January 15, 2010

How important are your Guild Hall Amenities?

EQ2 guild halls are wonderful things. Not only do they provide your guild with a central gathering place, but they come with a lot of perks that are based on guild levels. Each five levels you’re granted either two or three amenity slots, and then you can select your chosen amenity from a huge list of options in the guild hall window (which is at the door of your hall). My guild is still fairly small, we bounce around from game to game and we’re rarely online these days – which is explained ahead of time to anyone who joins. When we ARE all around, it’s really nice. I like to make sure that the amenities are updated and that guild hall rent is still paid, and we’re still leveling – although very slow at the moment. I expect this to change once Sentinel’s Fate comes out in February.

We have 15 amenity currently, ranging from the very basic (broker, banker, merchant) to some that are purely cosmetic (the mannequin npcs can all be dressed in outfits of our choosing). I love the number of options we have, and the fact that no guild hall is exactly like any other – especially since we all decorate them to our specific unique desires. Being able to decorate an entire guild hall is a wonderful thing, you can put your guild triumphs on display via guild trophies, and even if you’re a roleplay guild, you can put book collections on display, and build elaborate taverns, or anything else your heart desires.

I like that guild halls can cater to any type of player. If you’re a crafter there are craft related amenity. If you’re a raider, there are raid related. If you’re a roleplayer, there are rp related (npcs who can sell drinks etc). It doesn’t matter how you choose to spend your time in EQ2, if you’ve got a guild hall, you’re in good company.

Of course they also come with an expense, in time, money, and status. It takes time to level a guild to the 30+ that’s required to purchase a hall. It takes plat to purchase amenity, as well as keep the upkeep paid. It also costs status as a weekly cost for amenity and the hall (though there is no status cost to purchase a hall initially).

What are some of your favorite EQ2 guild hall amenity? What could you simply not live without? One of my favorites would have to be the druid porters. Being able to port around Norrath from the comforts of my hall (especially when the recall to guild button is up every 15 minutes) is something that I REALLY miss if I’m on an alt outside of guild. Using the bells within the hall to travel to Shattered Lands destinations is another amenity that I just hate being without.

How about everyone else?