December 19, 2009

Acts of Gamer Kindness

This year I got it into my mind that I would run a 2009 Gamers Secret Santa, asking anyone who was interested in games in any aspect to participate if they wished. I drew names to match people with their gift receivers, and kept the pricing low. I kept myself out of the draw because I didn’t think it would be fair to know who had me, and just ran it for those who decided to participate. It was a small turn out, but still enough interest to make it worth while for next year (and hopefully more will decide to partake next year, we’ll just have to see).

Anyhow. I had a few reasons for running this which I mentioned before, first and foremost simply because I wanted to bring the community together a bit. Sure, we all play video games – but behind all of those pixelated characters we’re actually people, just doing our thing. We may not be particularly interested in learning more about one another but that’s one of the main aspects to why I game. I love meeting new people, learning about them. Their life, their culture. Differences in opinion. Sharing experiences. All of that keeps me coming back for more. I wanted something simple that would be able to open up that door a bit.

As a thank you yesterday I received the items pictured above in the mail, a thank you for running the 2009 Gamers Secret Santa, and a request to “keep spreading the goodwill”. I was so incredibly touched and happy for the remainder of the day. When Spyderbite posted on twitter that people should ‘pay it forward‘ I couldn’t agree more.

Some times we forget that we have an influence over whether or not someone has a better day then they’re already having, by doing some really simple things. Scarybooster for example has been posting some ‘getting to know‘ posts on his web site, bringing awareness to other writers. I think this is wonderful, and I bet it cheered some people up immensely.

With the new year coming up, I think we should all be a little more aware of our personal random acts of kindness in the gaming world. Giving away gear for free, sending a friend something just because. Not spouting off that rude comment to someone who may actually deserve it. There are so many small things that we can do to make the gaming experience better for someone else without expecting something in return.

To all those who have demonstrated random acts of kindness to me over 2009, thank you. So much. It’s these things I remember and I take with me when I go through difficult times, and it’s made all the difference in the world.

Back to our regular scheduled blog posts! I think I’ve got enough syrup for my pancakes now..

Little Minstrel Continues On

I’ve been having a blast in the Lord of the Rings Online these past few days, things are a LOT smoother then I remember. I started off three days ago at level 19, barely remembering my way around Middle Earth, and now I’m sitting at level 25, and still exploring through the lone lands. There is a bonus to experience while the Yule festival is going on, but even without that, the experience is flowing nicely. One thing I love about questing in the Lord of the Rings Online is that the quests actually flow together. You don’t finish all of the quests at one hub and wonder where you’re supposed to be next, each quest leads to the next area, and you’ve got a clear path on where you’ll find encounters your level. I find that in WoW I’m all over the place, without the faintest idea of where I should be for my level without looking up some sort of guide. Now, this could also be seen as a bad thing, after all maybe that’s too much ‘hand holding’ in a game, but if I don’t WANT to follow the quest path, I don’t have to. I can wander off and explore, or go harvesting, or craft. There’s other things for me to do.

The quests themselves are a little lack luster, your typical kill X number of bears/boars/spiders/orcs/goblins and return them to an npc, broken up by periods of instancing. Rewards have been good enough to keep myself and Hampooj (Guardian pictured beside my Minstrel above) geared without feeling as though we’re going to die any second. Although we have died, plenty.

This is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in the game, and I’m having a lot of fun this time around. I’m not sure exactly why, nothing has changed since other times I’ve played, but as long as I’m enjoying myself I suppose it doesn’t matter. I guess one factor is that I’m exploring places I’ve never been before (in game at least) and while the quests may feel the same as every other MMO out there, I love looking at new sights.

Tomorrow I plan on spending most of my time in EQ2, as I am preparing for my Troubador to finish her mythical. That will make my 3rd completed mythical (Illusionist and Mystic already have theirs) and I’m excited. I just need leviathan and my Veeshan’s Peek kill to complete it, which should be easy enough. Of course she’s well behind in achievements so who knows if I’ll ever manage to hit 200 on little Goudia, it’s not something I’m actively working towards at this point in time.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend no matter where you find yourself. Only one week until Christmas! I can’t believe it’s snuck up on us so fast this year.

Happy Gaming!