October 21, 2009

Getting Things Done

Hanging out at the waterfalls in Nektulos Forest. I decided that I had the quest ‘glowing black stone’ in my quest journal for far too long and it was time to do something about it. The quest is not complicated, but it does make you return to the Oracle Tower in Antonica a handful of times which can get annoying. Thankfully my recall to guild hall button is on a short recast timer, so gating back home and taking the portal to Antonica is never difficult.

Torrent Knights is inching through level 48, with the new guild members throwing themselves into their own Heritage Quest runs. We’ve already got three amenity picked out, a training dummy, portal to member housing, and a wizard spire. When I can afford it I’d also love to move us over to a T2 guild hall, but we’ll see how that goes.

Further proof that you do NOT need to be uber in order to get things done in game. On a whim Wpus and Ultann and I decided we would attempt Kurns Tower (the group version of course, not the raid version) with just the three of us. Ultann (Shadowknight – though he also boxed his inquisitor), Wpus (Conjuror) and myself (Mystic) managed to clear the ENTIRE zone with just the three of us. I was surprised, and very pleased. Ultann got himself an amazing ring upgrade, although I was really hoping that the healer charm would have dropped. My mystic needs new charms badly. The EA (in Jarsath Waste) charm also refuses to drop for me, figures.

I still need to finish off doing the Nights of the Dead events, the haunted houses as well as the maze another time. I finished off my 25 quests in Sinking Sands last night before bed, and earned myself another achievement. I’m also closing in on 195aa which is the furthest any of my characters have gone to date. One of these days I’ll actually hit 200 on at least one character.

Other then that, it was just a pleasant night of gaming! I hope everyone else is enjoying their Wednesday, and I will see you in Norrath!

NaNoWriMo – Almost here again!

Not gamer related, I know how dare I. It’s rare I make these types of posts though, and it’s important. Well, to me it is.

It’s almost November, which means almost a year has gone by already since I participated in my very first NaNoWriMo – wow. Time really does fly. If you’ve never heard of NaNoWriMo before, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and it runs world wide for the month of November. The challenge is for people to write a 50,000 word story within the month. That is a LOT of writing, compacted by real life that won’t stand still. It’s an amazing challenge, and it also helps raise money to inspire kids and adults to continue with their creative endeavors.

Last year thanks to some very generous donations I managed to raise $200 and this year I’m looking to break that goal and up it by $50, bringing the grand total to $250. It is a huge goal for me I realize what with all of the economic issues going on right now – but I’m still going to try, even if I don’t make it.


Well, that’s the easy part. First of all I absolutely love to write, and I really love the creativity that I see from other people. It inspires me, and motivates me. November will be a trying month, and what better way to convince myself to sit down and finish my novel then to actually have people who believe in me and sponsor me, donating money for a fantastic cause. These donations will spur me on, and inspire me to complete my novel.

If you’d like to please help me out and donate, then head over to my donations page here. Everything is tax deductible, and you can also get soem goodies from donating. I’m going to be writing about my progress here on my personal web site, and when the story is completed I’ll be sending it out to anyone who would like a copy.

If NaNoWriMo is something you think you may want to take part in then be sure to register over on the official site, and let me know! I’m always interested in seeing who is giving it a go, and reading their work if I can by the end of it. You can also check my word count progress at the end of the month by searching for me on the NaNoWriMo web page, my user name is MorrowS.

I’m so excited about this year, it’s going to be fantastic, I can already tell.