January 12, 2010

Making it my own

How important is it to you to be able to make an MMO ‘yours’ in a very literal sense? I’ve been thinking about this lately, and for me, it’s almost key in me playing it full time. In order for me to really fully enjoy a game, I have to be able to call a little piece of it ‘mine’ or play in my style, or be able to customize enough options to feel that I have invested some time and effort into it.

Of course EQ2 has this in spades, with appearance gear (for that ‘unique’ feeling), housing, achievements, and numerous other functions. Sure, I may be doing exactly what every other player out there is doing (ie questing, raiding, leveling) but I’m doing it my way, which is where things start to get interesting. Pictured above is one of the main rooms to my Norrathian museum. It’s actually a 6 room house in Freeport, with granite walls – not that you can see them in that picture. I’ve effectively covered them up with re-sized furniture that I’ve flipped around to show their back and create a wood grain texture. When SoE added the ability to re-size items, a whole new world of housing opened up to players. You gain the ability to shrink or grow almost any piece in game and your imagination really is the limit when it comes to what you want to create.

One of my favorite things to do is check out the Norrathian Housing forums on the EQ2players site, and see what everyone has created for the week. I’ve seen some absolutely astounding creations, stuff that puts my own housing experiments to shame.It’s amazing what people can come up with if they’re given the proper tools.

As we approach the release date of Sentinel’s Fate (it seems at a snails pace!) I can’t help getting a little excited. Ok, a lot excited. 10 extra levels, and while some people may not be looking forward to that – I am. I really am. I’ve got way too many level 80’s and I’m really looking forward to thinning them out a little with the new expansion, and focusing on a ‘main’. Even if it’s for a short time.

Anyone else out there excited? Let me know! Hopefully I’ll get a little more game time in today, and in the mean time, see you in Norrath!