November 4, 2009

Dragon Age Ramblings

Today was one of those horrible days where I barely got anything done, real life kicked me around and so for most of the evening I decided to just do absolutely nothing and sat down with some great story telling from Dragon Age, and a little Torchlight – that’s right, I didn’t even play an MMO (brr, feel that? Hell just froze over). I am absolutely LOVING Dragon Age – which is a giant surprise to me, because while I do like RPGs I’ve never really been a HUGE fan. I’ve never played another Bioware game before, and discovering how much of a fan I am now is a lot of fun for me. I’ve heard a few people complain about the graphics, but the stories are SO interesting and so involved that I can easily look past the flaws in graphics and lose myself in the story line.

The one issue I have is when I play in 3rd person (scrolled in) I wish the camera followed my character instead of me having to right click to rotate it. I’m getting used to exploring in the furthest view, and then scrolling inwards for combat or if a specific item requires me to, or simply to look around a little at the scenery. It’s just something I’m personally not used to, nothing game breaking.

I won’t give any spoilers, but I wish I had started playing this at the beginning of NaNoWriMo – the story I am currently writing would have probably been a LOT different then. It’s so easy to get involved with your character based on the decisions and actions you make throughout the game, and I’m just having a lot of fun with it. For those who use the Bioware social network you can find me on there as Stargrace and add me to your friends lists. I’m currently playing a Dalish elf, rogue, and I’m looking forward to hearing what everyone else is playing!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.