Valentines Ramblings and Instances

Yesterday was another relaxing day, with my flu going away a little bit more. I’m not 100% yet, but I’m confident that I will be sooner rather then later. Of course I made sure to spread the infection to as many denizens of Ottawa as I could in the mean time. If you wondered why some strange woman was out on the streets strewing used tissue around begging for someone to help her pick them all up, well now you have your reason. 

I promised myself when I finished all of my articles on Tuesday, that I would take the rest of the week to slowly absorb the going-ons of the last three weeks. Everything from the crazy passport incidents to the actual trip to San Diego and what it meant to me on a very personal level. My closest friends understand why this was such a huge undertaking, it wasn’t just about flying alone and going to a new place and doing my job but it was about incidents in the past and confronting my fears. I think I did pretty well. Of course it’s easy to say that now that it’s over with. 

So I’ve done just that for this week, done nothing but relax (some dishes, I’ll admit) and relaxed. It may seem odd of me to do, but I think I’ve deserved it. I didn’t really celebrate everything yet, and I plan on doing that Saturday. We’ll see how it goes. 

Yesterday in game I had a lot of fun. I worked on the Valentines quests in Antonica on the mystic, dragging my conjuror friend along with my coercer to partake in the races close to the North Qeynos gates. The rewards to this race (which requires a minimum of 3 people) are flowers, and the first place winners get the really Fancy ones in glass containers. This is the first year I’ve done any of the valentines stuff, you may recall that last year at this time I was playing Vanguard full time which is why I’ve never done the Valentines stuff before. I managed to gather one of all the fancy flowers, and purchased the new valentines crafting books as well making a bunch of everything. 

Ultann, Wpus and I did our regular Obelisk run where the shield did not drop (of course not!), we also did Vaults hoping for the guard for Wpus and we even got a master chest at the end of the instance but of course it had to be fabled scout pants and not the item we wanted. We also did CoA and no healer ring (or caster ring for that matter) dropped (again). We did Chelsith and the belt Ultann wants did not drop (not have we even seen it to date). Ah well. My coercer did manage to ding level 78, which was great. She’s about 30% into the level now, and getting closer to being able to wear all this gear I’ve been holding for her. 

Now I need to catch my minstrel up to the group in LoTRO, and I’d like to play a little EQ1 and VG this weekend too. Monday is ‘family day’ here in Canada and I believe in the US as well, so it’s a long weekend, should be lots of time to game! I hope everyone is having a fantastic friday, and I hope that those who are close to me forgive me for my distance over the past little while. I love and appreciate everyone in my life so much and I know just how lucky I am.

Obelisk Goodness

Yesterday the mission of the day was Obelisk. You know the one in Moors that’s not too difficult and requires a lot of bouncing around for one named? Well, my trio had attempted to do this zone just us a few weeks ago, before I was level 80 on the mystic and before we’d gotten any void shard gear or anything like that. The two void creatures by the first doorway tore into us pretty bad, it wasn’t a good sight. We decided yesterday to attempt it again, me boxing the 77 coercer along with my 80 mystic, the shadowknight and conjuror I typically play with. The conjuror has masters of all his pets now, and is sporting a full set of T2 void shard gear, the shadowknight has won a few masters as well and is sporting his full set. I only have two pieces of mine and the coercer is wearing a mish mash of gear – but we managed to clear the entire zone with just the three of us. 

I was so proud.

There are some people who have fun in game doing quests, others decorating, or raiding, or hanging out with friends or doing multiple other avenues of things. Lately, I’ve been having the most fun taking down encounters with three people that are difficult (or at least I consider difficult) that we wouldn’t typically be able to beat. None of us are raid geared, none of us have our mythical and so these encounters are actually hard and require us to be on top of things. My mystic doesn’t even have her fabled epic yet (I know, I’ve been slacking). 

It was a LOT of fun, and even though I didn’t see the healer shield, knowing that we can beat it now was very satisfying. We also did a Chelsith run and Vaults, as well as all of the regular TSO instances for void shards. The coercer is sitting on 20 now and since she’s not 80 yet she’ll be able to at least get a set of gear made by the time she gets there. The mystic is a little behind, but that’s alright. 

I’m (finally) starting to feel human again after being sick for a week. My nose is still dripping (ew) but at least the hacking cough has died down quite a bit. Looking forward to feeling even more human in the upcoming days. Today? Valentines stuff!

Time to PLAY!

Now that all of my articles are finally written, I have decided to take the rest of this week to do absolutely nothing (aside from get better from this cold that I’m still trying to battle) aside from game. Maybe clean the house a bit. Anyhow, my schedule for this week is empty and I’m loving it. No doubt I’ll get some time to dive into LoTRO for a little bit, as well as playing EQ2 with friends, and whatever else happens to catch my interest. As long as this flu bug doesn’t beat me into submission at least. 

Yesterday was a great day gaming wise. I got a lot done, which is always fun. I started in on the Valentine’s goodies, but was quickly side tracked by guild mates. When we can, we mentor down to level 50 and do the void shard goodness with my bard who’s sitting at level 54. My mystic has her full set of T1 gear, and two pieces now of T2 gear. The coercer is still four levels away from using void shard gear, but she has 9 shards just waiting to be made into something. I should be able to get quite a few more before she’s level 80 and able to wear any of the gear. She’s still wearing level 30 gear in the mean time. At least she has all of her adept3’s!

The shadowknight and conjuror I hang out with headed to Vaults after our shard run and trio’d that, then headed to Chelsith to do that together. By then it was around 9:30pm though and I was not feeling very well at all so I took some night time medicine and crashed for the next 10 hours. I’m not sure what they gave me in San Diego when I was down but dang I just can’t seem to shake it (and to be perfectly fair, it’s not ALL from the people at SOE, I’m sure a lot is due to the 6 airplanes I was on, the lack of sleep, stress, and my already weakened immune system). We did manage to get a shadowknight master to drop, it’s usually always just conjuror spells that we get. 

Hope everyone else is having a lot of fun in their game of choice, see you in Norrath!

Patch Note Catch Up

I haven’t read the patch notes in a little while since I’ve been so busy doing articles that I had to write up, so here they are! I now get to play for the rest of the week and get over this horrible cold I have. Looks like some fantastic changes in place, and I’m really looking forward to playing with the Valentines stuff. 


Hotfix February / 10 / 2009

(2/10/09-2/16/09) Erollisi Day is being celebrated across Norrath! Those willing to participate in the celebration are encouraged to make their way to Antonica or The Commonlands where the Swornlove siblings’ task of matchmaking can lead to a deeper mystery surrounding three Sisters that have traveled to Antonica seeking answers. Meanwhile, love notes and message candies hold new worth with holiday merchants in Qeynos Harbor or East Freeport and tradeskillers, alike.


The EverQuest II Recruit-A-Friend program is a unique promotion that rewards you with free gameplay time (to be added to the end of your then-current subscription) and exclusive in-game items for each new player you bring into the game who becomes an active subscriber of EQII.   For information about how you can participate visit the website at http://everquest2.station.sony.com/recruit-a-friend.vm.

Hotfix February / 5 / 2009
A new type of item has been added: HEIRLOOM items are the same as NO-TRADE except that they can be placed into your shared bank.  Characters on the same account and server can then pick them up out of the shared bank.  Normal shared bank rules apply on PVP servers.

The spider ability ‘Sticky Webbing’ has changed from a 30 second root to a 3 second daze.
Merchants in the Village of Shin will now buy as well as sell items.
It should now be slightly easier to avoid the blood gorgers in the entry passage to Grobb, if you are careful.
Spotting a business opportunity, a new fuel merchant has recently set up shop in Firmroot Moot near the mender.
Large attribute values over the base cap will no longer cause your max hitpoints or power to decrease.
Adornments which add additional damage to a weapon will now correctly report critical attacks.

Bountiful Harvest should no longer display a combined harvest on root and foresting nodes.  Instead you should see two messages similar to other nodes.

Frontload will no longer cause poisons to cancel when it is toggled off or expires.

Perseverance is now a buff and works in a similar fashion to Reversal with a hidden spell that can only trigger once every 15 seconds.

Kindred Restoration will now cast properly if the shaman is casting another spell.

Anchor of Bazzul
Imprisoner Y’nosii’s death now results in his weakened soul spawning. Killing the weakened soul gives a key that will open Ynosii’s treasure chest.

Cavern of the Afflicted
A group of zombies near the first Maledictive Terror should no longer continue to respawn.

Evernight Abbey
Players on the quest A Brother’s Revenge should no longer be able to get a quest update and be asked to turn in Gabardine Obisgnul’s head when they do not have the item.

Halls of the Forsaken
The mission End of the Forsaken should no longer occasionally have too few forsaken soldiers and conscripts present in the zone.

The Avatar of Hate should cast crushing hatred more reliably on attackers now.

Palace of the Ancient One
The Switchmaster should critically hit players somewhat less often now.
Tythus can no longer have his Voidslide AOE interrupted.
The duration of Nether Bolt, the reactive associated with Pentaclypse and Ultaclypse, has been reduced to 1.5 seconds.

Ravenscale Repository
The two parts of Mission of the Macabre can now be completed in any order, so that Noyle is no longer occasionally already dead once players reach that step. 

Atrebite Mantle of Destruction may now be worn by all plate tanks.
Drum of the Ethernaut Chronicler’s proc now functions on both spells and melee attacks.
Cloak of the Overlord and Cloak of Antonia Bayle now have additional ranged bonuses.
The proc text on Ripper’s Stiletto now more clearly states that it triggers only from attacks made with that weapon.
A number of the Frostfell reward armors have been changed to create a more balanced stat progression.
Paladin’s Zealous Voidbeam 4-piece bonus now adds mitigation instead of Spell and Combat Art damage.
Silk Robe of Summoning, Aramid Robe of Voidcaller, and Staff of Elemental Mastery no longer function on swarm pets, but should stack with other pet effects better than they did previously.
The 5-piece bonus on the Conjuror and Necromancer raid sets has been improved slightly.
Razhish’s Cloak of Flowing Power has a new proc.
The effect on Ferhustr’s Furious Rolling-Pin should now add 20% to heals and runes.
Overloaded heal procs will now trigger properly from reactives and wards
Unholy Rift 4 piece bonus to Tenacity should now have a 35m range.
The Neutral Avatar 2 piece charm bonus will now work correctly.
Protective Platemail Helm of the Rising Sun is now properly classified as plate.
Void-Etched Blade and Void Cutlass of the Lethe now have delays more suitable for offhand weapons.
Extract Mana on the Illusionist robe from VP now functions properly.
The collection reward Cape of Infatuation now has an appearance.
Many of the fabled items within Palace of the Ancient One, Ykesha’s Inner Stronghold and Tomb of the Mad Crusader, have been upgraded and or had effects added.
Gynok Moltor will no longer drop Stained Mummy Bandages or the Eye Mounted Ring. His drops have been upgraded and new items have been added in place of the ones that were shared.
The Savage Wall was dropping from both Captain Ikalus and Xebnok the Wretched. Xebnok will no longer drop the Savage Wall and has had a new item added to his table to replace it.
A few pet caster effects have been added to select mage items.
The Silvered Link Chain is now usable by rogues.
Zarrakon will now drop new items.  In addition some of his existing drops have been upgraded or had effects added to them.

Moors of Ykesha
Captain Lip Marrsquire’s “Evidence?” quests are no longer impeded if completed after finishing the quest, “Who Dun It?”  Return to Captain Lip Marrsquire to complete these quests.

Examination Data will now show the critical damage multiplier if it differs from the base amount.
Spells that are affected by achievements will no longer drop after being charmed.

Spiritual Circle will now apply properly to members of the raid.

Repenting Strike will now trigger if the inquisitor is stunned or stifled.

Siphoning of Souls adept 3 will now trigger Soothing Soul properly.

A number of trade skill faction rewards are now considered heirlooms.  The components required for “Proof of the Pudding” are also considered heirlooms.
“Tools of the Trade” set bonuses are now slightly different for each set.

Critical Mitigation display in the persona window will now show the attribute gains as well.

Totally Truthful Tuesdays – Kiara (Community Relations)

I’ve decided to start a feature once a month where I interview a member of a gaming company, be it a developer, or a community relations person or someone else (whoever is willing that I can get a hold of) and delve into the person behind the company. There are plenty of people who focus on the journalistic viewpoints, and I’d rather remind everyone that these people who work within the industry are just that – people. 

So thank you to Kiara from Sony Online Entertainment, for answering my questions for me (and thus for the readers). I hope everyone enjoys her answers. I’ll be looking for more people to ask questions for the next feature, idealy I’d like to have this twice a month but I think I’ll start off with just once a month, every 2nd Tuesday. We’ll see how it goes!

1. Online Persona (name) – My handle is Kiara.  I picked it way back when the EQII forums first opened because Ciara was already taken.  Ciara was a girl I knew in high school, who was just neat and had the grooviest name ever, so I snagged it for my own use when I got involved in the whole online forum thing.

 2. Job Title – EverQuest II Community Relations Manager, sounds cool, doesn’t it?

 3. If possible, can you tell readers what an average work day consists of for you?  – That’s actually a great question.  Surprisingly little of my day consists of being on the forums.  I try to drop in as much as I can to play with the community, but more of my day is devoted to writing features that go up on the EQ2Players site, meetings to find out what’s coming up in game that I might need to tell the players about, trying to make sure that feedback is flowing and stuff like that.  We’ve recently started up a dev Q&A thread once a month where the team answers questions from the forums. 

 4. What do you like to do for fun outside of work? – I hang out with friends (this involves watching tv shows we like, playing Rock Band, and any other number of geeky fun stuff)!  I play MMOs (like EQII woot!!)  when I have the time to devote to it.  I also read when time permits (which isn’t nearly as much as I’d like… My to be read pile of books is HUGE).

 5. Can you tell readers two things about yourself that most people wouldn’t guess about you from your online persona? – Oh sure, ask the hard questions!  I have horns and a tail.  I’m not really human, but an advanced robot with really spiffy AI that lets me interact as if I were a “normal” human woman.

 6. Pie or Cake and what type?  – This is a hard question.  Both have great merit and depending on my mood or the situation the answer can vary.  Apple and pumpkin pie are musts around the holidays or when you need a pick me up.  Red velvet cake and chocolate cake are always nice.  My personal favourite though is neither a pie nor a cake, but a tart!  Cheesecake!  It’s always good and doesn’t require any sort of mood to be yummy.

 7. What is your fondest EQ2-related memory? – I have a LOT of them.  It’s really my favourite game on the market (and I’ve played a lot of them… not all by any means, but a lot!).  One of my favourite memories was during the Kingdom of Sky beta.  It was almost the end and one night several members of the guild decided to jump off the islands and see how much personal debt we could build up and how far we could jump, etc.  In Tenebrous Tangle, where you jump off the waterfall to the island below with the frogs, we were aiming for the tree and the rocks instead of the pool of water.  It was hysterical and people thought we were crazy.

 8. If there was anywhere in the world you could visit, where would it be? – There are SO many places that I’d like to go!!  But if I can only pick one, I’d like to visit the Egyptian Pyramids and poke around there.

 9. What’s your favorite type of music? – I like a lot of different kinds of music depending on my mood, but you can never go wrong with classical and show tunes!

 10. Do you have any words of inspiration for readers, or maybe a favorite saying or phrase you can share? Anything at all. – Live Long and Prosper?  I don’t really have a catch phrase or anything else.  The best I can offer is to live your life to the fullest and be yourself. 

Nomadic Gamer