The screen shot is the night time view out of my guild hall, we have a transportation room set up, and it was just amazing. This weekend was filled with some great gaming, and a visit to my parents place where they have a new kitten that’s getting used to the home. My mystic is slowly closing in on 200aa, and then that character will be what I consider ‘done’. She has 5 pieces of tier 4 gear, her mythical, she’s fully mastered, and once I get her 200th aa there won’t be anything pressing that I feel I need to get done. Then I’ll start working the illusionist to 200 aa. That’s the plan in any case. Chances are I won’t manage to get any of that done, but we shall see!

Crafting while watching episodes of Bleach and Ikkitousen last night was how I spent the evening. I’m trying to get my 2nd woodworker to 80 (different servers) and I have a few other tradeskillers I’m looking to level up. By the end of things I should have all 9 on each server. A little odd, I know but hey I love crafting especially when I can multi task at the same time. I spent some time with the chronomagic ability, mentored myself down to 30 and headed to Fallen Gate to try to kill a few named I hadn’t gained achievements from yet. Outside of Fallen Gate the dragon Ladon was up, he seems to be up fairly frequently, so if you haven’t killed him for aa, don’t forget. He’s level 22 and used to be epic but has since been reduced to heroic.

It was a quiet day, but I still had a blast. Guild mates trickled in and out throughout and I had a really polite tell from a reader of the site (I’m sorry I’ve forgotten how to spell your name, but I remember you sending me the tell) which was sweet. I also managed to drag my templar along to Maidens for her first mythical update. Now she’s waiting on a Korsha raid. Vaults was before Maidens, Ultann is trying to level his dirge up. I believe he hit 72 yesterday, which isn’t too bad.

It’s Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing what adventures I can get into this week! Happy gaming, and I will see you in Norrath!

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