October 31, 2009

Torchlight, I gave in

I love reading my RSS in the morning, and watching twitter to see what everyone is up to. Everyone has such unique opinions and ideas, and their game play follows that. Most of the time people are talking about games that I don’t currently play, but I can live vicariously through them and play in a certain manor of speaking.

Everyone has been talking about three RPGs lately that are coming out (or have already come out). If you’re into games at all you’ve probably heard of them, Borderlands, Torchlight, and Dragon Age. If you haven’t, then go look them up!

I’m not a huge fan of science fiction (I know, flay me now) and managed to avoid the calling to Borderlands, but after listening to people talk about Torchlight for the past little while, I decided to get it and give it a try.

There are two major reasons for this in my line of thinking. Number one, the price. It’s only $20 and when most games coming out are $50+ that makes a huge difference to me. I’ve also never really been a huge gamer (I know, another gasp was just heard there) so when people compare this game to others out there, it doesn’t really make a difference to me because I’ve never played those other games before.

The game itself is fun, I like the graphics, and it’s something I can sink into easily without having to worry about holding up a group. It’s a genre I enjoy, and I really like the simplicity of it. I didn’t get to play a great deal last night because by the time I finally made the decision to purchase it was getting late, but my archer (I love ranged attacks) is level 3 and I was having a blast. In fact I spent a good 15-20 minutes at a random fishing hole just because.

Game has a pause button too, which is something I can appreciate on those hectic days.

So if you’ve been on the fence about this game, give it a try. There’s a demo out that you can play if you’re not sure whether or not the game is for you, but for $20, you really can not go wrong.

Sorry this blog post follows so many others out there that have already talked about this game in far more depth then I have, but that’s what I was up to last night, so that’s what I wrote about! Enjoy your Halloween – don’t forget clocks go back an hour early Sunday morning, and happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!