October 15, 2009

Do you Play for your Friends?

I’ve always said that my friends are what make games absolutely amazing for me. Being able to interact with them and share stories as we adventure long is a concept that just can’t be beat. Sure, I play lots of games without my friends too, but the games I play the most of, are typically played with at least one other person (or more). Those where my friends don’t typically play I will WANT to play more of, but rarely get around to it.

Would you put up with a poorly made game in order to play with your friends who make it more ‘fun’ for you? Have you before? How far would you go in order to share your gaming experiences with someone you know?

Yesterday was an absolutely amazing time in game, both in The Lord of the Rings Online where my Hobbit Minstrel managed to inch her way to level 15, and in EverQuestII where I spent the evening playing with friends who I haven’t played with in quite some time on the Antonia Bayle server. It started out innocently enough, I peeked at the chronomage quest and noticed it was scornfeathers roost. Then I made the suggestion to Ibeogur that we attempt it without a healer, using chronomagic to mentor down.

We tore apart the zone, and picked up our new relic plushie at the end, which was a lot of fun. We also decided to try our hands at the shard of love – as a berzerker and illusionist combination this zone was TOUGH even using chronomagic to lower the zone by a few levels. We didn’t really get anything to note from the zone but I did pick up a very neat looking sword that I intend on passing to some “yet to be created” alt. My final alt at that because my account will be filled once she’s created, hehe.  Before too long Ultann logged in and he has been leveling a baby dirge for his adventures, so I logged over to my templar (named Petites, which is a play on petite and means small in french) and we headed off to Sinking sands to do more leveling. We headed through Hidden Cache, as well as the instance located in the Sinking Sands Graveyard that escapes my mind right now. Vault of Dust? I think that may be the instance in Clefts of Rujark which is where we headed next. We racked up the achievements, and the alternate advancement points, and over all just had an amazing time joking around and playing the game with each other.

Before too long it was time for me to call it a night (so I could watch some glee and do some knitting before bed) but it was still a LOT of fun, and I had almost forgotten what it was like to have that sort of game play. I’m exceptionally blessed, and I make sure I realize it every single day.

Happy gaming, no matter where it finds you!