Dungeons, Crafting, and Transfers – Oh My!

Yesterday I decided to move my 80 troubador over to Kithicor. It wasn’t exactly spur of the moment, I had been thinking about it for quite some time but when I filled out the typical petition email to transfer I was told that I would have to actually call San Diego in order to initiate the move. On the plus side even though I would have to call long distance, the move would be instant.

I have never had too much difficulty paying the $50 character transfer fee – of course like everyone else I wish it were cheaper (and easier) but gaming (the bits I do for ‘fun’ as opposed to work) factors into an entertainment budget. If you consider the amount of money someone may spend on alcohol (I don’t drink), movies, vacations or other sorts of entertainment as opposed to the amount that I spend on video games and MMORPG’s in specific, I actually spend a good deal less then the average person. When you take into account the fact that the cost of my SOE accounts are also covered due to work, I’m getting a huge bargain on time spent entertained vs. cost of said time.

When the decision comes to move a character, I don’t spend any time berating myself over the cost (unless I have a hankering to move all my characters which would cost over $500 at once, that’s a big chunk of cash) but rather just move on with it and filter it under that entertainment budget. I know that not everyone can do this, and there are plenty of people out there who think that I’m crazy for having spent so much money moving characters around. Ah well.

The troubador is settled on Kithicor, I celebrated by picking up a few cheap masters and then spent the evening doing a few easy things from the laptop while I continue to battle health issues. Wpus had to head to work, but Kasul and Ultann were still around. Ultann and I headed to Karnor’s Castle to take down some named (farming in there seems to be all the rage as of late) and while I didn’t win anything of note it was still a lot of fun. Afterwards I decided to get some crafting done on the little bard, she was a 71 alchemist when I moved her over and she’s now sitting slightly into level 74. I have plans of getting 75 with her today so that she’s the appropriate level to make adornments. Speaking of which the little ratonga also happened to transfer along all of my adornment supplies, so I should be able to get the illusionist a few more skill ups today.

The troubador (aside from being an alchemist) is also a max level tinkerer, which comes in handy. Ultann, Wpus, and Kasul are all also tinkerers. My favorite item (by far) so far is the ‘call of the tinkerer’ and I’m glad there are a few handy bits out there that we can make use of.

The guild is inching its way to level 45, and new harvest bots. We purchased the root NPC when we hit level 40, and now we’re looking to get the mining NPC. This makes crafting a LOT easier, especially in a smaller guild. With only four of us in the guild and Kasul still fairly new, I’m exceptionally pleased that we’re coming along so well in levels. I still have a whole lot of Heritage Quests to complete one of these days. Ah the persistent quest of ‘how many things can you achieve in so little time’.

Hopefully everyone is doing fantastic this fine Tuesday. Have fun where ever you end up, and I’ll see you in Norrath!

Saturday Bits and Pieces

Ah yes, another picture less blog post which means I’m blogging from bed again where I have no screen shots saved. Not going to rant about that here, no doubt my spirits about this whole situated will improve before too long.

Yesterday was not nearly as productive as I had of hoped. I did get some wizard 101 time in and my alt, Emma, is level 8 now and wandering through Triton Avenue and Cyclops Lane completing quests. She’s picked up a few more house items but nothing of any great significance. Mostly books and candles.

In EQ2 it was also fairly quiet, most of my friends were either away for the day or working, so I spent most of it working on my transmuting (I believe I’m at 230 skill now maybe slightly over) and working on the carpenter.

I love carpenters, I already have one on Najena, the coercer. This time around it’s my illusionist. I was at level 55 and running low on vitality but thanks to potions managed to inch my way to level 61, which is when the cool recipes start. Level 60 also meant I could head to The Isle of Mara and pick up the carpenter only shiny collection, granting me some very nice Asian themed recipes which will certainly come in handy.

That was the extent of my gaming for the day. I haven’t figured out if Sims 3 can be run on my laptop, but I may attempt to install it to find out. EQ2 runs just fine (and EQ) so we’ll just have to see. I’ve been contemplating starting up WoW again just for something exceptionally casual (please don’t flog me) but I only own up to the burning crusade and I’ve never managed to get a character over level 50. Go figure that the ONE game that is supposed to be the ‘easiest’ out there is also the one I’ve never had a max level character in, nor have I ever raided. I think the fact that you can simply use addons that will ‘do it all’ for you is a turn off in that regard and it’s why I’ve never tried.

I attempted to move my troubador to Kithicor via the email character transfer service, but their responce was that I would have to call their office for security reasons. I have no idea why, but it seemed odd (and annoying) that I would have to wait until 1pm on a Monday and then call to San Diego. I’m not sure moving a character is even worth whatever hassle will come from that so I may just decide against it. Not like I don’t already have plenty to work on.

I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend, I’ll see you in Norrath (and probably Telon, and Wizard city, and any other number of places)!

So Many Games, So Little Time

A full blog post just isn’t working out for me today, so I’ll keep it short (for once). I didn’t get to play EQ2 at all yesterday due to work, meetings, and other things popping up (brother came down for the day) but I picked up the daily double to do at another time since you can keep them for a number of days. Started a few new games, can’t talk about one yet but I will as soon as I can. Princess (the cat) woke me up at 5:45 instead of 5:30 today, so that’s nice. She’s resorted to chewing apart the same book instead of 20 different ones, another bonus!

Next weekend is the Medieval Festival and work deadlines, so needless to say my posts will be sporadic and disjointed at best over the course of the following seven days. Once that weekend is over things should be able to settle back down to normal, and I won’t appear so harried and frantic. We’ll see!

Happy gaming where ever you play, and have yourselves a fantastic weekend.

Lost in the Void – Tradeskill Style

Yesterday saw us with an odd assortment of guild mates actually on line (all four of us at once!) which hasn’t been happening often this week due to work, so we decided to take advantage of it. That was until Ultann lost his power for a few hours. In the mean time Kasul, Wpus, and I decided we would attempt a crafting mission, and as chance would have it, the mission of the day was the newest one that was added, the void mission.

I’d never done this mission before and I was excited. We all ported over to the Moors where one of the air balloon NPC send you on your way. A few words of warning for this particular mission. It doesn’t tell you, but you require a mining skill of 25+ in order to harvest the ore that is in the zone. This differs from the regular instances where harvesting skill is not taken into account at all. There was no warning that I’d need this skill either, so I had to leave and come back.

Number two, there’s no real ‘door’ to this zone which means that unless you happen to be CURRENTLY ON the quest, there’s no way into the zone (that I have found at least). Now, the down side to this is that if you complete the quest, and then accidently click the ‘zone to Moors’ button that pops up on the nice shiny void door before looting the chest – you will have no way of returning. Arysh didn’t miss out on too much at least when the chest was popped, as we only managed to get ourselves a jewelers piece of gear (which Kasul already had). I dragged both the tailor and the carpenter to the zone to gain the crafter shards as well as faction.

The zone itself was beautiful, and the quest was quite fun. You have literally walked in on a failed raid, and what the raiders could not do in their uber gear the crafters will attempt. Of course there’s the matter of supplies. Dead raiders and mounts lay all over the zone and you have to run around taking the clothes from their corpses. Literally. You click on the dead body and watch as their gear vanishes. It was incredibly funny. You also steal flesh from the dead mounts in order to create the food articles needed. The trees near by can be used for wood, there just happens to be some void-coal laying around the ground, and there are little piles of moving void goo that you can harvest.

But what about a craft table? Well, thankfully the gnome who tells you about the mission has a supply of tinkered ones available, they last for 15 minutes each round and he’ll pass out stacks. We all managed to complete our portions (with poor Kasul doing most of the work, as Wpus and myself are mere lowbie crafters and the combines were quite daunting) and the quest was completed without too much trouble. Of course we all know crafters are incredible beings of power, so we managed to create the portal using the supplies left behind. Who needs raiders.

Once Ultann’s power returned we headed to Veksar: The Sunken Theater and cleared the entire zone (it also happened to be the daily double for yesterday). It makes an amazing difference when I can concentrate on just playing the enchanter and stunning every opportunity I get. Not that I mind two boxing and playing the mystic, but of course performance is better when not divided. Nothing of great worth dropped, and we still had some time before people had to call it an night (myself included) so we headed over to Obelisk of Ahkzul (no shield) and then for a change of pace we went to the Commonlands and completed Cavern of the Afflicted (no jester’s cap, no sword). Ellithia is 16 shards away from completing her T2 void set, Arysh is quite a few more behind but she’s getting there slowly. It’s nice to be able to complete these zones without too much difficulty, and when there is difficulty we don’t have a whole lot of people berating us telling us how much we suck (like that one warlock from Deep Forge who wanted to bring a 3rd healer along when we wiped once on the final named). I didn’t get any time to work on my transmuting before I had to call it a night, but I’m still hoping to get high enough to be able to transmute level 70+ gear before too long. The guild bank has been purged of lower level rares in order to make items to transmute, and I think I currently have enough for about 150 combines, which should grant at least 60-80 skill ups depending on how lucky I am (though we all know if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all).

I hope everyone has an incredible Friday, no matter where you find yourself. I should be in various games this weekend, but as always you can get a hold of me via email, twitter, or any other means you can find (most are listed in the upper left portion of the web site).  Safe travels and happy gaming!

A Quiet Night (They’re Good!)

I know, it’s an old screen shot of my halfling templar at home in her 1 room in Baubleshire. When I was flipping through my screen shot folder last night (typically I just stick to using fraps since it puts them all in one nice easy to find place) I noticed that I didn’t actually take any screen shots of the brief time I played EQ2, instead it was filled with Sims 3 and Wizard 101 (showing off that new pet dragon that came out with the latest issue of Beckett).

While I did spend a good portion of time playing in Sims 3 (maybe more about that later, I haven’t decided if I want to continue blogging about Sims 3 or just stick to the MMO’s) I also manged to squeeze a little EQ2 time in there. The guild hit level 40! WOW! A huge accomplishment for us that I was exceptionally happy about. This opened up three more amenity and we put them to good use. The guild is now sporting a gathering NPC, fuel merchant, and rush order writ NPC. It’s great to have these things in the hall and I was really excited that we managed to hit level 40 so soon after reaching level 30.

Once everyone was around it was time for a quick crucible run – there are still upgrades that the final boss drops although we didn’t see any of them last night. The illusionist did get a master spell to drop, but it was the level 80 doppelganger spell that I rarely use and I’m not even sure if there’s that much of a difference between the adept3 and m1 qualities. Ah well it was better then nothing.

I was feeling slightly sore so I spent the rest of the night working on my transmuting which hit 200/400. This means I can transmute up to and including level 45 items. I’m hoping that today I can get up to the point where I’m transmuting up to level 60, or maybe even further we’ll just have to see. It would be fantastic to have a transmuter around. The whole way I’ve been leveling off of lowbie items, using the T1 materials because it’s far cheaper then purchasing appropriate level items even if it does take forever.

This weekend should see me in multiple games once more, a little Vanguard and Wizard 101 for sure, as well as that beta event that everyone keeps talking about. Hard to believe that tomorrow is already Friday!

I hope everyone has an amazing day, and I’ll see you in Norrath!

Nomadic Gamer