January 20, 2010

Preparing for Sentinel’s Fate

Sentinel’s Fate is about a month away, give or take and I’ve started preparing for the expansion on a few characters that I think may be ‘mains’ in the future (I’m attempting to limit myself to 1 per server that I play on currently, which means 3). One thing I’ve decided to start doing is stock pile shinies. Not just stock pile, but collect as many as I possibly can (there are plenty that I’ve never completed) and get them ready to turn in when the expansion goes live. There are a lot of people who have the same mind set as me, and that also means that shinies are going to be selling VERY well for the next couple of months. They always do when a level cap increases, people are always looking for ways to gain extra experience and alternate advancement.

I’m also trying to get ready on the crafter front. That means ensuring I have enough supplies to get from 81-90 although there’s a chance I could simple do the TSO crafting quests in order to get the levels at a low cost of no fuel. Since the new level cap is going to be 90 and not 80, I’m going to be losing the 50% bonus that my characters currently receive for both crafting and adventuring, and I’ve been looking for other means of obtaining bonuses. Potions is a major one, and there are potions I’ve yet to claim, as well as rewards from LoN that I haven’t bothered with yet. There are also those recruit a friend mounts that offer a 10% adventure bonus to people in group that I plan on keeping handy, not to mention that all important vitality, and the five and six year veteran rewards that replenish that vitality once a week.

How are others preparing, if at all? Any words of wisdom to share with readers on how they can better themselves in preparation for Sentinel’s Fate? Let me know in comments below!