January 25, 2010

Are you a leader or a follower?

The screen shot was taken in West Freeport. I found it incredibly amusing that about 20 NPC were bunched together, and in front of them stood this cat, staring directly at the group. I could only imagine what it was thinking, and I decided with all of the recent turmoil in Freeport (Lucan D’Lere being trapped in the void, the citadel collapsing and what not) they had probably decided that the Thexians were out and they are now in. That’s how it played out in my mind in any case.

The general concept got me thinking about leaders and followers in MMOs, and whether or not everyone fit into those categories. I consider myself a follower. I enjoy doing whatever someone else wants to do and I don’t really like to take control of a situation. I’m content to play my class (and play it well) and learn of course, but when it comes right down to say, leading a group through a dungeon, it’s not a position I fit into very well. When it comes to looking for a group I am far more likely to join a group already searching for more players then I would be to start my own from scratch.

Now the problem comes when too many people are followers and no one wants to be the one to take control of a situation. Whether it’s simply because they’re not comfortable with the game or they’re just not comfortable leading others around it doesn’t really matter.

I don’t have this issue of course when I’m playing by myself. In that instance I’m the one in control, and I find it quite easy to think of what I want to do and how to go about it. When there’s something I need I have no issues leading my friends through it (TSO Chapter quests anyone? Epic weapon quests anyone?) it just seems to be with strangers that I have this ‘deflection mode’ set up.

So which are you, a follower or a leader? A combinati0n of the two perhaps? Are there even more options on these very basic roles within our MMOs? Let me know below!

Happy gaming, and I’ll see you in Norrath.