Times of Change

It has been said in the past, that players rarely feel as though they are changing the actual world in an MMO. That there are too many boundaries that prevent this (namely the fact that there are thousands of other players doing the exact same things as you) and typically I would agree – except I do not think this is the case in EQ2. In fact, I think EQ2 is one of the few games out there that hosts events that DO make players feel as though they are changing the world, literally.

Lets go way back to EQ2’s release. Frogloks were not in game yet. Each server had to individually complete quests and raids in order to free the frogloks and make them a playable race. If you happened to be one of those lucky people who did the Spirits of the Lost raid, obtained a title, and freed the frogloks for your server (first), you KNOW you affected the world.

That is not the only instance of players affecting the world. There was the building of the griffon towers in Nektulos Forest and Thundering Stepps, where players had to complete quests to help the NPC’s build them, opening them to the servers when they were complete. There were giant dragons that would spawn shortly afterward (epic) during the construction of the wizard spires, and if you were lucky enough to kill them you managed to gain a title that only people on the raid obtained. You also unlocked the wizard spires for players and there were miniature replicas of both the griffon towers and wizard spires to those who helped. If the people on those servers did not bond together to complete the tasks, they wouldn’t have been unlocked.

There was also the construction of the guild halls, where players gathered supplies for the NPC’s (and were granted titles) – and yes, I realize that this is just small scale and many other players were doing the exact same quests but you could physically SEE the progress that you personally had contributed and thus feel like you are changing the world. Sure, if you didn’t do it some other player would have, but it all counts (in my opinion).

There are countless events like these. EQ2 also has a guide program with special quests and rewards for players, and there are live events that grant unique items and titles going on constantly. When the Gods returned to Norrath there were specific quests for each one (of the early deity) that rewarded house items with a clicky effect (that were removed from game after some time) and speaking of quests that are removed from the game after some time – you do NOT want to miss out on the lore book that is currently in game!


Posted on the lore forums of EQ2players is a riddle for players to figure out. Basically to ignore all of the lore and the riddle even what you need to do is wear your glowing black stone, head to the Vault instance in Barren Sky on the isle of awakening, on the left hand alcove right at the entrance is a pedestal. Click it. You’ll receive a note. Take that back to your Freeport or Qeynos librarian. The sage who sells all of the other books in other words. He will now have a new book for sale, it costs 1g and a little change.

This book is around for a LIMITED TIME ONLY and explains some of the lore for the newest expansion due out in February. If you are a lore fanatic, a house fanatic, or just like to collect those sorts of things do NOT MISS OUT on this book! There will be more books released, and you’ll want to own the whole collection (or at least I do).

Back on topic. Sure, this method is not flawless, there’s still the idea that other people are doing the exact same quest as you and you may not be the only one out there changing the world, but how many of us are out there in real life changing the world all alone? There’s always the sense of community and bonding together to get a goal accomplished. The fact that these quests are available for a limited time, and are not repeatable (ie: we won’t be building more wizard spires, or griffon towers, nor will we be welcoming the Gods back to Norrath who are already here) give us a time line for events that make it seem like the world is constantly changing over time. If you think back to the release of the game and the drastic changes Norrath has gone through since then (most of them I listed above) it’s amazing to see the change that has occurred.

Of course, if you’re new to the game or have only been playing for a very short time you may not have gotten to experience any of these things. That’s where dedication to the game comes into play. You can’t play a few short months and experience the events that have gone by in the years past.

I love thinking back to how Norrath was when I first started exploring, when it took me a week to reach level 7 on my templar (at the time simply a cleric since you sub classed at level 10) and remembering all of the events that have happened over time. Not only the festivals that return every year like Frostfell (one of my favorites) which also require a lot of work to pull off for players, but those unique live events that are a ‘once in a life time’ thing for characters to experience. Those are what make the world of Norrath come to life, give it a strong backbone, and those are what I remember most of all about changing the world.

Saying Goodbye (to Kithicor) Hello Antonia Bayle!

Yesterday was a busy day. The guild of three plus one on Kithicor had to pack up the entire guild, as well as our shared banks and brokers and we began the long move over to Antonia Bayle. Our kithicor guild was level 51, we worked really hard on it. So in remembrance we placed mannequin in the entry of our (now empty) hall, with a book written by each of us. The mannequins on the far left and right are my two characters, the mystic and coercer. My book was fairly short, it explained how I came to kithicor, and why I was leaving.

The coercer moved over with no problems, but my mystic for some odd reason couldn’t even see the ‘services’ tab on the station market. Turns out there’s another small bug – if you use gift cards your account is flagged as “pending” and not “active” – to remedy this all you have to do is add a credit card to the end of your subscription (it won’t charge you anything until the gift card runs out) and it will be flagged as active again.

Once I’d done that the mystic moved over with no issues. Since neither character had to change their name, both of their homes remained intact, thankfully because Ellithia owns my Norrathian Museum and I had nightmares of having to rebuild the entire thing. That’s one house I’ve spent countless hours on.

Speaking of my museum, I spent the better part of the afternoon purchasing player-written books to add to my library. There are 33 (that’s right) pages of player written books on Antonia Bayle. On Kithicor there was 1 page, and most of those were my fellow guild mates. The prices of the books are very reasonable, and I bought up everything I could, happily.

Now, one person in particular has uh, some.. Pornographic books that are selling. So if you do purchase books from the broker, or your children are about to, be careful if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing. For the most part I’ve been exceptionally pleased with the books I have found, and it looks like my library is coming along very nicely. I’ll have to make a list of what I own so that I can keep track and avoid doubles.

Now I need to betray my 2nd coercer back over to an illusionist, Calreth has offered to help out with spells and since I’ve already got the illusionist epic completed there won’t be too much work to do at least. Then I’ll have an illusionist, coercer, and mystic on Antonia Bayle instead of two coercers.

Hopefully Kasul and Wpus will be able to move over today, I see research assistants are fixed – NOTE – when you move servers the RA is set back to zero, so if you have spells in the works get them BEFORE you transfer. Unless you don’t really care about the spell of course. Then it doesn’t really matter.

Thank goodness it’s Friday! I hope everyone has a fantastic day. I’m off to my upper gi and hopefully we’ll finally get to the bottom of these health issues.

Home Sweet (new) Home

The screen shot is taken from Evernight Abby which my guild tackled last night happily. We didn’t get anything of use to drop but honestly that’s not a big surprise for us, and we’re quite used to it. We were having a few issues with heals on the final fight since I was not boxing my mystic and just playing the coercer, but I logged in Ellithia and we downed the final named without too many issues. The first time through we forgot to get the spell that casts holy water to prevent the massive AOE that pretty much one shot my poor enchanter.

Ultann managed to get his mythical last night – which means that TODAY we will be packing our bags and leaving Kithicor for good, moving to Antonia Bayle, a server I have always loved. I’m excited about it, eager to join friends and set down new roots. Hopefully we can find an alliance or two to raid with, and make some new friends along with the old. I will be moving my coercer from Najena along with the mystic from Kithicor, and then when I can afford it, I’ll move over my other coercer and (gasp) probably betray her to an illusionist so that I have one of each again. We’ll see. I haven’t figured it all out quite yet.

Aside from Evernight Abby we also did Obelisk of Ahkzul, no the shield did not drop, again. I think I’ve stopped wondering if it will. At least the zone is fairly fast, and we do get a shard from the final named. I still need to finish off the set gear on the coercer, and since I’m moving over a different coercer, she’s going to need her set, as she doesn’t have any of it at all. I started playing on Kithicor before I really got into TSO at all with any of my Najena characters.

Today is going to be busy, packing up and moving characters over, making sure nothing important is left behind. Hopefully it goes well. Fingers crossed!

Character Transfer Potions are a Go

Yesterday the LONG awaited character transfer tokens were implemented in game, and I can only imagine how much money SOE will be making off of those. The automatic transfer that we used to be able to do from the web site has been down since last September, they attempted to move it to a petitioned system which didn’t work out and for the past few months the only way you could transfer a character was to call San Diego during business hours and request a transfer. The price at the time was also $50 which was dropped down to $25, a VERY smart move in my opinion. Especially given how much people like to play with their friends (at least the people I know do).

Myself, I’ll be moving to Antonia Bayle along with Kasul, Wpus, and Ultann all from Kithicor. We’ve made no secret of the fact that Kithicor is a particularly horrid server with very low tolerance for anything that’s not up to standards. It makes finding groups and meeting people hard, and none of us enjoy it very much. We’ve kept to ourselves for the most part, and we’re (as far as I know) all looking forward to the change.

Tipa also moved to Antonia Bayle, where Malfi, Cuppy, and Calreth already are. I have actually played on AB before a few years ago and enjoyed the server, but moved to Najena to be with friends (who eventually moved some place else). I’m hoping this will be the last time I transfer characters anywhere, but I’m not holding my breath, stuff happens.

To start off I’ll be moving my 80 mystic and 80 coercer. I’ll be waiting until Monday as Sunday is the day Ultann will be getting his mythical updates (paid) and I wouldn’t want him have to give that up.

In the mean time we’ve got to pack up the halls on both Najena and Kithicor, and make sure everyone is well situated before the moves. Hopefully it goes nice and smooth, I’m not expecting too much trouble. The potions are VERY easy to use, and tell you of any errors you may experience along the way.

The ONE bug I heard about yesterday involves player housing. If you transfer servers and a name change is required, there was a bug yesterday that prevented the items from within your house from moving with you, because the ownership names did not change along with the character name. This meant if you moved from server A to server B and changed names the house items were still under character A and did NOT move even though the house was now owned under character name B. Very frustrating and I hope there is a solution to that in the works, I’d hate to think of how many players lost the items from their homes yesterday.

Wednesday! I hope it’s a fantastic one and everyone is happy. No doubt I’ll be seeing you all in Norrath! If you’re on Antonia Bayle I look forward to meeting some new friends next week, and reuniting with old ones.

Trivial Matters

One of the things I have been struggling with (a little) is the fact that I know in February the level cap will be going up by 10 – thus making all of the gear I work for now pretty much obsolete. Coupled with the fact that (if it goes through at least) gear will become “grey” to the person wearing it if they out level it, thus reducing its effectiveness. That means at level 90 I’m not going to be wearing a single piece of gear from TSO (unless it was upgraded of course) because it will be ‘grey’ to my character and weaker then a piece of gear that is level 81+

With that being said, spells will also be upgraded making the spells I have now pretty much useless though you could argue the fact that you’ll want the best of the best in the mean time in order to blast through the content of the new expansion. The problem is – the new expansion is still 7 months away. This is a horribly early time to start thinking about how before too long everything will be trivial.

Then there’s also the fact that I am eagerly awaiting server transfers to come down in price so that I can get settled in a new (but old since I’ve been there before) server. I’m not moving the same characters that I’m currently playing on Kithicor (aside from the mystic) and that makes whatever I do on my current coercer and dirge / troub a little meaningless to me – since I’ll be playing someone else. I realize that probably only makes sense to myself, but that’s where things are standing right now.

Yesterday! The guild got together (minus one Kasul who was still at work) and managed to inch our way back to Obelisk of Ahkzul which was the mission of the day (or the daily double for those of you not familiar with Kithicor’s way of terming it). This is the quest given to you in the Moors that rewards 2 void shards and a plat. The zone is simple, and we cleared it without too much trouble. We did lose Ultann on the ‘bounce’ room because he fell through the world, but Burny (Wpus’ mage pet) tanked just fine while we pinged off the magical orbs.

No, the shield didn’t drop. I am fairly sure that thing is a myth, we’ve seen every single other drop numerous times now and no shield. My mystic is getting mighty tired of the RoK one she’s wearing (it’s a really bad shield) but even the void crafted ones offer very little to healers. They have no heal crit on them, low power (only 100) and no other admerable traits aside from their spiffy graphics that would convince me to want one.

The 20th of the month is coming around quickly again and that means the grotto events will be back in Norrath! I’m looking forward to adding some more house items to my collection and getting the aa’s on characters who have not done it yet. I’ve put a few for sale on Kithicor and they’ve been going for 5-10p per piece, which is just neat (and weird). It’s nice to be able to make a little coin.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday, and I’ll see you in Norrath!

Nomadic Gamer