (longer then I am used to because there are exceptionally heavy load requests going on at the moment) a friendly GM contacted me and asked me to log over to her so they could help me out.

After five years of playing EQ2 I stick to my opinion that the GM’s in EQ2 are some of the BEST you will ever find, in any game. They may not always be as prompt as you would like but they certainly try to take care of absolutely any issue you may experience. As long as you’re not asking for something impossible, and you’re kind and polite when you do ask, they will try their hardest to help you out. I have contacted GM’s a large number of times about everything from deleted characters, to housing issues, name issues, lost items, selling things to merchants by mistake, quests, and pretty much anything else you could think of. Each time they were polite and helped me to the best of their abilities. This sort of service is something I really treasure, and a service that I think more people need to appreciate. Sure, if you ask for something off the wall they’re not going to be able to help you, but they’ll still try and answer.

What about you, have a story of in game customer support (doesn’t have to be EQ2 related) that you’d like to share? What are some of your best MMO related customer service stories? Comment below!

In the mean time, happy gaming and I’ll see you in Norrath!