Proud New Home Owner – Angela Ravendust

Housing in Wizard 101 is something that I was very excited about when it first came out. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to afford a home any time soon but they come in two sizes and I knew I didn’t want to buy a small one. If I’m going to own a home why not own the biggest one! So, the day was going fairly well. I wasn’t even thinking about housing (much) and I was questing in Krokokust doing a dungeon – which I ran out of potions on and then died. Ugh! All that work down the drains. I’ve tried this dungeon a few times now and I never make it past the ice lake, or rather I make it slightly past the ice lake where I have to fight some keymaster and then I believe there’s another battle shortly after.

It frustrated me, and I decided to cheer myself up I would finally purchase that castle I had been eyeballing since housing went live. I headed to wizard city, found the nearest housing turtle I could find, and was happy to see that the forested mansion was a mere 15,000 gold – leaving me with 700 gold after the purchase.

Now, Angela doesn’t have a whole lot of house items, I’ve gathered together 20 or so and most of them have the Krokokust theme throughout. It doesn’t exactly go with the new theme of a castle. It will do for now though I suppose!

I even have my very own water fall to listen to, and birds and other creatures wander around. I emptied out my little dorm room which was getting very crowded and set my craft station up in the new house. Which reminds me, I need to harvest more supplies so I can finish that quest off one of these days. So many games and not enough time to play them all!

I set up a little bed room and a study area, planted a palm tree outside and added a flag and torch, but the rest is pretty empty. I even have my own stage, where I can be entertained.

It’s too close to dinner to do any more decorating right this moment, but I’m looking forward to yet another housing project. It doesn’t seem to matter what the game is, if there’s housing, I’m happy!

A Day of Good News and Good Games

First of all, I got confused and yesterday was apparently not Saturday at all, but Friday – so the book of the day is posted below, hope everyone enjoyed it! In the mean time, while I don’t have any solid answers yet about why I was sick nor am I feeling 100% quite yet – I am feeling better, and that is a huge bonus. In another little bit of good news, I managed to get a little promotion at work! Most readers know that I write for Beckett Massive Online Gamer, I write articles on Sony related games (EQ, EQ2, and Vanguard for the most part) as well as Free Realms, and I also write about Wizard 101, and whatever else they happen to throw my way (I’ve done a piece on Darkfall, etc).  The magazine is published in the states every two months and sold in stores like Barnes and Noble and Walmart. People can also get a subscription, and I’ve been working for them for exactly a year this month.

My new job still involves writing articles for them – but also includes working on their newly revamped web site a lot more. Posting news articles, moderating the forums and making sure things are posted there, too. It also includes a lot of public relations and promotions to the site and the magazine via twitter, facebook, and what ever other social media I can get my hands on. So from time to time you may see a post like this one trying to rack up interest. Hopefully I do a fine job (I can’t see why I wouldn’t!) and things go smooth. I’m excited!

Game wise I’ve been playing a lot of Wizard 101, I just can’t help it! My little life wizard has been having fun exploring Krokotopia, her dorm room is now completely packed with house items resembling the ancient land of forgotten treasures. In fact it’s starting to get a little crowded, and I need to move into a real house one of these days so I can move all the items out of my dorm. I have no idea what sort of house I want to purchase – I really want to purchase one of the “big” lots of land, as opposed to the smaller versions. They cost a lot of gold though – I have about 17,000 saved up.

I haven’t really gotten into crafting too much because there have been so many people running around going after the same things I needed it hasn’t been worth it. However, in Krokotopia I seem to find craft supplies galore. I’ll need to find a quiet time to finish my beginner quests one day if for no other reason then to say at least I’m working on it.

I love the newly revamped bazaar – it’s far easier now to search for items that you actually want. I don’t know that I’ll use it all too much never being a huge bazaar person myself, but one never knows!

The sword pictured above is the one from the latest issue of Beckett MOG – although if you happen to buy their Pokemon magazine you’ll also find another code! I love these little items, even if it means everyone is running by me asking where the awesome sword comes from. I’m always happy to point them towards the magazine!

Although it says little Angela Ravendust is level 23 in that picture, she’s now level 24 and part way through. I’ve been trying to take a little break here and there from the game but it’s hard, I find the card game combat exceptionally addicting, especially because it’s just so different from all of the basic hack and slash games that I already play.

I’ve been playing some EQ2 as well (of course) my little illusionist managed to get herself the wand from Crucible – of course it’s not the illusionist I have on Antonia Bayle (I’m still split between two servers, instead of four, making it much easier to handle) but it’s nice none the less. We did a few instances last night for shards and I completely forgot that the key mobs have been removed from Crucible and Scion of Ice for the time being. It would have meant two more (very useful) shards for me. I hope they get them fixed soon!

Ultann was taking his inquisitor on multiple raids yesterday which is fantastic for him. He managed to get his Thuuga update, Leviathan, and as I was headed to bed he was headed to Veeshan’s Peek – to perhaps get his final update of Nexona. I haven’t logged in yet this morning to check how that went, but my fingers are crossed! Calreth didn’t have nearly as good luck with his updates, Leviathan going horribly wrong for the evening (hugs). Fingers crossed that he’ll get his updates one of the times he’s around! I know he’s been waiting forever for it.

I hope everyone else has a fantastic Saturday, enjoy the weekend (more rain here) and happy gaming! I’ll see you in Norrath (or in Krokotopia!)

Saturday BoTD (Book of the Day – a day early)

(( Please remember that these are NOT my books, they are player-written books found on the Antonia Bayle server, specifically owned by my mystic Ellithia in her Norrathian Library. The works within the books may not be all creative masterpieces, and you may find them elsewhere in the net, please don’t betrate me for posting them here if it turns out that they are not original pieces of work. If you’d like to visit the library, feel free to head to the North Freeport Mage tower, bottom floor, the house is under the name of Ellithia in the magical housing complex ))

Gorowyn – A Horrible Place to Live – By Dawid

Dangerously free-thinking Free Citizens have sometimes contemplated what life might be like outside the walls that protect Freeport. This article is the second part of a series titled: ‘Foreign city, a horrible place to live’. Readers be warned! Do not read this edition while eating or drinking, for this tale of Gorowyn will surely spoil your appetite.

It is surely a challenge to build a capital city where the geography is virtually guaranteed to wipe out the very heart of your Empire, but the founders of Gorowyn have stepped up to the challenge. Gorowyn lies in the heart of a volcanic archipelago in the ocean of Timorous Deep, making it the most foolish place in all of Norrath to build a capital city. Free Citizens wanting to visit Gorowyn must take care not to be engulfed in a fiery sea of magma, boiling up from the earth like angry words of wisdom might boil up from the throat of our mighty Overlord.

Building a city in the inside of a volcano also brings more immediate disadvantages. Poisons waft from the sulphurous waters below, rendering the inhabitants of Gorowyn sterile. The indigenous Sarnak people have adapted to this condition by growing “children” in giant eggholders, but non-sarnak races do not have such a recourse. Breathing in the air of Gorowyn for any amount of time may result in sterility, loss of sexual appetite, anti-Lucanic thoughts and suicide. Because of the lack of natural sunlight in the city, it’s inhabitants are generally pale, slow-witted and decrepit.

Gorowyn has the highest suicide rate of all the Norrathian cities. This isn’t just due to the poisonous fumes wafting from the waters. The design of the city plays a major role as well. Platforms have been arranged along the rim of the volcano, spreading out goods and services in a highly irregular goods and services in a highly irregular manner. A system of horizontal and vertical lifts “help” the visitor to cross onto the different platforms, though these moving platforms are highly irregular and do not appear to have fixed points of departure and arrival. There are no signs to help the visitor, and the guards are unhelpful. After hours of aimless wandering around identical platforms, the unprotected depths of the volcano beckon like the embrace of an old friend.

Housing in Gorowyn is similarly impractical. The ceilings are impossibly high, so they can only be decorated with great effort and at great expense. A light hung from a Gorowyn ceiling will only be a pale reflection upon the ground below – like a distant star fixed under a Free Lucanic sky. The stairways are adapted to the needs of the oversized indigenous people, making them veritable mountains for the outsider. Last year, three Free Citizens broke their necks and died while attempting to descend a Gorowyn staircase. Five were permanently crippled.

The vast majority of the population of Gorowyn is made up of “Sarnak”, a disgusting halfbreed race of lizard-men with an impractical anatomy. The sarnak have tiny arms and hands, making it impossible for them to perform well in any but the most simple aspects of manual labour. They uriniate from only one hole, making them breeding pools for infectious diseases. They sit as a fae might, with overbearing spines that make it impossible for them to stand up straight like disciplined Free Citizen.

To compensate for these obvious failings, the sarnak recruit outsiders to work for them like slaves. Free Citizens who choose to migrate to Gorowyn are put to work in to migrate to Gorowyn are put to work in sweatshops where, among other tasks, they must use their muscled arms to produce food and furniture for their new Sarnak Overlords. Another unpleasant task left to outsiders is separating the urine from the faeces in Sarnak urinals.

Although nominally loyal to Freeport, the city of Gorowyn tolerates the presence of Qeynosians and Kelethinians. You may find Qeynosian assasins and foul agents of the usurper bug-queen “Amree” preying on you while you are inside the city limits. These outsiders may attempt to strike up conversation with you, but do not fall into this trap! Their “friendly” attitudes are but a ploy to lure you to their secret torture chambers, buried deep in the mountain halls of the volcano.
In conclusion, Gorowyn is the ideal home for sulky misfit experiments gone bad. If you are a failed scientific experiment and/or looking for a place to commit suicide, talk to the Gorowyn ambassador in the militia halls of West Freeport. All other Free Citizens are advised to stay clear of this mountainous death-trap.

Zam Dev Chat Notes (EQ2)

Messy, but fun – I actually managed to squeeze myself into the Zam EQ2 Dev chat tonight and harrass all of my favorite people. Here’s the meat and potatoes of that chat:

<@Raven> Greetings everyone and welcome to tonight’s Zam EQ2 dev chat. I am Raven, your hostess for the evening. With me are Calthine, Spyderbite and Kain from the eq2 zam site. And now I’ll let the devs introduce themselves…

<+Brenlo> Hi!  I am Alan “Brenlo” Crosby, the Captain of this motley crew
<+Frizznik> My name is Paul Carrico, I am the mechanics team lead.  I have nothing clever to add.
<+Aeralik> I’m Chris “Aeralik” Kozak otherwise known as the class balance guy
<+Kaitheel> Evening all!  I’m Nathan “Kaitheel” McCall, general quest monkey.
<+Fyreflyte> Hi, I’m Jason “Fyreflyte” Woerner. No I did not misspell my own last name this time. I create and ner… err, tune items =)
<+Rothgar> Hello, Greg “Rothgar” Spence, Programmer

<+Brenlo> Anyone have the Jeopardy theme music?
<+Brenlo> It took Greg that long to remember his name
<+Zoltaroth> Hello, I am Nandy ‘Zoltaroth’ Szots, Programmer
<+Rothgar> Hey, its been a rough day ! :)

<+Fyreflyte> I knew a guy who could play the Jeopardy theme song by flicking his teeth
<+Kiara> Because you were busy singing 80’s hair band music :p
<@Raven> Thank you all for joining us, we’re excited to have you here with us and we have a lot of questions for you tonight
<@Raven> Dellmon of Unrest asks:  The Templar spell, Reverance [52] does not write to the logs and cannot be parsed.  Is there a particular reason for this?  If not, are there any plans to change this behavior for this spell?

<+Aeralik> This is something we can look into doing.  A lot of feedback at fan faire was about adding additional logging information which has resulted in adding cure logging so far for gu53.

<+Brenlo> We have lots of good Fan Faire stuff coming in an update soon.  All from feedback you gave us in Vegas
<@Raven> 3.   Deson asks:  With the new automated transfer system live, stable and seemingly bug free, can we get a free claimable token or make it a 60 day vet reward, 1 per character?
<+Brenlo> This is not a bad idea and as we are working on new Vet rewards, we may take a look at it.  So Maybe?
<@Raven> Xalmat asks:  Is there an estimate to when the class changes announced at Fan Faire will be going live, and if so when will they be going live? There was only a vague sense that it was “Soon ™” and it was unclear whether they are tied in with the expansion, or will occur beforehand.
<+Aeralik> Those were all topics that we want to address in the future but I don’t want to commit to specific dates at this time.
<@Raven> Crabbok asks:  When are Avatar Breastplates going to recieve the nerf to only 20 Crit Mit?

<+Brenlo> Well Crabbock, unfortunately that is something coming pretty soon.  We will be modifying the Avatar gear in the next Game Update.

<+Brenlo> So next update the Avatar Gear will be “nerfed” to allow us to add better gear with Sentinel’s Fate

<+Brenlo> It will still be some of the best gear in the game but not as powerful as it is now

<@Raven> Katanallama:  Will name combination ever be looked at? For example I’m Katana Llama, but because it does not support spaces, I’m katanallama, which has ‘anal’ in it, which is against the rules, but I did not intend my name to be shown that way, yet I can’t make alts now on other servers with my name.
<+Brenlo> We are having a debate over a particular word in one of the questions
<+Brenlo> Ooops

<@Raven> Apologies for the delay – we had to check about the PG rating for that question
<+Frizznik> debates over
<+Rothgar> Unfortunately this is just a side effect of the name filter that probabably won’t see any changes.
<+Rothgar> We obviously can’t allow certain terms in the names even if they aren’t meant in a bad way because it would be abused.

<+Rothgar> And there are currently no plans to allow for spaces in the character name.

<+Brenlo> However I do think that sometimes our name filter is too Anal =P

<@Raven> Aneova of Kithicor asks:  Will there be an open forum for the Druid changes? or will that be under the NDA when Beta testing begins for the next expansion?

<+Aeralik> I have a good portion of the priest changes planned but we are still working on the timeframe as to when they are going to be released.  Once we get closer to that point we will start a post but I have been reading the forums as well for your feedback on it already.

<+Brenlo> It is times like this I wish I could juggle for you
<@Calthine> I wish you could too!
<@Raven> I apologise for yet another delay… the anal debate has caused some backstage chaos
* +Kiara chokes

<@Raven> Fendy asks:  Regarding the balance of +SD effectiveness on gear between fast casters and slow casters.  Currently fast casters will gain a larger DPS boost than a slow caster will from the same piece of gear with +SD on it.  This is because will often cast 3-4 spells (or more) during the same time a slow caster casts just one spell and hence the fast caster will have their +SD applied many more tim
<@Raven> es than a slow caster will.  As well, while the fast casters have a lower +SD cap, this rarely if ever comes into play due to current itemization. Has there been any thought to normalizing +SD, perhaps something similar to how the proc chance is normalized?
<+Kiara> Stop it woman, you’re going to have everyone convinced that we’re all 12!!
<@Kain> we arent?

<+Kiara> No, we aren’t.  We’ve very serious professionals * nod *

<+Fyreflyte> Spell damage from equipment actually used to work on a normalized scale, but that system had issues as well. We’re aware that the current setup favors quick casters, and we’ve had a lot of internal discussion on this.

<+Fyreflyte> We don;t have any current plans to change the mechanic, as we’re focusing on other areas right now, but we may take a closer look at it in the future.

<@Raven> Dragowulf-Nagafen:  Will there be any cool new mounts with the next expansion?  If so what will we see?

<+Kaitheel> The answer is yes, but you’ll have to wait and see ’em.

@Raven> Rocc from Unrest is quite persistant about asking: EQ3, to be or not to be?
<+Brenlo> Well as we are the EQII team, and this is the EQII chat. . . I would suggest you ask the EQ3 team.  If there is one

<@Raven> Crabbok asks:  How are Racial Respecs coming along?   Timeframe?
<+Kiara> Someone tell Crabbok he’s off my christmas list…
<+Rothgar> We are currently working on a race-change item for Station Marketplace.  In fact Zoltaroth is working on it now.  However, we don’t have a timeframe to announce yet.  Since this is a marketplace item, it will most likely go in as a hotfix when it is ready.

<@Raven> David L asks:  Is there any chance of that weapons like the monk’s/shaolin spade, two-bladed sword(blade on each end like D&D 3e), double headed spear and crossbows can be added into the game?  Also would mechanics to allow attacking with both ends of some of the two handed weapons be possible?

<+Fyreflyte> We’d love to see new types of weapons in-game, but they can be very expensive for art, since they require new animations. We were actually just discussing crossbows this morning, and there’s a possibility we’ll be able to put some of those in further down the road.
<+Kiara> !!!  I WANT A CROSSBOW!!!
<+Fyreflyte> As far as 2-sided weapon mechanics, it’s not something I’d considered before, but if you have any cool suggestions about them, hit me up after the chat is over.
<@Raven> Deson asks:  Does the added focus on the live game mean we can expect more old content revamps and class issues?  There is a lot of underutilized content like Felwithe and Rivervale, out of date content like Draftling Tower and class skills designed for a different era that are almost useless.
<@Raven> All these things stick out to players old and new and in the case of classes like inquisitors and necro’s, make a good amount of abilites utterly worthless.
<+Frizznik> Existing content is being looked at; we are adding the system to level yourself down so you can experience any level of content that you want without having to mentor.  We want to make sure that existing content is high quality and can accommodate the possibility of a lot of new players utilizing it.  I wouldn’t expect total zone revamps, but things should function very smoothly for the “auto-mentored” players.
<@Raven> Ariven asks:  What are the odds of being able to get some clear delination of how large a blue aoe is during casting?  (not everyone has a meterstick, and not all blue AOEs have the same circumferance) For example some sort of targeting reticle drawn on the ground during cast would work well.
<+Rothgar> Thats an interesting idea.  Its something we can certainly consider for the future.
<@Raven> Pagengamer asks:  Any plans on revamping player housing to bring the size of the rooms more inline with other cities, most notably Gorowyn housing which is huge compared to everything else?
<+Brenlo> With the next update, Shards of Destiny, most housing will be getting an extra room.  There are currently screenshots on the forums showing this off, so yes!
<@Raven> Amemyst asks:  Is there anything in game you put in and it didn’t get discovered? I ask as apparently last year there were these cool titles for the Erolisi even in giving away roses and we didn’t notice until the SECOND year. I always thought that was kinda sad.

<@[QT]SpyderBite> 22. Exilon of Nagafen:  With the upcoming crit consolidation what will happen to classes like the Inquisitor? As they
<@[QT]SpyderBite> possess AA that are directly affected by how often you crit (Overwhelming Arms, Fanatical Devotion).  What will happen to
<@[QT]SpyderBite> classes with several individual lines that enhance melee/spell/heal critical chance?
* @Raven smacks Spyder
<@Calthine> you’re fired
<@Kain> fail
<@Kain> level 200, epic x4 fail
<+Kaitheel> Here’s the answer about hidden things: Hehehe.  Yeah, the Erollisi Day titles didn’t get widespread attention the first year they were in, though some players did find them.  But I don’t know of any other things hidden or off the major radar with the holiday events or recent Game Updates.
<+Frizznik> I am going to answer all my questions “Hehehe” from now on.
<@Raven> Elquinjena:  I know they won’t up the limits on guild housing but what about member housing.. would they at least allow us to use the dimensional pocket expander maybe a total of 2-3 times instead of only once?  even if that means maybe buying it and turning it in along with large amounts of status and coin to be able to use one more than 1 time.
<+Rothgar> With the upcoming house expansion, some of the houses that gain an additional room will see an increased item limit.  But beyond that we don’t have any plans to increase the limit further.  We understand this is something you want, so we’re always keeping it mind.
<@Raven> Okay…. and now…
<@Raven> xilon of Nagafen asks:  With the upcoming crit consolidation what will happen to classes like the Inquisitor? As they possess AA that are directly affected by how often you crit (Overwhelming Arms, Fanatical Devotion).  What will happen to classes with several individual lines that enhance melee/spell/heal critical chance?
<+Aeralik> We will try to do something appropriate for each of the classes that is inline with the ability and gives a similar bonus.  I would expect something similar to how we handled the predator Intelligence AA in the past update with the proc changes.  It stays true to the lines theme and ends up giving a similar overall benefit.

<@Raven> Dragowulf-Nagafen asks:  As it stands there is no real Anti Aliasing support in game.  AA only works when various conditions are applied.  For example, if bloom and/or shaders are enabled, the AA functionality will be disabled.  There are several more bugs related to AA, but I wont go into details.
<+Rothgar> Drago, thats not a question.  :)

<+Rothgar> I’ll try to answer your statement though.  hehe

<+Rothgar> Changing anything in our rendering engine takes a long time and can be very prone to errors.  So we have to be very careful about what we change going forward.  As you are probably aware, Imago-Quem is very busy with lots of graphic-related features.  When his workload gets a little lighter, we’ll talk to him about AA support.

<@Raven> Fendy asks:  Will we ever get to raid into Freeport or Qeynos?  I would love to battle through the town and finally into the castle to go after Antonia Bayle or Lucan D’Lere.

<+Brenlo> I want to destroy the darned cities and turn them into adventure areas =P
<+Frizznik> *thumbs up*
<+Brenlo> We shall see if I can convince the rest of the team
<+Rothgar> I’m convinced… ship it.
<+Brenlo> One of our handy mods is on a “bio” break.
<+Brenlo> The chat shall resume momentarily
<+Rothgar> He’s writing his biography?  Weird time to do that.
* @Raven insists it isn’t her
<@Raven> Sadres of Antonia Bayle asks:  I know class-specific questions are frowned on, but this technically is applicable to a few classes besides rangers. Is there a possibility of adding a simple toggle to the UI to determine which Auto-attack you will use (or never use)?
<@Raven> It’s frustrating to have to rely on buggy macros that break during high lag to tell the game ‘Never ever use melee auto-attack. No, really. Not even then. Never.’ Please?

<+Aeralik> This is something on my list of things to do.  Having to rely on macros to constantly switch between melee and ranged attack isn’t a fun thing to do. It’s something we will talk about and look into finding a good solution to accomplish this without macros.

<@Raven> Just a quick note to ask people NOT to send questions to me. If you have a question please /msg [QT]Spyderbite
<@Raven> Fendy asks:  Will we ever get more bag space?  (pretty please with sugar on it?)
<+Brenlo> I think you may see some new surprises for this coming in the next few months.  =)  Should be pretty cool
<+Kiara> Just as soon as the team is done giving him a useful summonable pie on his halfling, that is…
<+Rothgar> We’re also looking at ways to increase bag space by finding more ways to consolidate items.
<@Raven> Baccalarium of Kithicor:  There’s still confusion about how gear degradation as one levels will work,  does level gear start to degrade at level 83?   or at 93?   How much does it degrade?   What parts of it degrade?  Is any thought being given to the alternative ideas presented in the forum thread?

<+Fyreflyte> The degradation is based off the wearable level of the armor, so if it says level 80 to use, it will begin to show lower stats at 81 and up.
<+Fyreflyte> How much it degrades is still being worked out, and you’ll see more of that when we begin testing it.

<+Brenlo> Wait dont leave, more questions coming!
<+Kiara> and while you wait…
<+Kiara> here’s a disturbing thread from the forums
<+Kiara> http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=455569
<+Rothgar> More IRC Karaoke?
<@Calthine> nooooooooo
<+Kiara> everyone please go and just say no to colbert on a bear skin rug.  thank you!
<+Brenlo> I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and dessert you

<+Brenlo> I guess that means I will not toss pudding at you
<@Raven> Fendy asks:  Are their any plans to revisit some of the current AA choices which have become largely redundant?  For
<@Raven> example the Wizard’s STR endline causes the next spell to be guaranteed to crit.  With the large amounts of crit on gear now this ability is superfluous.

<+Aeralik> I was going to look into some of these as we do the broader class balance adjustments.  I don’t have a specific eta as to when they will be done though.  It is definitely on my radar to do though.
<@Raven> Atrimez of the Bazaar: Will we ever see zones scaled on playstyle (solo, normal group (4-6 players, average gear), difficult heroic (6 players, raid equipped), x2 raid, x4 raid) where the content remains the same but the mob difficulty is scaled as is the loot table for the zone based on the difficulty?
<@Raven> We dont need scaling from 50-80. Having 80 zones that scale to playstyle would be great though.

<+Brenlo> Well, we are introducing a new mechanic in Miraguls planar shard that allows players to encounter mobs at different difficulty levels, depending on the choices they make.  This should allow us to scale some encounters for those “Ubah (with an H) Elite Guilds” while still having them available for the everyday raider.

<+Brenlo> Whether this will scale down eventually to groups and solo remains to be seen but the magic 8 balls says. . . “shake” not in the near future
<@Raven> And now for the final question, from myself… the one everyone is wanting to know…..
<@Raven> Are you bringing in beastlords with dyable armor via Station Cash?

<@[QT]SpyderBite> bwahahahaha

<+Brenlo> YES! For 100,000 station cash, you will be able to import your Beastlord direct from EQ to EQII
<+Kiara> And sit in chairs!

<+Brenlo> It will come stock with a purple unicorn mount
<+Aeralik> thanks everyone for attending! :)
<+Kaitheel> As long as they get kilts.
<@Raven> OW!

<+Frizznik> Meeting time!  Thanks for coming everyone.

<+Kaitheel> Night all!  Thanks!

<@Calthine> Thanks for coming everyone!  Logs will be up as soon as I can get ’em up, if you don’t mind them unformatted…..
<@Raven> Thank you to all the devs who joined us tonight – and thank you to all the people who came along. Please feel free to hang around and chat.

Vyemm falls, and the Guild Levels

There was a pick up raid last night headed to Labs, you know that old Kingdom of Sky zone off of Bonemire, the one with Vyemm at the end. I remember that zone fondly, even though I’ve probably wiped more times there then anywhere else. I remember that zone mostly because it’s where I first discovered that I actually liked raiding, and I was good at it. I had applied to Second Dawn on Najena, who were (at the time) the best raid guild across all servers. It’s funny how things change, now Second Dawn isn’t even around any more, having moved servers and merged into another guild. Anyhow, the pick up raid was only looking for healers and Torrent Knights (ie: guild of three plus one plus one!) were out in full force (minus Calreth who is back to his army job) so we decided to head to Labs ourselves just the four of us and see what damage could ensue.

I’ll admit, I had my doubts. I have a bad habit of disliking things that are new or that I consider above us (ie: way too hard). I’m not sure why, it’s sort of ground into my play style. I try to work on it but it’s a slow process. Anyhow, I was confident that we could clear the zone, but I had wiped so many times on Vyemm himself (and we would have to tank both him and Prime at the same time) that I was leery.

I shouldn’t have been.

The entire zone melted before us like hot butter. Thanks to Kasul, Ultann, and Wpus we probably had more dps in those three then an entire raid would have back in KoS. We looted a lot of neat (trash) items, Ultann got his fabled shadowknight helm, the enchanter helm dropped (which I didn’t role for because I brought the dirge to Labs for stoneskin) and a lot of other random items. We were there for one thing in particular, the crate containing Vyemms head, to add to our guild hall collection.

We’re down two trophies at the moment, Darathar and Vox, because my paladin Sharatan placed those two over on Kithicor. Since she didn’t make the move over to Antonia Bayle, they’re still there. Kasul needs to kill Darathar, so it’s not too big of a deal, and I’ve taken to camping Vox in Permafrost to see if we can’t get the old girl to give us her crate. This being a heavily populated server I imagine it will take a lot of camping.

These trophies are quite common now, some people even sell them and place them in your hall for you – but for me personally each one tells a story. We have Gynok which was a bug, it dropped from the Befallen group instance instead of from the raid encounter shortly after trophies were put in, and we also have Godking Anuk, which was our first time in the raid zone and we had no idea what to expect, grayed out or not.

The old Vox trophy was something I tanked on my paladin, petrified that we would wipe. Our Darathar trophy was the first time we did an extended chain as a guild, and visited the Isle of Refuge that players typically skip these days because it is in dire need of a revamp after the newer zones released (TD, Neriak, and Greater Faydark). These are stories I won’t soon forget, and it’s all part of why I love going after the trophies and why I take so much pride in them.

Aside from our glorious defeat of Vyemm – the guild reached level 35, freeing up two more amenity for use. We purchased the shattered lands bell which is an exceptionally vital amenity we have all discovered, and we also purchased a merchant that we can finally sell all of our status items and other random tidbits to. At level 40 (which we should reach without too much difficulty) we will be able to purchase a mender, a fuel merchant, and a writ merchant, bringing us close to where our previous guild was. Plus it will give us another row of guild bank space, which is never a bad thing.

I wanted to send out some hugs and hellos to those who have sent me tells (specifically Ellithia) over the last few days introducing themselves as readers of the blog! I really appreciate the comments, and I hope everyone is doing fantastic, and that the server treats you all well (especially if you’re newcomers). I have met so many wonderful people lately, it’s fantastic. If you send a tell and I seem to not reply, please don’t take it personally chances are I’m boxing and have simply forgotten to stick the AFK tag up on the healer.

Today is Thursday, which is great. I need to get a bunch of Wizard 101 game time in, hopefully that will come this weekend. My little wizards have been having a blast exploring through the new world. Despite the fact that I’ve been writing about EQ2 pretty much none stop, I am still playing other games! I’m still recuperating from being sick for so long (no news yet, sighs) and it’ll take a while but I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things.

Happy gaming, and I’ll see you in Norrath!

Nomadic Gamer