Book of the day – Ode to the Badger: A Miner’s Tale

(( Every week or so I try to include a player-written book here on my web site, one that I’ve got gathered in my Norrathian museum. You can donate books to me on the Antonia Bayle server, and I’ll send you a blank book or cash in return for helping me out. If you’d like to visit the museum in person, head to the North Freeport Mage tower, bottom floor where the magical housing is, under the name of Ellithia. ))

Ode to the Badger: A Miner’s Tale – By Llamo

I grab my pick and head for the hills,
to gather metals to pay my bills.
Feet hitting the grass and the sun in my face,
I know that I’m in the right place.

I look out and about far and wide,
to spot those nodes where they may hide.
I see one, tiny little grey lump,
I run up and chip off a little bump.

Horray!  I found a bit of ore,
I must keep going to find some more.
One node, two nodes, three,
I am finding metal everywhere I can see.

Alas, the day grows long,
the amount I’ve gathered worthy of song.
My bag is heavy and my strength grows short,
I’m thinking it’s time for a port.

I begin to cast a spell to return home,
I then spot another node all alone.
I check my bag and yes, there’s room,
I charge off for riches are soon.

With revived vigor, I raise my pick,
downward I thrust and the pick does stick.
This was different, I did not hear the usual sound,
I look down and yes, the object was indeed round.

It was grey small and stayed in place,
this little node was not the usual case.
The node began to bleed,
my pants I almost peed.

The node had a head and looked up at me,
It let out a scream and tried to bite my knee.
I pulled up on my pick but it would not give,
blood was leaking like water through a sive.

I think my pick was lodged in it’s spine,
I paniced and said, “All is fine.”
It was enraged with the pick in his spine,
I held onto my pick for it was mine.

It lept forth and bit my ore filled sack,
I grabed it and pulled it back.
A hole tore open and my ore hit the floor,
wrath filled my soul and I let out a roar.

I made up my mind this would end now,
I needed the coin that ore would endow.
Reaching out I grabed my pick,
I laughed as a person whose mind was sick.

My foot was then pressed on the back of it’s neck,
freeing my pick I said, “What the heck.”
Gripping my pick tight, I gave it a thrust,
through the back and out the bust.

The scream was horrible, it was going to die,
with rage I yelled out, “Tonight, Badger Pie!”
Screaming mixed with snapping bones,
shortly quieting down to simple moans.

I gave it one last strike,
from my pick and the tip of the spike.
It was then dead and the struggle came to an end,
I felt calm for my ore I did defend.

I gathered up my ore from the ground,
thinking about the badger I did pound.
The ground was mushed into mud,
from all the thrashing and wet with blood.

I cleaned off my bits of ore,
vowing this would happen no more.
Oh what a stupid badger that was,
all squishy and covered in fuzz.

Why would nature play such an evil trick?
If this was meant to be, why is she all so sick?
I stay up at night wondering about these,
Nature is suppose to be sweet, about the birds and the bees.

What a twisted sick wench she has to be,
to play such a trick on me.
To make badgers look like an ore node
ones you see along the Antonican road.

No doubt this will happen a second time,
now I coat my pick with posionous slime.
Next time my pick hits something alive,
it won’t be like kicking over a bee hive.

O’ badger who’s life I did snuff into death,
you strugged with your very last breath.
I write this tale to honor your soul,
but you may have lived if you didn’t tear open that hole!

New Danger Hound!

Wizard101 ran a contest not too long ago where if they met the goals of followers on Facebook, members who had also joined up with Wizard101 central would recieve a Danger Hound, as well as gold for additional members. Codes started being emailed out on the 21st of December, and this morning I logged in to find my own Danger Hound as well as 5500 gold!

Pictured above is my little Angela Ravendust, 27 life wizard (still trying to finish up Krokotopia, which has been slow going since I’ve been trying to get my 2nd account caught up).

This is my first pet that actually has a purpose aside from looking neat – it actually adds a card to my deck (which I of course forgot to get a screen shot of). Looking forward to testing it out though!

Hopefully since I’ll be away from the PC this holiday season I’ll be able to sneak in some Wizard 101 time while on my laptop at my parents place, I’m VERY eager to start exploring Marleybone and get away from all of this sand!

The Sundered Frontier

Yesterday I was lucky enough to find these images tucked away in my mail box – no doubt delivered by a mischievous dark elf, with wings. Ridding some grand steed. At least that’s what I imagined in my mind. In actuality I had to hurry up and close the door before even more snow piled into my house.

Rumor has it these are some pictures of the Sundered Frontier, and you’ll want to read more about it tomorrow on the EQ2players page, so bookmark it and keep checking back!

Be sure to click on the images to see the full view – they’re pretty spectacular!

Kurns Tower and Friends gaining Mythicals

Yesterday in a rare decision I put up my LFG tag (on both the illusionist and mystic) and got about 6 tells within a minute asking for – raids. Not groups. I barely have the patience for a PUG group, let alone a PUG raid, so I politely declined, and waited for a group who was looking for one or the other of my characters instead (and this is where the WoW LFD (looking for dungeon) tool would really come in handy for EQ2).

I still didn’t have too long of a wait, there was a Kurns Tower group heading off and they needed an enchanter, so I relogged to Stargrace and ported myself to the group (thank you 6 year veteran reward). The leader of the group asked me if I was new to the server as they hadn’t seen me around before. I told them I mostly kept to myself but no, I wasn’t new at all.

I play a LOT of support classes (I have 2 80 bards, 3 80 enchanters, and 3 80 healers just as an example) and one of the first things anyone ever asks me or tells me in a group is if I have such and such buff, and could I please put it on them. My group yesterday was not like this – and it was SO refreshing. For once they didn’t insinuate that I didn’t know how to play my class, or care if I had the TSO end line aa. My illusionist does happen to have those buffs and I am pretty good in deciding who should get what, so it was just nice to enter a group and complete a zone without any hassle.

It was a fast run and we managed to get the achievement for completing it in less then an hour which just added to the pleasantness. Nothing of note dropped which sucked (and we had a boxed bard that basically autofollowed and cast buffs and that was it) but it was still one of the best groups I’ve been on pug-wise.

In other fantastic news, Malfi is the proud owner of his mythical weapon as of last night! It is always so awesome to see friends names in the server wide message that goes off each time a mythical is obtained. Congratulations! I’m sure he’ll make great use of it.

Christmas is creeping up VERY soon! I’ll be headed to my parents place for a few days, but I’ll be dragging along the laptop (which has a few of my favorite games on it) so I’ll still be around to bug everyone. Have a fantastic holiday and stay safe!

See you in Norrath!

All about the Grind

Yesterday while I was playing Aion I came to a realization about myself. Games involve a whole slew of different activities that you can do in them depending on your personal choices, and one of those personal choices happens to fall under the category of ‘grinding’. I’m sure at some point in time, in some random game, we’ve all come across this. It’s where you do the same thing, over and over again for whatever reason (quest reward, experience, etc). This isn’t simply leveling up, it’s leveling up in the same little area for a good length of time.

Now, my realization was that number one – I don’t mind grinding, at all. But it depends on where I am and what I am doing. For example, craft grinding? I enjoy a great deal. I could sit for hours and watch movies on my laptop while crafting on my PC and it doesn’t phase me in the least. I actually find it pleasantly relaxing. Quest grinding on the other hand I can not handle for any length of time – game dependent. I don’t mind quest grinding in LotRO – but absolutely refuse to do it in EQ2 (especially RoK quests). I don’t mind grinding solo, in my own little area undisturbed, but I do not enjoy grinding (mobs) in a group. I find it boring, I start to fall asleep. So why do I enjoy doing that particular activity solo rather then in a group? I tried to figure it out and the only reason I really have is that when I’m by myself I can stop and start under my own decisions, and there’s absolutely no pressure because it’s just me.

In Aion if you wish to level up (not everyone does) you’re pretty much forced at one point or another to go grind mobs. There’s simply not enough quests that you could complete to level up just by doing them, and this has been a sore spot for a lot of people. This weekend (and for the next three weekends) Aion has bonus experience going on – and just as an example, when I kill an elite mob (in a duo) I was getting 50,000 experience (I need over 1.5 million to level) which is more experience for one single mob, then all of my quests. They reward you for deciding to grind rather then doing your quests. The bonus experience is also in place for crafting, and harvesting (two more ‘grinds’). Now, I’m not about to say no to this sort of bonus, it’s a HUGE increase and last night I managed to climb up two more levels, but I really wish I was being rewarded for something else OTHER then grinding.

What about everyone else, are you against grinding in all its forms? Is there one particular type that you enjoy more then the others? Let me know!