December 14, 2009

Limited Weekend Gaming (but still fun)

Ibeogur and my warden Seduisant headed to DFC to complete the Chronomagic quest from last week. I love this zone. I loved it when it was a lot more difficult too, and you needed an actual group to complete it. It still has lots of memories even though the script has changed. I don’t typically enjoy the archers who stand on the top of the towers and rain arrows down over the group until we manage to scramble up there and kill them.

T’is the season for family get togethers and for me this was no different. I had a brunch to attend on Saturday that was loaded with bacon, eggs, roasted potatoes, ham, and all sorts of other goodies. Next week I have a lunch to attend, and everyone has Christmas parties going on. Of course since I work from home I’d have to throw myself my own party, but hey that could be fun too!

I hope everyone is gearing up to have a fantastic holiday season, and I want to say a huge thank you to some amazing people out there. My readers of course, those who have followed me here on MmoQuests as well as Beckett Massive Online Gamer, and all of my friends. Brenda, Nicholas, Thomas, Derrick, Angela, Pat, Peter, Brad, Christopher, Matt, and a whole bunch more. You guys mean the world to me and don’t ever forget that!

Back to gaming!

I did some crafting this weekend. Trying to get all of my ‘left over’ characters to 80 before February. I picked up some new books for my library (and thank you those who have donated) it’s been fantastic. I also ran through some more frostfell quests and dragged Calreth along with so that we could save up our tokens and purchase ice dividers for the basement of my Norrathian Museum. Happily, it’s ALMOST done. After over a year in the making. Then I can turn my attentions to someone else’ house that needs work. I’ve been decorating my guild hall room as well (there are five rooms in the basement, and the founders of the guild each get one as their own) as well as the overall guild. Now that we’re not moving anywhere any time soon, it’s time to settle!

Aside from that, things have been quiet. Just the way I like them.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday, and happy gaming no matter where you find yourself! See you in Norrath!