Player-Written Books

*** These books can be read on the Antonia Bayle server, in South Freeport at the Personal Library portal (alt+w in South Freeport if you are unsure of how to get there) under the name of ISHBEL. If you would like to donate a book, please send in-game mail to STARGRACE on the Antonia Bayle server. Or mail me:***

Author – Title

  1. Aina – Munch Meister: Tiers 1-6 Guide to Essential Dining in Norrath
  2. Aina – Munch Meister III: Tier 9 Guide to Essential Dinning in Norrath
  3. Alacar – EQ2 Pocket Reference
  4. Alannys – The Story of Saryrn: By Love Betrayed
  5. Aloysiius – Riddles of Norrath – Keran
  6. Aloysiius – Riddles of Norrath – D’Lere
  7. Alteru – From the Dawn of Time to the Present Day: A Brief History of Norrath, Volume 1
  8. Alufia – The Erotic Adventures of Ertu and Aucran Vol. 2: Dark Sword Rising
  9. Amariella – The Fable of the Golden Wheel
  10. Anakh – Derom’s Fall – A Maj’Dul Story
  11. Antekrestos – Forming a progression raid guild with a twist!
  12. Antu – The Trial of Riathan Windblade: Volume I
  13. Antu – The Trial of Riathan Windblade: Volume II
  14. Antu – The Trial of Riathan Windblade: Volume III
  15. Antu – The Starcrossed Lover of Sindarin the Smoove: Volume I
  16. Antu – The Starcrossed Lover of Sindarin the Smoove: Volume II
  17. Antu – True Confessions of Truer Innocence: Volume I
  18. Antu – True Confessions of Truer Innocence: Volume II
  19. Antu – True Confessions of Truer Innocence: Volume III
  20. Antu – A Cold Morning for Zanadi T’Nar: Volume I
  21. Antu – A Cold Morning for Zanadi T’Nar: Volume II
  22. Antu – Sofea and the Sinister Ducky
  23. Antu – Heart of Duckness: Notables of the Court of Abominable Duckies – Volume I
  24. Antu – Heart of Duckness: Notables of the Court of Abominable Duckies – volume II
  25. Antu – Heart of Duckness: Notables of the Court of Abominable Duckies – Volume III
  26. Antu – The Trial of Mindeey Do’Katal: Part II – Volume VI
  27. Antu – The Brave New Tale of Sindarin the Smoove: Volume I
  28. Antu – The Brave New Tale of Sindarin the Smoove: Volume II
  29. Arbreth – Slip’s Cheese Pie
  30. Arbreth – Niblet’s Dance
  31. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Major Arcana (Part 1)
  32. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Major Arcana (Part 2)
  33. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Minor Arcana (The Court of Blades)
  34. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Minor Arcana (The Court of Coins)
  35. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Minor Arcane (The Court of Tears)
  36. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Minor Arcane (The Court of Truth)
  37. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: Maj’Dul (The Rules)
  38. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: The Spread
  39. Aristeus – The Tarrochi of Tunare: Maj’Dul (The Board)
  40. Arepo – A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an anigma
  41. Artemesia – The Grinch Who Stole Christmas ~ Dr. Suess Vol. 1
  42. Artemesia – The Grinch Who Stole Christmas ~ Dr. Suess Vol. 2
  43. Arthalion – The Ballad of Battle Bridge
  44. Arthalion – An Objective Guide to the Races of Norrath
  45. Arthalion – Erud’s Vision and the Dark Truth
  46. Arthalion – Erud and the Troll
  47. Arthalion – The Teachings of Erud
  48. Arthalion – The Plea of the Intelligentsia
  49. Aryndahnis – Clan Sh’Talynurianth: What it means to be Iksar – Prologue
  50. Aryndahnis – Clan Sh’Talynurianth: What it means to be Iksar – Chapter 1
  51. Arysh – The Enchanted Grottos of Norrath
  52. Asentis – Tales of Kunark – Life Afoot a Cold Paw I
  53. Asentis – Tales of Kunark – Life Afoot a Cold Paw II
  54. Asentis – Tales of Kunark – Life Afoot a Cold Paw III
  55. Asentis – Tales of Kunark – Life Afoot a Cold Paw IV
  56. Asentis – Tales of Kunark – Life Afoot a Cold Paw V
  57. Astald – Prayer Book
  58. Astald – Ceremonies of Marr: Marriage
  59. Athema – Lenalia Datura – Volume 1
  60. Athema – Lenalia Datura – Volume 2
  61. Atlea – A Curiosity to Quench Vol 1
  62. Atlea – A curiosity to Quench Vol 2
  63. Atzila – Anatomy of the Soul Vol. 1
  64. Axxon – Innoruuk’s Commandments
  65. Bakmej – How to make money at EQ2
  66. Baldrikk – Kubla Khan Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  67. Bellacouste – Cookbook I – Sweets and Deserts
  68. Bellacouste – A Ratongan History of Cheese
  69. Biza – What Norrathian Woman Really Want (A Woman’s Advice to Desperate Men) Deluxe Ed.
  70. Blythe – Divination: A Beginner’s Manual
  71. Brax – The Crafter’s Little Helper Vol. 1 – Harvesting
  72. Brugo – Dirty List of Secrets (ed.1)
  73. Brugo – The Joy of Bearded Women (ed. 1)
  74. Brugo – ABC’s for Dwarfs (ed.1)
  75. Brugo – Dwarven Book of Insults (ed.1)
  76. Buds – In the Distance
  77. Calily – De’Fafnyr Wine List
  78. Cechir – The Parable of the Spiders
  79. Chablet – A Half Breed’s Tale – Part 01
  80. Chablet – A Half Breed’s Tale – Part 02
  81. Cheddarella – A loresearcher’s Frostfell
  82. Chura – Sage’s Sanctum Grand Opening
  83. Corsic – Know Your Node
  84. Clereece – High Elven Magic
  85. Clereece – Not ALL Evil ~ The Woes of a Gentle Assassin
  86. Corydonn – Brawlers guide to Raiding
  87. Corydonn – Corydonn’s Autograph
  89. Cruellae – Mercenary
  90. Cruellae – Bladesong
  91. Cruellae – A Black Bird Against the Desert Moon, Volume 1
  92. Cruellae – A Black Bird Against the Desert Moon, Volume II
  93. Cruellae – A Black Bird Against the Desert Moon, Volume III
  94. Cyliena – The Chronicles of Glystal, Volume 1: Chaotic Flux
  95. Cyliena – Qho’s Misadventures! – Volume 1
  96. Cyliena – Qho’s Misadventures! – Volume 2
  97. Cyliena – Tome of Dusky Poems
  98. Cyliena – Tome of Frivolous Poetry
  99. Cyliena – Qho’s Fan Faire Adventures!
  100. Cyliena – Qho’s Brewday Adventures!
  101. Cyliena – Gardy The Frostfell Elf
  102. Dawid – Freeport Observer: Tenth Anniversary of Pallidmortis Death Celebrated
  103. Dawid – Freeport Observer: Historians Reject Anti-Lucanic Revisionism
  104. Dawid – An introduction to Lichhood
  105. Dawid – Freeport Dictionary A-C
  106. Dawid – Freeport Dictionary D-J
  107. Dawid – Freeport Dictionary K-P
  108. Dawid – Freeport Dictionary Q-Z
  109. Dawid – The Darklight Pact
  110. Dawid – A Condemnation of Neutrality
  111. Dawid – The Take of Spindel, Black Baron of Qeynos
  112. Dawid – Knights of Freeport Home and Hall Inspection Guidelines
  113. Dawid – Health tips for Pregnant Woman
  114. Dawid – Prison Strategies for Adventurers
  115. Dawid – How to discredit a unwelcome report
  116. Dawid – Maj’Dul – A horrible Place to Live
  117. Dawid – Gorowyn – A Horrible Place to Live
  118. Dawid – T’Haen Vampires – A Case Study
  119. Dawid – Research Notes on the Myr’Dal
  120. Dawid – A pamphlet distributed in North Freeport
  121. Dawid – The City – Meditations on Urban Decay
  122. Decimatr – Lore and Legend Guide
  123. Dimu – The Keys to the Ferrari: How to Shadowknight
  124. Divyne – Little Treasures (Harvesting Guide)
  125. Drakael – History of the Green Council
  126. Drekkan – The Path to Freedom – Escaping Freeport
  127. Drekkan – The truth about Iksar extremism and how to fight it
  128. Dorielle – From Ashes, Flames – Volume Two
  129. Dorielle – From Ashes, Flames – Volume Three
  130. Dorielle – From Ashes, Flames – Volume Four
  131. Doxx – Doxx’s Big Book of Evils
  132. Echoson – The Keepers: Fuyuwinter
  133. Echoson – The Keepers: Edwerd
  134. Echoson – The Keepers: Xanis
  135. Echoson – The Keepers: Phindarr
  136. Echoson – The Keepers: Vaupia
  137. Echoson – The Keepers: Rodahl
  138. Echoson – The Keepers: Aevarion
  139. Echoson – The Keepers: Turan
  140. Echoson – The Keepers: Stargrace
  141. Echoson – The Keepers: Phindarr
  142. Echoson – The Keepers: Meleah
  143. Ecep – The Battle at the Claymore
  144. Ellithia – Welcome to the Norrathian Museum
  145. Emeol – The Nature of Mana
  146. Emeol – The Art of Scrying
  147. Emeol – The Great Work
  148. Enjoys – FESTIVAL of UNITY 2013
  149. Ernool – Adventures of the Fancy Vol I – The Chamber of Immortality
  150. Facemeats – Aether Racing Techniques
  151. Facemeats – City Race Advancement Pointers
  152. Foramir – By the Sword and By the Rose
  153. Foramir – The Philosopher’s Stone: Book the First by Prophetess
  154. Foramir – The Philosopher’s Stone: Book the Second by Prophetess
  155. Foramir – The Philosopher’s Stone: Book the Third by Prophetess
  156. Flamesong – Songs from a Broken Heart
  157. Flamesong – Songs for the Seasons – Volume I
  158. Flamesong – Songs for the Seasons – Volume II
  159. Flamesong – Words Unspoken – A collection of songs
  160. Flamesong – Nyte’s Desyre – A collection of songs
  161. Freeportcomics – Captain Freedom Coloring Book, #1
  162. Freeportcomics – Captain Freedom Coloring Book, #2
  163. Freeportcomics – Captain Freedom Coloring Book, #3
  164. Freeportcomics – Captain Freedom Saves Frostfell
  165. Flux – 0100101 The Secret of Norrath
  166. Gaige – The – Team I.L.M.M.W.P.E.E. Book ‘o Rules
  167. Gaxiiz – Gaxiiz Snaxiiz Provisioning Co. Introduction Vol 1.
  168. Gezm – The Rime Come Forth
  169. Gezm – Of Valor and Steel
  170. Gezm – The Titans Clash Vol. 1
  171. Gezm – The Titans Clash Vol 2
  172. Gezm – Famous Vessels of the Sea
  173. Gezm – The Pirtes Code, transcribed by Gez
  174. Gezrn – Daidalin Longarrow Vol. I
  175. Gezrn – Daidalin Longarrow Vol. II
  176. Ginnsue – Zen & the Art of Block Breaking & other Haiku
  177. Gladiolia – Favorite Psalms
  178. Graveshroud – Indigo Grave Robbers
  179. Graveshroud – Carousing Norrath – Etiquette and Advice
  180. Graveshroud – Departed Souls
  181. Gungula – Aether Racing Techniques
  182. Heoc – The Organization Guild Book
  183. Husar – The Tale of Albion and her Orion
  184. Hustled – CHEAP PORN! — 1st Edition —
  185. Hustled – CHEAP PORN! — Scratch and Sniff Edition —
  186. Hykata – The Gift of the GiggleGibbers A Frostfell Play for Heroes of War (BB Server)
  187. Hykata – The diary of the Lady in White
  188. Ibeogur – Ogur Fore Hi-Er: Ogur Trabuls Tu Butterblock!
  189. Ibeogur – Da True Adventures of Ogur Vol 1.
  190. Ikmachek – Life in the Academy I
  191. Ikmachek – Life in the Academy II
  192. Inch – How to Become an Evil Overlord
  193. Japhy – Meditations of a Raging Drunk, ch 1
  194. Japhy – Meditations of a Raging Drunk, ch 2
  195. Japhy – Meditations of a Raging Drunk, ch 3
  196. Japhy – Meditations of a Raging Drunk ch. 4
  197. Japhy – Meditations of a Raging Drunk ch. 5
  198. Jastin – The Lustful Thrall, Volume 1*
  199. Jastin – The Lustful Thrall, Volume 2*
  200. Jastin – Resistance of an Iksar!*
  201. Jastin – Vithing, Volume I*
  202. Jastin – Vithing, Volume II*
  203. Jastin – Vithing, Volume III*
  204. Jastin – Devotion, Volume I*
  205. Jastin – Devotion, Volume II*
  206. Jastin – The Auction House – The guild for Owners and Thralls*
  207. Jastin – Forbidden Night*
  208. Jastin – Shadows of love volume 1*
  209. Jastin – Shadows of love volume 2*
  210. Jesynda – “Sizzle Magazine” – Vol 1. “10 Creative Ways to Lose a Male”
  211. Jazabelle – A Fairy Tale: Beautys and the Beasts, Volume I
  212. Jazabelle – A Fairy Tale: Beautys and the Beasts, Volume II
  213. Jazabelle – A Fairy Tale: The White Kerra, Volume I
  214. Jazabelle – A Fairy Tale: The White Kerra, Volume II
  215. Jazabell – The Book Volume 1 (by homeshow, transcribed by Jazabell)
  216. Jazabell – A Fairy Tale: Adiantum, Volume I
  217. Jazabell – A Fairy Tale: Adiantum, Volume II
  218. Jazabell – A Fairy Tale: The Froglok Prince, Volume I
  219. Jazabell – A Fairy Tale: The Froglok Prince, Volume II
  220. Jessawyn – Sizzle Magazine Vol. 3 – Top 10 things to do on a Norrathian Date
  221. Jessawyn – Sizzle Magazine Vol. 1 – 10 ways to lose a male
  222. Jessawyn – Sizzle Magazine Vol. 4 – The Honey-do-not List top 10 ways to lose your lady
  223. Jessawyn – Dizzle Magazine Vol. 2 – Decoding the Mysteries of the Norrathian woman
  224. Jexi – The Froglok Who Came to Dinner
  225. Johrael – A Dark Knight of the Fairer Type
  226. Jovien – Introduction: The Falfallon Cycle
  227. Jystana – The Discipleship’s Early Reflections – Vol 1
  228. Kaezala – KoH Guild Events, Vol 1
  229. Kaezala – KoH Guild Events, Vol 2
  230. Kaezala – KoH Guild Events, Vol 3
  231. Kaezala – KoH Guild Events, Vol 4
  232. Kardell – 10 Reasons why Lera is indeed a Frostfell Elf
  233. Kaalenarc – A selection of Norrathian Fables
  234. Kalmaraa – Memories of a Primary Vol. 1
  235. Kalmaraa – Memories of a Primary Vol. 2
  236. Kathenna – Jokes Vol. 1
  237. Kathenna – Jokes Vol. 2
  238. Karra – Test of Time: What Happens in Skype doesn’t Stay in Skype Vol. 1
  239. Kasul – In the Moment – A shatteredsoul story
  240. Kasul – Poem of the Undying’s Grace – A shattered Soul Story
  241. Kathenna – Jokes Vol. 1
  242. Kathenna – Jokes Vol. 2
  243. Kavala – Orders from the Personnel Office
  244. Kayael – Maiden’s Fancy 2nd Annual Auction Flyer
  245. Kayael – The Fancy’s Finest Issue 1: Tamriel
  246. Kayael – The Fancy’s Fintest Issue 2: Nikatell Brewmouse
  247. Kayti – Blintzes and Filled Sweet Bread
  249. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay part One
  250. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay Part Two
  251. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay Part Three
  252. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay Part Four
  253. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay Part Five
  254. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay Part Six
  255. Kikiriki – The Path to Decay Part Seven
  256. Kikiriki – The Cheddar Thief
  257. Kikiriki – Whys Qeynosians Ares Stupids
  258. Kikiriki – Tonga Rulses for Survival
  259. Kikiriki – Whys Major Jhael is a Frostfells Elfs Ands We Shoulds Be Carefuls
  260. Kittykill – The Uberninja (A Book for All Ages)
  261. Klumpp – Tactical Mercy
  262. Kosovos – The Freewriter: Old News
  263. Kruda – A berserker’s tale volume 1
  264. Kruda – Urgent Letters
  265. Kruda – Urgent Letters II
  266. Kruda – The Unyielding Thoughts
  267. Kryvina – The Ratonga Sutra
  268. Kvanilya – Innoruuk’s Commandments
  269. Lamisa – The Night of the Long Shanks
  270. Llamo – Ode to the Badger: A Miner’s Tale
  271. Laupe – Laupe’s Erollis Manor Book Store Catalog Deeprice 3862
  272. Laupe – Legacy of Ykesha Vol. 1: Prophecy of Grozmok
  273. Laupe – Legacy of Ykesha Vol. 2: The Stone is stolen
  274. Laupe – Legacy of Ykesha Vol. 3: Mithaniel Marr’s Blessing
  275. Legacy of Ykesha Vol. 4-5: The Fall of Grobb/Exodus to Neriak
  276. Laupe – Legacy of Ykesha Vol. VI : In pursuit of the stone
  277. Laupe – Velious Opportunities Antiquities Manuscript Vol. 1
  278. Laupe – Sub Deities: Ayone – Zebuxoruk
  279. Laupe – Planes of Power: Vol. 1-2
  280. Laupe – Planes of Power: Vol. 3-4
  281. Laupe – Planes of Power: Vol. 5-6
  282. Laupe – Planes of Power: Vol. 7-8
  283. Laupe – The Gods: Book 1 Bertox – Mith
  284. Laupe – The Gods: Book 2 Pvoar – Tribunal
  285. Laupe – The Gods: Book 3 Tunare – Xegony
  286. Laupe – Journals of Al’Kabor Book 1
  287. Laupe – Journals of Al’Kabor Book 2
  288. Laupe – Journals of Al’Kabor Book 3
  289. Laupe – Journals of Al’Kabor Book 4
  290. Laupe – Journals of Al’Kabor Book 5
  291. Laupe – Journals of Al’Kabor Book 6
  292. Laupe – Birth of Fordel Mist Vol 1.
  293. Laupe – Birth of Fordel Mist Vol 2.
  294. Laupe – History of Velious
  295. Laupe – History of Luclin
  296. Laupe – Velious Opportunities: Antiquities: Manuscript Vol. 2
  297. Laupe – Velious Opportunities: Antiquities: Manuscript Vol. 3
  298. Laupe – History of Kunark Vol. 1
  299. Laupe – History of Kunark Vol. 2
  300. Laupe – Children’s Book of Poems Vol. 1
  301. Laupe – Gnollish Dictionary
  302. Laupe – Orcish Dictionary
  303. Laupe – Ratogan Dictionary
  304. Laupe – Ykeshan Dictionary
  305. Laupe – Oggish Dictionary
  306. Laupe – Fier’Dal Dictionary
  307. Laupe – Kerran Dictionary
  308. Laupe – Sebilisian Dictionary
  309. Laupe – Halasian Dictionary
  310. Laupe – Thexian Dictionary
  311. Laupe – Dwarven Dictionary
  312. Laupe – Erudian Dictionary
  313. Laupe – Guktan Dictionary
  314. Laupe – Gnomish Dictionary
  315. Laupe – Ayr’Dal Dictionary
  316. Laupe – Words of Shade Dictionary
  317. Laupe – Koada’Dal Dictionary
  318. Laupe – Goblish Dictionary
  319. Laupe – Stout Dictionary
  320. Laupe – Way of War Vol. 1 Laying Plans
  321. Laupe – Way of War Vol. 2 Waging War
  322. Laupe – Way of War Vol. 3 Attack by Stratagem
  323. Laupe – Way of War Vol. 4 Tactical Dispositions / Energy
  324. Laupe – Way of War Vol 5 Weak & Strong Points
  325. Laupe – Way of War Vol. 6 Manuvering
  326. Laupe – Way of War Vol 7 Variation in Tactics / Army on the March Part I
  327. Laupe – Way of War Vol 8 Army on the March (Part II)
  328. Laupe – Way of War Vol 9 Terrain
  329. Laupe – Way of War Vol 10 The Nine Situations (Part I)
  330. Laupe – Way of War Vol 11 The Nine Situations (Part II)
  331. Laupe – Way of War Vol 12. Attack by Fire
  332. Laupe – Way of War vol. 13 The Use of Spies
  333. Laupe – Reading Primer: A SUNFLOWER STORY
  334. Laupe – Shapes of Leaves/How Plants Grow
  335. Laupe – Reading Primer: The Little Girl who Loved to Paint
  336. Laupe – Primer: A Weaving Story
  337. Laupe – Reading Primer: The Necklace of Truth
  338. Laupe – Reading Primer: A Wonderful Ball & Other Stories
  339. Laupe- Reading Primer: The Magic Window
  340. Laupe – Laupe’s Erollis Manor Book Store Catalogue
  341. Laupe – The Book of Ages Vol. 1
  342. Laupe – The Book of Ages Vol. 2
  343. Laupe – The Book of Ages Vol. 3
  344. Laupe – Proper Dining Etiquette
  345. Laupe – Reading Primer 1: Little red Hen
  346. Laupe – Dictionary of the Common Language for the Young
  347. Laurien – Jaza’s Turban
  348. Laviser – A Study of Two Cities – The Fundamental Differences Between Qeynos and Freeport
  349. Layla – Lycanthropy: Volume 1 by Velimos
  350. Layla – Lycanthropy: Anatomy Vol: II by Velimos
  351. Lellah – First Brigade Operations Manual: Volume II
  352. Lera – Twas the Night Before Frostfell, 2nd ed.
  353. Lestat – GUIDE: Harvesting – The Tier and Tools
  354. Levae – The Freeblood
  355. Levae – Elven Culture
  356. Llith – A Cheesy guide on How to Make Delicious Halfling Delicacies
  357. Losraidbanker – Kahling’s Big Book of “Thingies” Volume 1
  358. Losraidbanker – A Gnomish Guide To Banking & Other Creative Accountancy Adventures
  359. Loviana – Wisdom: Not Only for Priests
  360. Loviana – Collection of Poetry
  361. Luceia – Stray – The Tale of Luselia
  362. Lustrose – The Annals of the Rose, First Era
  363. Lustrose – The Annals of the Rose, Second Era
  364. Lustrose – The Annals of the Rose, Third Era
  365. Lynnahra – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 1
  366. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 2
  367. Lynnahara – Norrath is a Big Place – Volume 3
  368. Lynnahara – Norrath is a Big Place – Volume 4
  369. Lynnahara – Norrath is a Big Place – Volume 5
  370. Lynnahara – Norrath is a Big Place – Volume 6
  371. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 7
  372. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 8
  373. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 9
  374. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 10
  375. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 11
  376. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 12
  377. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 13
  378. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 14
  379. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 15
  380. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 16
  381. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 17
  382. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 18
  383. Lynnahara – Norrath is A Big Place – Volume 19
  384. Lyrahs – Norrathian Noobie Notes – A practical Guide for Starting Out
  385. Lyrahs – Coming out in Qeynos – A story of Discovery. . . And Love
  386. Makti – Makti’s Pocket Harvest Reference
  387. Masq – The Secret of da Echo Chamber
  388. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 1
  389. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 2
  390. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 3
  391. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 4
  392. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 5
  393. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 6
  394. McTavish – M’ctavish’s Dictionary of the Incredibly Difficult Diction of The Ancients Vol. 7
  395. Mekoa – A Knightly Feast
  396. Mekoa – The Mage’s Ruse Vol. 1
  397. Mekoa – The Mage’s Ruse Vol. 2
  398. Melago – The Origins of the Blueberry Elves, and Dwarfs
  399. Melodramatic – Lady’s Man, ch. 1
  400. Melunios – A Game of Minds, Chapter One – Adventure series
  401. Melunios – A Game of Minds, Chapter Two – Adventure series
  402. Miache – Of Lynnesse and Machin
  403. Moltove – Recipe: Flaming Kelethin
  404. Moltove – Recipe: Old Kelethin
  405. Moltove – Recipe: Green Kelethin
  406. Miashi – Tale of the Wandering Rogue, Part 3
  407. Narciso – A Mysterious Leaflet
  408. Narciso – Freeport Observer – Even Paladins Recognize Overlor’s Power!
  409. Narciso – Freeport Observer – A City in His image
  410. Narciso – Freeport Observer: Widows and Orphans Fund Donations Rise, Do your Part Today!
  411. Narciso – Freeport Observer: Freeport is Victorious, Pallidmortis is Slain!
  412. Narina – The Twelve Days of Crafting Frostfell
  413. Nasha – 5 hour Food & Drink Shopper’s Guide
  414. Natailya – The Greatest Treasure ~ Part 1
  415. Natailya – The Greatest Treasure ~ Part 2
  416. Nepatos – Templar AA speccing for Raiders
  417. Neversea – Of Dusk and Dawn – Dungeon Souvenir
  418. Neutrino – Guide to Housing: The baiscs
  419. Nightprowlerr – All RP Venues
  420. Nikatell – From Slums to Fancy vol 1
  421. Nikatell – From Slums to Fancy Vol II
  422. Nikatell – From Slums to Fancy Vol III
  423. Nikatell – From Slums to Fancy Vol IV
  424. Nikatell – From Slums to Fancy Vol V
  425. Nikatell – From Slums to Fancy Vol VI
  426. Nikatell – Brewmouse Poetry
  427. Nikatell – The Teensiests Tongas
  428. Nikatell – Of Thighs, Sighs, and Longing Eyes
  429. Nikatell – The Teensiest Tonga Dreams of Lucan
  430. Nuzzle – Tales of the Masked Nuzz
  431. Nuzzle – Tonga Traditions
  432. Nuzzle – Nuzzle’s Guide to being a Stud
  433. Ocarinah – Crafting Mats: Elite and Raid Apprentices
  434. Ocarinah – Elite Tradeskill Apprentices
  435. Ocarinah – Tradeskill Apprentices
  436. Ocarinah – Harvesting (Rares)
  437. Onwell – Heartfelt Words, the Knightly Rendezvous Edition
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  444. Phaeoria – The Esoteric Teachings of Tylwyth Vol. 5
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  451. Phaeoria – The Miscarriage of a Goddess Vol. 2
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  455. Phaeoria – A Mid-Autumn Knights Dream Vol. 4
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  457. Plushie – The Bloodmare Vol. 2
  458. Plushie – The Bloodmare Vol. 3
  459. Plushie – The Bloodmare Vol. 4
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  488. Powdar – Greens Fees
  489. Ragedragon – Moonlight Event Location (Every 20th)
  490. Ragedragon – Harvesting for Dummies: Zones and Levels (2ed edition)
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  492. Ravenseye – The Choice of the Queen or the Overlord
  493. Reedeep – Male or Female? (Volume 1)
  494. Renita – Beyond Good and Evil, the Autobiography of Renita Lux’Angelus – volume 8
  495. Renita – The Fable of the Cursed Forest
  496. Repel – PoR Suicide Kings Loot System as of 10.2.2011
  497. Reylin – Compositions in the key of Fool – Volume I
  498. Rezikai – Fall of the Ashlands: Prologue 1
  499. Rezikai – Fall of the Ashlands: Prologue 2
  500. Rezikai – Fall of the Ashlands: Prologue 3
  501. Rezikai – Fall of the Ashlands: Prologue 4
  502. Rezikai – Tales of the Age of Enlightenment: Aros Thalinor
  503. Rezikai – Tales of the Age of Enlightenment: Holciel Rowen’dal
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  505. Rezikai – Fire and Ice: Of the Shard Vol 2:1
  506. Rezikai – Fire and Ice: Of the Shard Vol 3:1
  507. Rezikai – Finding the Isle of Ro, the tale of the Godking Anuk: Vol 1.
  508. Rezikai – The Isle of Ro, the tale of the Godking Anuk Vol: 2
  509. Rezikai – The Isle of Ro, the tale of the Godking Anuk Vol: 3
  510. Rezikai – Inns and Taverns of Norrath
  511. Rezikai – Sarek the Betrayer: Vol 1.
  512. Rezikai – Sarek the Betrayer: Vol 2.
  513. Rezikai – Sarek the Betrayer: Vol 3.
  514. Rienna – Patriotic Anthem
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  516. Rienna – Alilth Velkyn: The Unseen
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  518. Rienna – Patriotic Cooking: Rienna’s Casserole
  519. Rivald – Gorynn – The God of Gladiators
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  523. Rivald – Finding Strength and Avoiding Weakness
  524. Rivald – The Evil Qeynosian Empire
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  526. Rivald – Soulbonding Marriage: Erollisi’s Evil Trap for Foolish Tier’Dal
  527. Rivalz – The Lord of the Sprockets; the colleagues of the sprocket (part 1)
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  529. Rivalz – Starlight in the Canvas
  530. Rivuleth – Skyheart Vignette – 1
  531. Rivuleth – Skyheart Vignette – 2
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  533. Rivuleth – Skyheart Vignette – 4
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  535. Saiggan – The Fall of the Great City Veril
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  538. Sathyris – The Council of Norrath Recruitment Information – 2nd edition
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  541. Seduisant – The Obedient
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  543. Seduisant – The Tempting
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  547. Sethimothy – Aruku Adventures – Chapter 3: Aruku the Provisioner
  548. Sethimothy – Aruku Adventures – Chapter  4: Varsoon’s Gun
  549. Sidhewing – Mythical Updates Vol. A-Mo
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  551. Sigrdrifa – Dark Elf, Dark Heart: Alfsvarta’s Tale
  552. Sigrdrifa – Gnomish Invention I: Explosion and Destruction in Qeynos
  553. Sigrdrifa – Gnomish Invention II: Gnomish Dreams
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  557. Sirreth – Tales of the Black Bard: Morning Glory, Part II
  558. Sirreth – Tales of the Black Bard: Curse of the Crystals
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  560. Shaok – Deep Water, Volume 2
  561. Shaok – Elements of Combat
  562. Sharazhad – 1000 Nights in Maj’Dul: Night One
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  569. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 1
  570. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 2
  571. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 3
  572. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 4
  573. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 5
  574. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 6
  575. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 7
  576. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 8
  577. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 9
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  586. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 18
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  588. Shivarkah – History of the Viswords: Part 20
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  598. Slipps – A list of recommended venues (ed.2)
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  600. Slipps – Vagabond Knights – Recruitment Guide
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  645. Uthanuk – Central computer core – datalog 04059.hq_T
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  657. Valeona – A Tonga’s Guide to Not Getting Eated
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  696. Xyri – The Norrathian Book Revival and Museum
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  699. Yaddari – A Stroke of Bad Luck – Chapter 3
  700. Yorvik – Medical Biology: Sarnak Overview
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  702. Zanadi – Darkness Comes Book 2
  703. Zecht – The Art of Melee Combat
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  708. Zorgin – Zorgin’s Guide to Being a Nuisance Volume 2
  709. Zorgin – Zorgin’s Guide to being a Nuisance – Special Frostfell Edition

* = NSFW (not safe for work)

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