October 24, 2009

The Little Guild That Could

From left to right – Calreth (Erudite Wizard), Ibeogur (Ogre Berserker), Ellithia (Wood Elf Mystic), Hamal (Sarnak Assassin)

We did it. Last night the guild of Torrent Knights managed to ding level 50 and unlock the tier 2 guild halls. These halls cost 250p and are quite a bit larger then the T1 hall we had been staying in temporarily. I had drempt about purchasing one for quite some time, and it was always one of those ‘we’ll get one some day’ goals I had in game. Thanks to some massive writ grinding last night by Calreth, Wpus, and myself we managed to make that goal a reality.

Needless to say I spent most of yesterday (0nce the writ grinding was done) unpacking our old hall into the new place, setting up bedrooms in the basement, putting together the crafting area. Purchasing two new amenity (we went with the spires to the Overrealm and the portal to member housing) and just generally running around in the new space having a fantastic time. It was exciting.

Our trophy room now holds 7 guild hall trophies and we’re looking to expand on that. For a guild of less then 10 people, we do surprisingly well. I have heard multiple times on channels (especially on Oasis) that there is no room for small guilds, that there are too many people who choose that rout and that they should be merged into larger guilds. I do not think any of that holds true. Smaller guilds have just as much value as larger guilds, and when they work towards a common goal pretty much anything can be accomplished. I love the friends I’ve made in TK, we talk on a first name basis and we’re pretty close. We have alliances for raids (well those who want to raid at least) and we get just as much done in our small guild as anyone does in a large guild, maybe even more.

I couldn’t be prouder.