A Warlock, an Illusionist, and a Mystic walk into a Raid…

Last night was an incredible night on so many levels. It may be an expansion behind, but I finally obtained my mythical weapon on both the illusionist and the mystic. A huge thank you to Paradise Lost on the Oasis server who run pick up Veeshan’s Peak raids once a month and invite members of the server (as well as friends and family from their guild) to join without having to pay an arm and a leg as other guilds charge.

Of course mythicals would not be quite as fun was there not a little drama that went along with the fight. I needed Leviathan on both the illusionist and the mystic, and since they are on seperate accounts it was decided that I would box this encounter. Since the mystic heals and the illusionist does nothing but stand there and power feed, it wasn’t a big deal – until I heard over guild vent something along the lines of ‘wow this illusionist is stupid’ (except they didn’t use the word stupid and used something harsher which I won’t repeat on my site). I spoke up on the mystic and said ‘oh really’? and informed them that the illusionist was actually being boxed, while I concentrated on the healer. They didn’t realize this and fumbled through some sort of ‘I have to give all new guild mates a hard time’ even though I’m not new and have been there for a while. Their complaint was that I had not put time compression on them. They didn’t ask if they could have it, and I honestly did not even recall casting it since I was concentrating on other things, but instead of just asking or inquiring about it they decided to be exceptionally rude and insulting. It put me in a bad frame of mind for the remainder of the evening, as I explained to them in tells that all they had to do was ask, and that she was being boxed.

Leviathan went down – almost without issue – Calreth was there for his update into Veeshan’s Peak and actually ended up dropping link part way through the fight as his power went out. We quickly sent someone outside of the zone (thus exiting combat) and invited him back to the raid while Leviathan was around 20% health. It was quite intense but he got his update which is all that really mattered. Once Leviathan was down it was on to Veeshan’s Peak. Now, I have not been to this zone since I wrote my article in an older issue of Beckett Massive Online Gamer, and I certainly had never been with any characters I currently play, so it had been some time. Groups were swapped around and I started out on the mystic, since her update was first. I knew it was going to be a long raid because we intended on clearing the entire place – not such a big deal when you have an entire raid of geared up players, but we were still sporting two groups of pick up raiders, and alts from the main guild.

The raids of RoK are so different then the ones in TSO. In TSO they are all about curing fast and often – constantly curing. You go through so many potions self curing. They are all about who has what particular debuff at the time and what the counter to that debuff is. I really don’t enjoy them nearly as much as I enjoy RoK raids, which involve a mixture of tactics and most of them involve jousting and knockbacks.

The first and second floors went off without a hitch, the mystic update is Hoshkar on the second floor, and by the time we defeated the encounter I was starting to fall asleep at the desk – it was four hours into raids (which I haven’t done for quite some time) and I barely looked at the mythical weapon I was granted back in greystone yard before logging over to the illusionist for the third floor.

The third floor is the quickest and also the easiest as chance would have it. We wiped three times for the entire VP zone, twice it was due to a faulty pull of some golems, the third time it was Silverwing and some AoE avoidance not being activated in time. I think. I my mind is basically a blur of encounters by that point.

The end of the evening resulted in a huge number of people getting their updates, and I was really happy. I absolutely love the illusionist mythical which allows me to use my single target haste buff as a group buff and adds some double attack to it (I’m so glad I have the master version of the spell) as well as allowing me to use my pet without any concentration (that’s three whole slots it opens up). It also grants my group a power proc which is never a bad thing. Excited? Yes, I certainly was. Taking a look at the mystic mythical above it’s also pretty dang nice, and I’m glad to have finally gotten it – even if I am an expansion behind.

All in all it was a great night, and I really do owe a big thank you to the folks of Paradise Lost – they’ve made me feel incredibly welcome (most of them) and I appreciate it more then they’ll ever know.

Pawbuster, Venril Sathir, and Thuuga – Oh my!

Yesterday was busy. It was wow-this-must-be-a-Saturday busy. Today is also going to be busy (but Sunday should be blissfully quiet). How busy was it? Well I started out my gaming on Antonia Bayle – recovered from the giant data base issue that happened yesterday. The first portion of the day was spent arguing with players about the bonus achievement experience (20%) that was implemented for the weekend. No matter how many times I said “look, I just asked Brenlo himself, and he said it’s 20% aa!” that wasn’t good enough and 40 people would jump down my throat saying it was adventure experience too. The email said achievement only, the /motd in game was slightly more confusing (which is why I asked Brenlo to begin with). The only thing that bothers me in game to any great extent is when people give out the wrong answer or information towards something and then want to argue about their wrong answer. Pet peeve, if you will.

I’m creating and betraying a defiler over on Antonia Bayle, which means yet another epic to work up and spells to be bought. Thankfully my guild mates are the most incredible people I’ve ever met and they’re helping me out. I’m currently working faction for Neriak, as it’s the faster of the two available evil locations. It’s still slow, but I got a fair amount done last night.

After some dinner it was time to head to Oasis, where I ran the mission of the day (Anchor of Bazzul) on the illusionist and mystic, and then ran Obelisk of Ahkzul. No. The shield didn’t drop – but the mystic in group (not me) had it so I KNOW it’s out there.

Once instances were done it was time for a little break and then the real festivities of the night started. It was an off night, no real raids were scheduled which meant it was the perfect time to kill Pawbuster and Venril Sathir for my mystic updates. Calreth joined me (he doesn’t need the updates but it was nice to have the help) and while Pawbuster was an exceptionally easy fight, Venril Sathir took three attempts to work down because (surprise surprise) a few people were not paying attention – even after the nerf to the encounter.

It’s straight forward. At 90% he spawns some adds, burn them down. At 60% you have to start making sure your power does NOT go below 40% and throughout the fight two people will get a blue debuff on them that causes every spell you cast to drain your power. Chances are if you’re not paying attention and you suddenly find yourself without power, you’ve got the debuff. The key aside from curing yourself from a particularly nasty noxious effect, is to watch your detrimental window for that blue debuff. Only two people get it so it’s not a huge deal – but if you don’t watch for it, you’ll wipe the raid (more then likely). We had an easier time taking down this encounter with one group then we did with a full raid force because the more people who have to pay attention – the less who will. It seems to just work that way.

Eventually we got him down and my mystic is now only one update away from her mythical – which happens to be obtainable today. Later on there is a Leviathan and Veeshan’s Peak raid being formed up and I’ll hopefully be bringing along two characters (I’ve not yet decided if it will be the troubador or the illusionist) to get their updates. I’m excited. I’m leaning towards the illusionist, as she could really make use of the mythical, it allows her to cast her pet for no concentration. Not the largest amount of dps she has but a free pet is a free pet.

After Pawbuster and Venril Sathir we decided to two groups Thuuga for an update (assassin) we only had three healers so I thought we’d be a little behind as it was mostly alts tagging along (which means less dps) but the zone was not quite as painful as I remembered it, and it went smooth.

It was nearing midnight by that time, and everyone wanted to head to Spirits of the Lost – which is a level 50-60 raid zone located at the entrance to Cazic Thul (it used to be used in the Freeing of the Frogloks live event) I zoned the two groups in on my warden who has access, and then decided to call it a night and get some sleep. Tonight will be a long raid night, clearing out Leviathan (which is fairly quick at least) and then heading to Veeshan’s Peak. I’m really looking forward to it though, and looking forward to seeing all of those mythical updates!

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas (in my head)

I’m excited about Christmas already. I love the holidays. I love winter. I’m excited both in game and out. I’m already thinking of holiday songs and gifts and where I’m going to put my Christmas tree (both in game and out) and making people sick with my overly cheerful demeanor. It’s fantastic.

Hence the little stocking I added to my study in Stargrace’ home. Notice her collection of odds and ends that adorn the shelves. This is just another little portion of EQ2 that I love. Being able to show off accomplishments and world  events through housing items.

Statues of Antonia Bayle and Lucan D’Lere, statues from Beckett MOG issues, little trinkets from live events, all of it gets placed in my home as a reminder of goals and memories that I have in game.

Alright enough rambling (my posts are all rambling lately, I know). Yesterday – I prepared my mystic for some raids to get her mythical some time this weekend. Maybe. It will depend on luck. She’ll at least get leviathan and VP done (as well as either the troubador or illusionist I’m not sure which) and I’m excited about that. I did Obelisk of Ahkzul which did not drop my shield (I don’t think there is any such thing now) and that was pretty much the extent of my playing.

It’s Friday! Just one of those fantastic cheery days what can I say. I’ll try to post a few more thought provoking posts and some in-depth features next week. Maybe.

Stargrace’ Home gets some Love

When it comes to player housing, some times I am in the mood and some times I’m simply not. It’s usually directly related to my moods, and how restless I feel. When I can’t seem to settle down on a character (or server for that matter) and I have no idea what it is that I’d like to do, I turn to decorating. It’s one of those constants not to mention I find it very relaxing. There are any number of homes that I could work on, I like allowing every character of mine (and we all know that tends to be a lot) their own personal space, a place to drop off their trinkets and call their own. A few homes I deem “complete” but then new housing items come out and I need to re-do them (like the grotto event items).

Anyhow, last night was one of those nights so I decided to dive back in to decorating Stargrace’ humble two room East Freeport inn room. I’ve been working on her place off and on for a short while, I didn’t want to own another gigantic house, the few I’ve been decorating lately have all been on a smaller scale. With the expander items allowing you to place an extra 100 items there’s really no reason for me to place 600 items in a house any more unless I’m going to do a completely awesome one (like the Museum idea).

It was a nice quiet way to spend an evening, and thankfully I’m a carpenter so I didn’t have to spend too much money (of course I spent some). I managed to complete her kitchen and dining area (minus a few utensils) and now I just need an idea on what to do for the back room and bedroom. I was thinking of a garden using grotto items but I haven’t really decided yet.

Before I settled into the crafting niche I was working on language quests and Lore and Legend quests. I finally managed to complete the dreaded Naga Lore and Legend – one of those L&L that sit in my book for a number of days, months, and even years before I get around to doing it. I ran around Shimmering Citadel killing all of the undead Naga I could find, and ended up purchasing the final piece I needed (tongue) off of the broker for a few gold. I made a good amount of plat farming other bits and pieces while I tried to hunt down the few last pieces I needed. All in all it was a fairly productive evening.

I almost feel as though I am in limbo until GU53 comes out and the auto mentoring is in place (along with all of the other goodies). I don’t want to do too much because I love the idea of having things actually con to me again, and I am eager to see what new treats we get in game when this goes live. In the mean time, things are a little quiet. Not a bad thing by any means, but it does reduce the excitement of my posts slightly!

See you in Norrath!

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

I love housing in EQ2. All it takes is a search in the EQ2 category on this site to see multiple housing posts, with tons of screen shots. I can’t help it, after a long day of smacking gnolls (or spiders, or rats or wolves) around I want to create something that reflects my characters individual personalities. Yes, that’s right my characters have personalities.

The museum I’ve been working on for quite some time is still a WIP (work in progress) but I am hoping to finally get it done this week (aside from filling it up with books). We’ll have to see how that goes. I typically get this big grand idea into my head and then forget to actually complete it, so no promises.

If you’re interested in viewing the museum for yourself be sure to check out Ellithia’s house on the Antonia Bayle server, North Freeport in the magical housing area (mage tower, bottom floor).

Nomadic Gamer