January 24, 2010

The Count Down Continues

This weekend has been fairly relaxing – game wise – which is a great thing. I’ve spent most of my time in EQ2 hunting for shinies and wandering into some achievements by luck. Did you know that when Sinking Sands was changed (levels increased) they also added new shiny collections to the zone? Well, they did. I spent most of the evening running around fighting other players for them.

Speaking of which. I realize it’s a game and all, but when you decide to race someone for a shiny on the ground why not be the better person and simply let them have it. That’s what happened to me last night. I’d be running towards one and suddenly someone on a faster mount would take off for it. I don’t need the item THAT bad, so I backed off. They obviously needed it far more then I did. I’m also not one to sit quietly if someone wants to race me for a shiny, I send them a tell about it and tell them that they must need it more then me since they’re so eager to stomp on someone for it. I don’t need anything that badly, and I hope they enjoy the item.

I understand that MMOs are mostly contested, and involve competition, between guilds, players and pretty much everything else out there but I have competition with mob encounters, and not with players. It doesn’t take much effort to be nice to one another. So I wonder why I see it so rarely in video games.

Aside from that I spent a good amount of time in LotRO, there’s a welcome back weekend going on and I had a lot of fun wandering around. My minstrel reached level 27, and I got some crafting done. I’ve been debating working on an alt, but I think I’ll stick with the minstrel, I’d like to get higher then my current level, eventually. Maybe I’ll even make it to end game some time (gasps).

I hope everyone else has had an amazing weekend, no matter where you find yourself. Happy gaming, and I’ll see you in Norrath.