Anchor of Bazzul? Don’t Mind if I do (times three)!

Yesterday was one of those amazing game days that are just packed from start to finish with good friends and great times. I don’t have a whole lot of those days any more, because people are busy with work, summer vacation, and other random things that get done over these months (not to mention my own work and the fact that I’m still getting back on my feet after being sick for so long). I’ve finally settled (some what) to 4 mains – two per server that I play on. Instead of playing on three servers, playing on two is going much better. I don’t feel quite as torn when it comes to doing things. The ‘mains’ are my coercer and mystic on Antonia Bayle, and my swashbuckler and illusionist on the 2nd server. The swashbuckler is only level 72 so that hardly counts as a main but she’s on my 2nd account and it simply makes sense (the only other character on that account is my mystic). Anyhow!

My illusionist started the day by doing Necrotic Asylum, which is a zone I really enjoy because you have to pay close attention. When you get to the bridge where the spirits are casting their lightning bolts of death you have to make sure your positioning is perfect (or pretty close). When you get to the huge creature you have to make sure you kill the chums. When you are defeating the mobs before the final boss you have to make sure if your tank gets cursed it’s cured right away or they’ll go down.

The final boss is an amazingly scripted fight. Everyone in the group will get cursed, and chances are if you only have one healer (like my group typically does) you’ll have enough cures to keep the main tank cured and that’s it. The curse lasts roughly one minute – but don’t worry, there’s a cure! At about the 25 second mark, I jump off of the platform where we fight the named (you have to be within a protective bubble the entire time or you’ll take constant damage) into a pool of goo down below. The goo refreshes this curse so you don’t explode. Then you run back up to the platform and continue to kill the named. Typically I have to do this jump run routine a few times before the named is down, depending on DPS. It’s great that so much is happening at once, and I really enjoy the fight. Of course the first few times I was in the zone I hated it.

The daily double also happened to be another favorite zone of mine, Anchor of Bazzul. This zone is simple and fun, so my illusionist also headed over there to grab her shards. The illusionist is my original “stargrace” though she had to be renamed, I haven’t played her steady in quite some time (since the end of EoF really) aside from reaching level 80, so she’s still working on her gear. She has her fabled epic, and some nice gear from palace (group zone) but nothing too special. Last night marked my first piece of T4 void gear ever – there are certain benefits of being “friends and family” in a raid guild (I myself don’t raid in the guild, though that may change). For 20p I was able to loot the forearms pattern pictured above – so pretty! Some raid guilds handle loot differently, and I was exceptionally happy to be given an opportunity to get these cuffs, especially since they are a piece I can’t get via T1-T2 void shard runs.

Back over on Antonia Bayle Hamal and Ultann were knee deep in WoE – a zone I still haven’t even been to. One of these days I keep saying I will. I decided to stick up the LFG tag and within a matter of minutes had an invite to do Anchor of Bazzul on my coercer. I have to admit, I was a little leery of the group, we invited a dirge named “Bzzzz” and then shortly after they joined while we were waiting for them to head to Moors they said that guild things had come up and had to leave. Wish they had of told us that before we waited for them.

We found another dirge, and were on our way. The run actually went very smooth – and to sweeten the deal the fabled void transfer earring dropped, being the only mage in the group I rolled need and won. Upgrades are always wonderful. Since AoB was the DD (no longer called MoTD like Kithicor names it) it was a great four shards for my coercer – she’s working on her T1 set still.

By the time I was done my instance, Wpus had woken up, Hamal and Ultann were done their raid and we had just enough time for an instance run before everyone would have to go their seperate ways for the evening. I suggested if they had not done AoB yet we should do that, for the shards of course. This time I would be going along on Arysh, my illusionist. Since she’s on the same account as Sharatan (the coercer) it would be a nice 8 shards for the day instead of just 4.

We picked up a brigand and a templar and off we went. Nothing of note dropped (sorry Wpus, still looking for the void transfer earring for him) but it was quick and painless, I really love grouping up with my regular guild mates. When we headed back to hall I had Kasul make me the T1 shoulders, and with one more void shard I’ll be able to purchase the gloves, completing my T1 set. Then it’s time to save up for the T2 set.

It was after midnight by then, so I called it a night and headed to bed, pretty sure I actually dreamt of gaming which is just an indication of how awesome the day went. Today is a holiday in Canada, so it should be pretty quiet before the construction across the street picks up once more. What a fantastic day.

Taking on the Leviathan

Let me start this post by saying that for those people out there who wonder why my blog never talks about the ‘end game’ in EQ2 (ie: raids) it’s simply because I’ve BEEN end game before. I did the hard core raid thing for the first three years of EQ2. Right up until RoK was released, and then as RoK went on I got tired of it and stopped.

I raided Darathar for the prismatic line at level 45 on my templar with an Aussie guild on Najena. The 6am (my time) raid times were not fun but I wanted to raid and they were the best (at the time). I’ve never raided much contested content (ie: avatars when they released) but I used to raid, a lot. I posted about those raids earlier in this blog, like when I got my Deathtoll access, we took down Chel’Drak, and I disco’d things in Emerald Halls after we defeated Clockwork Menace for the first time. They were great times, the raids were fun and at that point in my gaming it was what I wanted to do. When RoK released is about the same time I started gaining a plethora of alts, and guilds would find that out and suddenly I would be switching out between 4-5 characters in order to fill in spots in a raid when others were not around. This frustrated me, a whole lot. Even though I now have 8 level 80’s (maybe more, I’ve lost count) I always had the dream of settling on a ‘main’.

As RoK wore on, guild troubles arose (as they tend to do) and I grew even more unsatisfied with raiding. I didn’t exactly decide to quit for good then, I would pitter patter to and from a raid here and there but eventually as the expansion wore on I decided to call it quits. Aside from a raid here and there (mentoring for courts, doing Halls of Seeing and what have you) I haven’t raided since RoK released.

That doesn’t mean I’m oblivious to what goes on in a raid though, and it doesn’t mean I’ve suddenly forgotten *how* to raid. It also doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy raiding, I do, a great deal. I just also hate all of the drama that comes along with it.

Calreth has been trying for a while to get his Leviathan raid update – he needs it for his mythical. He has been on more failed Leviathan raids then anyone should ever have to endure, and still he keeps on trucking. Last night he was attempting to join another but the raid said they had no room for him – so he asked me if he could use my mystic as a bargaining chip to get into the raid.

Now typically I’d decline. I dislike pick up raids – but lately I’ve felt the itch to raid again. With the next expansion due out in February and the level cap going up by 10, it wouldn’t hurt to make myself a little known, we’ll all be starting off at square one when that happens, which is the perfect time to get back into raiding.

So I agreed to go on this raid – which was probably a mistake but I wanted to help Calreth out.

Lets just say we farmed vials four or five times, and we attempted Leviathan once and only got him to 97% – not without cause of course.

One very important thing to keep in mind if you are a raider. If you are NOT the raid leader or a member of the guild the raid leader is in, or specifically asked for your wisdom – KEEP QUIET. There was one attendee who just would NOT hush. By the end of the evening I wanted to simply back hand him and I’m a pretty non violent person being from Canada and all. It was all I could do to restrain myself and not say something. Part way through the night I put him on mute.

When it comes to raids there is really only one thing any person has to do – but they have to do it for the entire duration of the raid and this is where issues arise. It’s LISTEN.

That’s right, it’s so simple and yet this is the one thing countless people have difficulties with. Listen to your raid leader, if you have questions, ask don’t just wonder whether or not you’re doing the right thing. The instructions last night must have been spouted out 10-20x per pause, and still people did not listen.

One “must do” things on a leviathan raid is to CURE a noxious dot that goes off quite frequently. In fact every person in the raid is supposed to have potions specifically to cure themselves. Being a healer I still had potions “just in case”. Take care of yourself first, then worry about others. Being a mystic I also have a group cure noxious. I changed my aa’s around and put all I could into casting faster cures, with an 80% mana reduction to them. I dropped my heal crit line, but for TSO raids and even older ones cures MUST come first. If you can keep your tank cured, you can win (that’s always been my motto). Anyhow. I actually had time to cast a group cure (1.83 seconds) plus cure 3-4 people (the same people) every time the dot went off. That is too much time between the dot going off, and them not curing themselves. I even had time to jump, interrupt a spell, cast my group cure, and then cure the others.

One of the main reasons we wiped was a small little lack of information.

You basically farm fish suits, farm vials, and then send people in those suits into the belly of Leviathan, blowing him up with vials, while the rest of us do absolutely nothing except heal and feed mana. There is a point in time where shields will come down and you can do other stuff but for this specific instance we would not be (to save confusion not that it worked). You stay off of the green sand – and you do not revive if you die, because if you do, Leviathan heals. If you step on the green, Leviathan goes mean. Stand on the sand (or the rock, where we were tanking him). Now, the important information that was missed was – Leviathan will heal if there is someone in the raid who is not in combat.

We were to NOT auto attack due to someone proc’ing a spell that would wipe us. I could get into combat easily enough with heals. The raid leader didn’t mention to the others that they MUST be in combat, and each time we would send our fish men in to drop vials, Leviathan would simply heal.

Then vial orders got out of hand. People started dying and reviving, someone stepped on the sand – we were called to wipe it.

It was a mess, a disaster. I DID still have a lot of fun, I really enjoy the Leviathan raid when it’s done properly. It’s not difficult, so long as you pay attention.

Sadly enough that was the only attempt we got to make because we had too few fish suits by the end of it. Ugh. One of these days Calreth will get his update. Maybe I’ll start tagging along for more raids in the mean time.

Safe travels and happy gaming!

Saturday BoTD (Book of the Day)

(( Every Saturday or so I try to post one of the many books I have in my Norrathian Library, filled with player written books from the Antonia Bayle server. You can visit this library in person at the Magical Housing in North Freeport, just head to the bottom floor of the mage tower. It’s under the name of Ellithia. If you’d like to donate a book to my library that doesn’t appear on the list, please feel free – I will send a donation back in return ))

The Rime Come Forth – By Gezm

An icy chill had decended over the lands of Kunark. The iksar of Sathir’s Span felt it wash over their bridge unmercifully causing great distress and concern among it’s people. On an average day the temperatures were quite warm and humid, the tropic wind blowing in from the shores of Ill Omen.

Gezrn Stonescale, a young iksar monk who had traveled to the area to explore what had become of his homeland was no exception.  It was a sudden cold which rode on the winds, cutting threw him.

It blew from the direction of Cabalis and the Field of Bone, he summised as he shivered.  He gazed in the direction of the tower and felt another blast of wind strike his scales forcing another shiver. Walking across the bridge village he watched various other iksar’s worried looks in the direction of the wind.
What could cause such a change in the temperature? He wondered to himself as he prepared Shrika, his sokokar for travel. mounting up Shrika took off from the bridge flaping her wings to soar higher into the air.

To The Field of Bone girl!” Gezrn shouted over the sound of the air passing them, and the green creature turned herself beginning to glide in its direction. The vibrant countryside flew by on all sides, cliffs, deep emerald grass, the lake’s shore, all of it seemed like a moving painting to the iksar.  Though he air was still crisp and chilled it was yet sweet from the various plants below, soon to change however as he reached the field of bone. The air grew colder as suddenly as the smell of death wafted up to meet him.  As Shrika swooped in to land, Gezrn spotted a pudgy burynai running toward him, it’s run looking rather silly but the monk stifled a grin given the seriousness of the situation. The
furry creature was in fact a friend of Gezrns, one he had helped before, Pulnil the Haggler.

“Gezrn!” The pudgy little fellow cried. “There is trouble you have to help!”

“Whoa…slow down, whats going on? ” Gezrn asked attempting to calm the burynai.

Pulnil’s beady eyes reflected his worry as they shifted about, he extended his arm and a single claw to point at Kurn’s Tower. “It’s the Tower!” Gezrn followed his little friends point and gasped.

The top of the tower was engulfed with a purple vortex, it swirled slowly up. The spikes from the roof of the tower still hung in the air, but the only portion of the towers stonework visible was from below the vortex.

“I fear for the Haggle Baro, you will go and make sure he is okay wont you!?”  The little burynai’s voice seemed to grow higher as he spoke getting more frantic.

“Yes…I will check on him as soon as I can but I must check on something else first…alright?”  He asked  gently placeing a hand on the small furry things shoulder.

Pulnil nodded a little glancing around neviously still, before scurrying off to the edge of the field to watch the tower. Gezrn then, headed towards the nearby shore past the tower.

Every step brought Gezrn deeper into the cold, until at last it felt almost as if it were Everfrost. Even the air seemed to turn ice blue as he moved…untill at last he crested the final hill and saw why.

Below, where once had sat the warm waters of the Dragon’s Shallows, sat a sheet of thick glacial ice. The glittering ice spread all along the coastline that he could see, with debris of large wooden ships scattered throughout it. All over the ice sat camps of soldiers, it seemed they were reading for battle.

Some fooled with blades that sparkled as if ice themselves, other ran with wolves made of the arctic wind. but what was most shocking was what helmed the ice and army alike: A massive ice barge, pulled by two masive targans.

The targens were gargantuine beasts, they resembled dragons in every sense save the turtle shells upon their backs.  Everything about them was coated in a thin later of frost, or so it seemed with thier white scales. A black iron collar was wrapped around their necks twin chains leading back to the pure unmelting ice chains leading back to the pure unmelting ice of the barge they pulled over the sea.

From afar, Gezrn could dicern a figured chained to the deck, and a giant armored figure partroling the deck. Upon the deck there were also several normal sized beings on their knees in a row.  The giant armored man walked in a line before them, each seemed to say something, and eventually one was simply beheaded infront of his allys and the rest were sent into the icy camps on the ice.

“Hey! you there!” called a human voice from behind gezrn, the monk turned to face a human in strange plate armor, it was mostly black, save for the frost blue runes  sprawled around it.
Gezrn looked at the man perplexed until he spoke once more.

“Come with me or Die!” He demanded and drew a blade which seemed forged from ice.

“Who are you?” Gezrn asked calmly.

“An arm of the Rime.” the human charged at Gezrn, who simply stood still.  The man’s blade raced towards Gezrn’s neck with deadly accuracy. Quickly the monk rolled off to the left letting the blade sail harmlessly overhead, the slash threw the human off his balance,  allowing gezrn to deal a devestating kick to his chest making the man fly backwards a foot before striking the ground.

The iksar moved towards the fallen man, who scrambled to his feet.  quick as gezrn had ever seen a fully armed human move, the  man turned tail towards their camp.

“Time to go.” Gezrn muttered and with his own burst of speed quickly made way to return to Sathir’s Span and report what he had seen.  “The Rime…”

No Place Like Home

I apologize in advance for this not-quite-all-gaming blog post, but it does happen from time to time (the joys of this being my personal rant place). I did game yesterday (of course) but I didn’t really do anything of significance. My woodworker inched her way to level 30, which is great. My sage inched her way (sans vitality or bonus, painful!) to level 35 – and I marveled over the fact that on Antonia Bayle there were only three T8 loams for sale for 2p each. We’re talking common loams here not those rare silicate loams. Not sure why they were all suddenly bought up unless perhaps people are preparing for the extra 10 levels they’ll need to obtain in February and stock piling. Grinding writs it wouldn’t be too difficult to do T8 for 10 levels since harvests will be rare for a time in T9.

Speaking of harvesting, I was a little amused to find that the harvest bots in guild halls can now harvest imbue materials. These are used for the crafting epics, and the smoldering ones are pretty pricey on the broker. I need to help level my guild up a few levels so we can get our bots back, as we’re still too low quite yet to purchase them. It will come with time.

Tomorrow evening I’ll be leaving the city of Ottawa and heading to Russell, which is about 25-30 minutes south of Ottawa. It is a small community, with its own township, and I’ll be spending a few days at my parents place. They in turn are headed to Tennessee on their motorcycle for a week – or at least that’s the direction they’re headed, whether or not they actually get that far is still to be seen. I think it’s neat that my parents can just head out like that with no real plan. Anyhow, I as much as I love this city I need to get away for a few days and I think the country air will do me wonders. I have deadlines for work coming up on the 14th of August so this is slightly before the mad rush begins. I haven’t gotten out a great deal lately since I spent so much time sick (and I’m still recuperating over that ordeal) and I have a feeling that the simple fact of ‘being home’ will do wonders for me. I’m incredibly excited about it, there’s plenty to take pictures of, wild life everywhere (my folks have raccoons and birds and squirrels etc that come to their back deck) a comfortable gazebo out back with lights and seating to relax and read in. I’ll be taking my laptop simply to check up on emails and twitters and I haven’t decided if I’ll blog yet, I probably will not. Expect lots of pictures to show up on ShutterCal though, I need to fill in my blank days.

Monday is a holiday here in Canada (Civic Holiday) but I’ll be coming back Sunday morning (I need to get groceries before the stores all close) so I still have two days of relaxation back in my own house before the hustle and bustle begins. It’s certainly been an interesting year.

Back to the game bits, I also played a little WoW yesterday, running a lowbie instance with a friend to work up my shamans skills, and then we did the graveyard instance of Scarlet Monastery. It was a lot of fun, and I inched my way to level 34. I don’t own a mount yet but apparently in patch 3.2 (due out in August?) mounts will be a LOT cheaper – so I’ve been holding off. Since I don’t dedicate too much time to playing I don’t have a great deal of coin, not to mention all of the alts. Ah those expensive alts. Maybe I’ll run a few more lower level dungeons just to find greens to sell. We’ll see.

In the mean time, MmoQuests may be quiet for a few days but at least it’s because I’m taking a nice relaxing break feeding squirrels and not because I’m in bed sick. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and happy gaming no matter where you are!

Safe travels!

Nomadic Gamer