A Month in Screen Shots

I am constantly taking screen shots in game – I mean, so many that I have folders upon folders of screen shots over my last 10 years of gaming. I’ve decided to add a new feature once a month that will include a month of my EQ2 experiences in screen shots, since there are a lot of shots that never make it to this web site. So, here’s the month of October.

The guild of Torrent Knights decided to band together for an evening and complete old raid zones that we had either never been to, or missed the achievement for. It required a lot of traveling, and I’ve always loved the view of the Oracle Tower in Antonica.

The Festival of Discord on the Antonia Bayle server was a huge success, and the decorations were superb. Thank you everyone involved! I had a blast roleplaying as Stargrace.

Nights of the Dead took place, lots of haunted houses and vampires. I loved that we managed to obtain the smokey mirrors to craft this year.

The rat race took place, hosted by the Community Team, I didn’t partake in the actual race, but I did cheer from the side lines and kept those guides and other people busy with my pillow throwing antics. A great time was had by all.

Looking forward to posting Novembers screen shots next month!

Saturday Book of the Day

(( Every Saturday I try to post one of the books from my collection in the Norrathian Museum I have on the Antonia Bayle server. If you’re interested in donating a book to my library please feel free to mail Ellithia in game (I’ll even send you a blank book if you’re creating from another server) and if you’d like to visit the museum yourself, please feel free. It’s located in North Freeport, at the magical housing in the mage tower. There are over 100 player written books in my collection so far, and I plan on adding as many as I can. ))

The Path To Decay Part 1 – By Kikiriki

Meeka never knew what hit her.
The young mother screeched as claws shredded her flesh, and the flesh of her children.  The band of Kerran Brigands was ruthless, laughing and snarling the entire time as they tore a limb off here, ate some flesh there. The screams were horrendous, and most likely enough to keep even the bravest souls within their hovels.

With the last of the mother Ratonga’s strength she threw the tiny golden-furred pup she had been clutching, the runt of her large litter, under a merchant’s stall. The small ratling just barely rolled under it before the Kerra fixed their gaze upon Meeka.

“Lives!” she just managed to cry before another Kerra took her head from her shoulders.

When the cat men had finished their grisly meal they quickly made their escape, leaving the tiny child to fend for herself.

The next morning the Militia found the bloody scene. Partially eaten Ratonga bits, both mother and child, scattered as far as the eye could see in bloody smears of gore. A Tier’Dal guard poked Meeka’s remains with a steel boot.

“Mother and her offspring. Attacked by Kerra, judging by the footprints. I suppose we’ll be the ones to clean it up,” he snarled to his ogre companion with barely veiled disgust.

“I think we should report it.” grumbled the looming ogre, scratching is head.

The elf scoffed, “As though anyone would come forward with information about this! Are you mad? I certainly have no desire to complete worthless paperwork over this. Just…get a bucket of seawater and wash it away.”

From the ground by the guards’ feet, the little golden-furred Ratonga sneezed in high pitch. The Dark Elf immediately noticed the noise, his long ears perked, and bent low under the stall to investigate.

“Well. What do you know? They missed one…” he grinned wickedly as he roughly grabbed  the little female by the scruff of her neck. She squealed, but made no move to fight back. The Ratonga was so light that even the Dark Elf could hold her up in front of his face. His crimson eyes studied her with avarice. “A new thrall… my children could use a new plaything I think. Last I heard, the old one died horribly. This one will be a suitable replacement.”

The ogre grunted.

“Ya ain’t s’posed to take slaves on duty, Dartar. Cap’n said. Ya know what happened last time.”

Narrowing his eyes to slits, the Teir’Dal glared at the little pup. After some hesitation, he shoved the tiny creature under an arm.

“Fine. I’ll look for any surviving relatives… Uguut, get that bucket of seawater and see to this mess.” The elf paused as he glanced to the bloody mess ecompassing the street and walls before him, “…Better yet, use a barrel of seawater instead.”

“You got it.”

With that business attended to, Dartar walked through Temple Street with the golden-furred child under an arm. He searched about through the bustling rats, seeing if any of them were female. He stopped several Ratonga, held the child by the scruff, and asked if they knew her name or her mothers. For a while it seemed Dartar would end up with a thrall for his children at the end of the day. Surely the Lieutenant would allow him to keep the unclaimed rat. However, that end was not to be, as one elderly female Ratonga with a gray muzzle and patchy coat recognized the little pup.

“Meeka’s pup… Hers name is Kikiriki, dear… How dids you comes to have her in yours care?” the elder asked with a mostly toothless smile. She only remembered Kikiriki’s name because of how truly small the child was.

“What is left of her family is smeared by the merchants stalls by the gate.”

The elderly female’s warm expression shattered into horror.

“….she is the onlys one lefts?”

The guard was quite amused at the old Ratonga’s reaction.

“Thrown under a stall as it were. But enough of that. Has she any other benefactors?” Dartar grumbled.

“Nones… the poors dear is all alones in the worlds.”

The elf grinned darkly.

“Then I shall take her.”

The old woman’s horror replaced itself with anger, “Now justs a minutes, sirs… You can’ts just claims a child likes that!”

“Tell me, old one, who would care? No one can lay claim to her as you’ve just said.”

“Oh, I sures can. Give her heres!” she replied to the elf, and without permission grabbed the pup from him and cuddled her protectively, “I’lls care for hers.”

Dartar grumbled as the elder kept her gaze on him while turning her body, and therefore the child, away from him. Now he’d have to find another thrall for his children to play with. Slaves weren’t terribly cheap, either. Thinking further, the guard realized that this would give him a perfect excuse to raid Antonica again. The little pup soon left his mind.

“See that you do, Citizen.”

With that, Dartar nodded once, and walked off to find his ogre companion. Tonight, there would be a hunt.

The elder Ratonga, Shursha, quickly shuffled off to her meager hovel, Kikiriki bundled protectively in her arms. Once inside, she lay the child on her tattered bed and covered her with a mended blanket. Soon after, she began patting her back now and then, humming a soft and relaxing tune. In her spry days, the elder had been a bard.

“Supposes the works of a mothers is never dones, is its love? …My poors child,” soothed Shursha.

For small Kikiriki, the following years would be tumultuous indeed.

Reinstalling Games, and Pre-Order Thoughts

The last two days have resulted in very little game time, although I knew that would be the case. I finally took the plunge and upgraded my beta version of Windows 7 to the full version of ultimate. This meant that once again I spent two days reinstalling everything to the computer. Along with that, I decided to reformat two of my three drives, and then organized what was going on them. It was really about time and I feel great having a computer that’s organized and tidy. After a few years everything I’ve put on it was starting to add up. It also gave me the chance to get rid of all of the games that I’m not playing, or played once, or thought about playing, downloaded, and then left them in their folders. I took care of the main games: the Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Unlimited, EverQuest, EverQuestII, Vanguard, Wizard 101, Sims 3Torchlight, Dragon Age, Aion, and Guild Wars. The rest will have to be added as I get to them.

The screen shot is that healer charm that I finally managed to get from Kurns. The mana is quite low on it, but I enjoy the rest of the stats and the clicky can be used every four minutes or so which really comes in handy. Especially on fights in Kurns where you’re casting cures constantly. In fact I’m pretty sure I spend more time curing in TSO then anything else. I’m really hoping Sentinel’s Fate will not be more of the same.

Speaking of which, the pre-orders started yesterday. The retail version allows you into the expansion a week early – something that I’m not personally keen on. I don’t think I’m going to bother pre-ordering, I don’t mind waiting a week to experience the content. Of course that means that I’m going to be moaning and complaining when the time actually comes, but that’s alright. I imagine that raid guilds and other hard core guilds may actually require their guild mates to pre-order retail, so that they can be ‘first’ in line to experience those things. Especially since there’s an extra 10 levels added to the game on top of all of those raid zones.

We’ll just have to see!

Kurns and Crucible, sitting in a Tree.

Torrent Knights picked up another new guild mate last night – Threllgar joined the guild (once I’d told him about what sort of guild we were and warned him of course) which was fantastic. I never intended on TK turning into a ‘real’ guild, and it’s still not what I would consider one, but I’m always happy when new people join up (even if we eventually scare them away). As it happened, not only did we get a new guild mate, but most of the ‘core’ of the guild happened to be on (aside from Calreth, who is stationed out in the Jungle currently) and so we decided to take advantage of that. Grabbing the new guild mate, Wpus, Ultann, Hamal, and myself decided to head to Kurns and attempt to get a few drops that we could use.

We have been there before, and completed the zone with four of us so taking along someone new wasn’t going to be an issue at all. I had been trying the previous two times to get the fabled healer charm to drop from the 2nd named encounter and low and behold this time it actually dropped! It’s been ages since my healer has managed to find herself an actual upgrade, and I was exceptionally pleased. It was a gigantic upgrade to what I was wearing, and we had a blast doing the zone.

Each time we go to a zone we seem to discover something new. Last night on the second floor we discovered a very bad bug. Seems that the walls of the room are not as solid as some would think. We typically fight the named up on the wall – and found ourselves tankless once again. Turns out if you bounce around up against the wall you’ll get ported outside to fens. We played around with this ‘feature’ a few times, and found all of us bounced outside to fens. Lesson learned, don’t fight near the walls.

Aside from that one mishap things were smooth, and since there was still a little time after we decided to head to Crucible and complete that zone. Since there’s really no reason to bring two healers I relogged over to Stargrace and dusted her off a little. I’m still trying to collect shards for three pieces of WoE gear that I’ve had rotting in my bags for quite some time now, but of course I tend to procrastinate and it’s been ages since I’ve actually ‘worked’ on getting those shards. I can’t help it, after saving up shards for 13 level 80’s (T1) it gets tiresome. Every so often I get enough motivation.

Hopefully we didn’t scare the new guild mate away, we chattered freely in EQ2s voice chat (not because we had to but because we’re all friends, so why not) and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Today is a Holiday here in Canada (Remembrance day) and I’ll be headed out to watch the ceremony down town. Hope everyone has a fantastic Wednesday.

Working on Achievements

It wasn’t that long ago that EQ2 added achievements to game, and if you’re the type of person who wants to complete absolutely everything they can on their ‘main’ character, chances are you’ve spent a lot of time hunting down the more elusive achievements to add to your collection. I haven’t gone out of my way to obtain them, but last night Wpus suggested we clear up some of the simple ones that had been kicking around our quest journals. There were a lot of exploration achievements that I could easily finish off simply by visiting one location or two, so that’s what I spent last night doing, running around to hit the few locations in a zone I had never been to before.

I admit, I like achievements. I think it gives people who thought they were ‘done’ with the game something else to strive for. While they don’t exactly have a huge affect on the game you can get some pretty neat titles and gear from completing them. It’s also a good way for me personally to separate my ‘main’ characters from the rest of the level 80’s I have, as those ones will tend to have more achievements then my other characters.

Have you been working on achievements since they’ve come out? Have any in particular that you really enjoy? Any achievements that are not listed that you’d like to see? Let me know!