November 3, 2009

Oasis Rat Race

If you haven’t been paying attention to the EQ2players web site, you may have missed the announcement about Kiara and Amnerys hosting a rat race on each server for players to partake in. By now most of the servers have had their rat race, but last night it was Oasis’ time to shine, and shine we did! It was an amazing time had by all, and I think that although the crowd was small, they were filled with just as much spirit as every other server. There were prizes given out to everyone who took part (or observed!) and goodies for those who came in first, second, third or fourth place. They were mostly house items, some fire works and the orange halloween robes, fantastic prizes for anyone.

I absolutely love anything that brings a server together like this, and of course have to extend a HUGE thank you to Kiara and Amnerys for hosting the event, as well as the guides who stopped by to ensure that everything got off smoothly (because we know how those two can be). I got to meet Squeecha finally, who may or may not have become the object of many a pillow and snow ball fight afterward.

There are still a few servers that are running their Rat Races so if you haven’t managed to stop by one yet, there’s still time (as long as you have the character slots to create a new character that is). If you did manage to partake in one, how did it go? Isn’t it fantastic that we have these sorts of events?

I’ll be posting more pictures as well as an article on the Beckett forums later today, so be on the look out!