Exciting Events in Korsha (understatement!)

Calreth has gone back to his job at the army after a week off, leaving Kasul, Wpus, Ultann and I to hold down the fort in guild. We’re trying very hard to reach level 35 so that we can purchase a merchant and some bells for the hall. We need a fuel merchant, mender, and writ giver as well but I’d take those two first. The only thing I seem to miss from Kithicor is our level 51 hall (rightly so). Writs were run (it helps that most of us are from Freeport and can do them all together – I’m sorry Wpus) and then we decided to head to a “new to us” zone that we’d only attempted once before – Korsha.

While Ultann and Kasul (now named Hamal on Antonia Bayle) are both sporting their mythical weapons, and Wpus is wearing a full set of T2 gear along with some nice odds and ends, my poor little Sharatan (coercer) is still wearing most of her T1 gear since I’ve just started working on her again. I was a little worried that this would prove to be an issue, but it didn’t seem to affect our performance too much.

The first time we were in the zone we were unable to defeat the very first named because he reflects and we had no melee dps. This time around (thank you Kasul) we were able to take him down without any issues. He’s a huge golem who stands in the main hallway. The second named caught us by surprise, it is in the laboratory and the named just sort of shows up. Adds are called throughout the fight, but we held steady. Of course bard loot dropped, it always does.

The third named was where we started to have some issues. Because my healer was being boxed, as well as our second healer, it proved to be slightly difficult when we all got ported to opposite sites of the room, and were unable to cure ourselves. The noxious aoe wasn’t too much of a problem but the elemental one proved to be exceptionally harmful – so after wiping a few times we decided to continue on with the zone, and left the Sokokar named up. It was still not bad at all for our first attempts, we managed to get him down to 40%.

The mobs in Korsha all seem to stun, stifle, and power drain, making it exceptionally fun but you’ve really got to be on your toes. I switched my accounts around so that the coercer was the boxed character while I played healer. Typically you can stun the sokokar named as well but I was having issues healing plus stunning though I managed to keep up for a short while. Eventually we found ourselves face to face with the boss of the zone, the Emperors Weapon. We had done a little reading up on the zone by that point and after we were one shot the very first pull we decided to stand on the tables just off to the side and range fight the entire fight. The difficult with that is there is still a power drain / elemental aoe that goes off, and this is where the most epic of fights took place.

It was incredibly intense, and it was amazing. We managed to get the named down to 10% when suddenly we were all out of power, and five of us died – leaving Ultann to tank the named and keep himself alive all alone. We said not a word, but began to run back down towards the named room, I used channel on my coercer to feed a little power in the mean time (it balances out the groups power) though it barely made a difference because of the power drain dot.

Wpus and Hamal made it back to Ultann JUST as blood letter triggered (keeping the tank alive while taking the groups hit points) and I was able to run the rest of the way down with my two characters. I rez’d Noc (the other healer) and kept the group alive while we continued to work down the last 10%. The reason this fight is so long is because the named is rooted to his platform, and you have to range the entire thing. Being an Assassin, Shadowknight, Conjuror, Coercer, Inquisitor, and Mystic, our ranged DPS was severly lacking, especially since the named would go kill pets and pretty much anything that came near it.

After a very long, stressful, amazing fight we BEAT the boss. Not only did we beat him but he dropped a master chest with three pieces of loot – a master spell for the inquisitor (grats noc!) a bard only breast piece that I relogged my dirge to snag, as well as the fabled mage item pictured above that I won on Sharatan. It’s fights like those that I love, intense, amazing fights with friends. Sure, another group could have done it far easier then us but I never felt prouder then at that moment.

We decided to spend the evening doing something far easier (Obelisk of Ahkzul anyone?) but part way through Ultann lost his internet,  so we decided to take that as a sign and call it a night.

It was still amazing fun, I had an incredible time and I was reminded once more why I play this game. I hope everyone else had a lot of fun too!

Tonight? Who knows!

See you in Norrath.

Loot? Who needs it!

The enchanted grotto event was a little late coming into game yesterday, but there were posts on the forums that suggested it should be fixed by the 20th of next month, not to mention the fact that the events are in place for 48 hours each time (so you have until midnight tonight to adventure to the mushroom rings). For myself personally, I ran the quest with two characters who had never done it before (the “new” main, Sharatan) and picked up some nice house goodies along the way. One being the flower wreath that’s pictured to the right. I wish there were some sort of circlet option like the one you’ll find in the station market place, but I figure I have spent more then enough money on station cash this month (close to $200) in order to move my characters to their new homes.

Kasul was off watching Harry Potter and enjoying an evening away from the game (something I understand in concept even if I don’t actively partake!) so that left an evening with Calreth, Wpus, and Ultann – which we made great use of. I played both the coercer and the mystic, and ultann played his inquisitor at least for the first zone.

We decided to try Najena’s Hollow Tower first thinking perhaps the cloak would drop off of the water named (the one where you have to spin the valves each time the water begins to rise) but alas we got some plate boots that no one could use instead. The shards were nice, and thank goodness Calreth logged in during the drake fight because our dps was fairly low without him. I’ve gotten used to having either him or Kasul around, and understand only too well now how essential dps is to a fight.

Even though we saw no useful loot from the drake, there was still the final fight in the zone to bring our spirits up. Perhaps the ring would drop (yeah right) or at least that’s what we told ourselves.

Eventually the zone was clear, our only rewards being the shiny we could find, and the shards. Ah well. It was off to Evernight Abby for a bit of fun. Again nothing of use dropped, our luck persisted. I did manage to complete a few quests on Sharatan though who had never even been to the zone before. In fact she has never been to any of the TSO zones before, I stopped playing her just as TSO came out. She hit 140aa finally and gained a few more shards. I had time for one more zone even though my eyes were beginning to close on me, so we headed to Anchor of Bazzul where again nothing dropped but I wasn’t expecting anything by that point, I just wanted to collect the two shards so that I could have another piece of set gear made (a robe, finally a robe!) and then I crawled to bed.

It’s neat to be on a server where 1-9 is so full you can’t even enter, and I love the constant conversation that is ongoing – though at times it can be a little much and I have to turn off one or two (especially the crafting channel) simply because I miss too much in spam. It was still a fantastic night none the less, and I hope everyone had a lot of fun. It’s Tuesday! I hope everyone has a great one!

Over too Fast

Where has the weekend gone! It was over far too quick and now it’s back to the week day grind which seems to include the heavy scent of tar since they’re working on the school across the street from me and that’s pretty much all I can smell. Gross. Anyhow!

It was a productive weekend game wise, and Ellithia (mystic) got her very first book randomly mailed to her to add to the library! I was pleased as punch, and sent a little coin in return. I’ll be adding it to the library list and will probably go into more depth about it before too long. Again, if you have a book that is NOT on my player-written book list and want to donate one please feel free to mail it to Ellithia on Antonia Bayle and I will mail some coin back in return.

Since I had two carpenters on Antonia Bayle (one level 80, the other 66) yesterday I decided to respec the 2nd carpenter and change her to a woodworker. Thankfully she is on my main account, which grants the 50% bonus for having other level 80 crafters, and it wasn’t such a big deal to me to lose the 66 levels I’d already gained. I decided to make her a wood worker, since we don’t currently have one in guild. We do have an 80 tailor, sage, armorer, jeweler x2, and carpenter. All we lack is the provisioner, wood worker, and weapon smith. I also decided to just simply get it over and done with, and moved my final characters over to Antonia Bayle, which means I am now done transferring characters, and won’t be doing that any more. It cost close to $200 to move everyone but I’m really pleased that it’s over with and that all my characters are on their respected servers. I had no issues at all transferring – so you can now find me on Antonia Bayle as: Ellithia (mystic), Arysh (illusionist), Sharatan (coercer), Petites (templar) or Satia (dirge). I also have a little bruiser named Stargrace, but I haven’t spent any time at all leveling her yet, the others are all level 80.

Last night saw the guild all together for a brief time before sleep and work pulled us in different directions, once Ultann was finished with his WoE raid (a zone I still have not been to, nor do I even have access yet) and we decided to head to Anchor of Bazzul and see if we couldn’t get something nice to drop. I started out the zone on Satia my dirge but mid way through relogging to Sharatan the coercer because we were having some difficulty with the named that requires you to wear the special void beast suits in order to attack him. The encounter itself was not what was giving us the problem, but we agrod him early on and he bugs so that he refuses to move from the very start of that small section, creating issues when trying to pull. It wouldn’t be so bad but we were not done pulling the rest of the alcoves nor the mobs at the end. Pet pulling just created a mess with all of the encounters running for us, so I relogged to the enchanter and mez’d him so that we could continue pulling, and then we all climbed into our suits.

What an incredible change to have Calreth and Kasul both along, we have so much DPS in our little group now, it’s odd. I didn’t box (which in itself is new) and Ultann boxed his healer since mine is already wearing a full set of T2 shard gear, Noc needs a few more pieces (and shards). I’m slowly gaining shards enough to make Sharatan her set, which will be nice.

Nothing of note dropped this time around, but yesterday when we did AoB the helm pictured above dropped, which was (needless to say) a significant upgrade for me. Still no sign of that void transfer earring, which seems about typical with us and our luck.

We do plan on trying palace for the first time ourselves, I don’t think we’ll have too much trouble until it comes to Varsoon. Even if we can take down the other named, that would be great. We’ll just have to see how it goes!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend, and I hope this week is fantastic. No doubt you can find me in Norrath!

A little of this, a little of that

Having been on Antonia Bayle now for three days, I can say that everyone who moved over from Kithicor seems to be exceptionally happy with the change. While it was noted that there was a tiny bit of extra lag – I have not personally had to deal with any mishaps aside from my wireless going nuts yesterday during a storm. It’s been fantastic. There are conversations constantly, groups ongoing at any minute of the day (be sure to join both your highest level channels as well as the lowest to maximize this!) and the atmosphere has been great. Sure, there have been some rough groups here and there as we get settled, after all we don’t really know anyone aside from ourselves yet but we’re working on it.

Yesterday saw everyone on at the same time for once, Kasul, Calreth, Wpus, Ultann and myself. We headed to Obelisk of Ahkzul (before Kasul got home from work) and attempted to see if the shield would drop – which it did not of course. We also made short work of the Anchor of Bazzul which has a few nice pieces of loot (though we didn’t see any of those, either).

I was feeling slightly worse as the day wore on, and so the others went to do Maidens and Vaults of eternal sleep while I watched their excitement from the guild hall. No enchanter along with them and they still did fantastic. I believe a few TSO instances fell to Calreth and Ultann after that but it was past my bed time and so I called it a night.

I haven’t only moved characters to Antonia Bayle, but I also moved three of my characters (warden, illusionist, and troubador) to join a few other friends – the illusionist being the original Stargrace who was decked out in treasured RoK gear. I  have had a few chances to play her in between health issues and playing on Antonia Bayle, and she’s come a long way already. She is sporting both of the fabled wrist pieces from Palace, and the fabled earring from Anchor. Needless to say her luck on drops is better then any of my other characters. She also managed to finish off her fabled epic (I’ve lost count over how many that is now) and got her first mythical update which was Thuuga. Illusionists get lucky with their updates, all that is required is Thuuga, Leviathan (which you need to get into VP to begin with) and Silverwing (which you can get to right away if you have Trakanon access).

Needless to say things in EverQuest II have been very busy, and I’m loving every moment of it. Lets not forget that Monday is the 20th, which is around the time that the enchanted grottos and all of their quests should be making their way back into game for a day or two – if you’re into the house items (and lets face it who isn’t!) and want some good achievements, these quests are perfect.

Now if only I could convince myself to stop spending all of my money on player-written books. I must have purchased another 15-20 yesterday and my funds are quickly running out. I have been amazed at the creativity that I’ve found and it’s been fantastic to see so many books for sale.

Eventually, the new guild hall has to be decorated which is something else I’m not exactly looking forward to doing simply because I wish we could have moved over our entire hall from either Najena or Kithicor. Calreth has been holding down the fort in my old guild Torrent Knights, which is level 30 (almost 31!) while I’ve been on other servers and we purchased a T1 Freeport guild hall. Right now it’s a mass of craft machines and npcs as most of the furniture lays packed away in boxes, but I’m sure over time it will get set up nicely. I really miss having the level 51 guild with more amenity, the five we have right now is alright but having no merchant and no harvesters and no mariners bell reminds me of all the work we did on the other guild. Ah well, I doubt we’ll be leaving Antonia Bayle any time soon, so we have plenty of time to set down roots!

See you in Norrath!

Saturday – Book of the Day (BoTD)

I’ve decided that each Saturday, I will post one of the books I have in my user generated library on the Antonia Bayle server. If you have a book you’d like to donate to the library, that is not already listed in my player-written book area, please feel free to mail it to Ellithia, and I will send some coin in return. The first book is:

A Selection of Norrathian Fables – By Kaalenarc

A Tale of Two Monks

Two monks were on a long journey. Being monks who were deeply religious, they had taken many vows in service to their God. They walked many leagues in silence when they came to a clearing. Next to the clearing was a stream. On the other side stood a fair maiden, who wanted to come across. Without any hesitation, the first monk crossed the stream, picked up the fair maiden, forded her back and set her down.

The two monks continued on in silence for some time.

After some time the second monk spun towards the first and said, “You know, we have taken vows. It’s against those vows to come in contact with a member of the opposite sex, let alone speak to one, and you picked up the maiden, forded her across and set her down. I can’t believe it.”

The first monk paused a moment and said, “I set her down back there. You, however, have carried her all the way here.”

The Lost Axe

A man who lost his axe suspected his neighbor’s son of stealing it. To him, as he observed the boy, the way the lad walked, the expression on his face, the manner of his speech – in fact everything about his appearance and behavior betrayed that he had stolen the axe.

Not long afterwards the man found his axe while rearranging his guild hall basement. When he saw his neighbor’s son again, nothing about the boy’s behavior nor appearance seemed to suggest that he had stolen the axe.

The Eye of the Beholder

One the road to Qeynos in Antonica, a young sage meets a man near the great Claymore monument, who has two wives. One is pretty and the other plain. Yet he favors the plain wife. So the young sage asks him why.

The man answers:

“The pretty one knows she is pretty. I don’t. The plain one knows she is plain. I don’t. A bad person knows he is bad. I don’t.”

The sage says:

“I shall remember the lesson. The saint behaves as a saint, by his own volition.”

The Eagle and the Arrow

An eagle sat on a lofty rock, watching the movements of a Hare whom he sought to make his prey. A ranger, who saw the Eagle from a place of concealment, took an accurate aim and wounded him mortally. The Eagle gave one look at the arrow that had entered his heart and saw in that single glance that its feathers had been furnished by himself. “It is a double grief to me,” he exclaimed, “that I should perish by an arrow feathered from my own wings.”

The Wolf and the Lamb

A wolf was drinking at a spring on a hillside. On looking up he saw a lamb just beginning to drink lower down. “There’s my supper,” thought he, “if only I can find some excuse to seize it. He called out to the Lamb, “how dare you muddle my drinking water?” “No,” said the Lamb; “if the water is muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.” “Well, then” said the wolf, “why did you call me bad names this time last year?”

“That cannot be,” said the Lamb; “I am only six months old.”

“I don’t care,” snarled the Wolf; “if it was not you, it was your father;” and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and ate her all up.

The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.

The First Froglok King

In Ancient days, a group of Frogloks were living happily in a swamp that just suited them; they went spalshing about caring for nobody and nobody troubling with them. But some of them thought this was not right; they should have a king. They therefore sent a petition to Marr to give them what they wanted. “Mighty Marr,” they cried. “Send us a king that will rule over us and keep us in order.” Marr laughed at their croaking, and threw down a huge log. The Frogloks were frightened by the commotion in their midst. After a time, seeing that it did not move, one or two of the boldest of them ventured towards the log, and even dared to touch it. Then all the Frogloks came and did the same; and for some time the Frogloks went about their business every day without taking the slightest noitice of the new King Log. But this did not suit them, so they sent another petition to Marr, and said to him, “We want a real king; one that will really rule over us.” This made Marr angry, so he sent among them a big troll that soon set to work gobbling them all up. The Frogloks repented too late.

The Freeport Farmer and the Dragon

The son of a farmer from Freeport accidently trod upon a dragon’s tail. The great dragon turned and bit him and the son died. The father, in a rage, got his axe, and pursuing the Dragon, cut off part of its tail. The dragon, in revenge, began killing the Farmer’s cattle.

The farmer, unable then to pay the Overlord’s taxes, thought it best to make it up with the Dragon, and brought food and what small treasures he could muster to the mouth of its lair, and said to it: “Let’s forget and forgive; perhaps you were right to punish my son, and take vengeance on my cattle, but surely I was right in trying to revenge him; now that we are both satisfied why should we not be friends again?”

“No, no.” said the dragon; “take away your gifts; you can never forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail”

No one truly forgets injuries in the presence of him who caused the injury.

Safe Journeys to all in Norrath.

Nomadic Gamer