February 3, 2010

Lets Talk Dungeons

Everyone has their favorite dungeon, just like we all have our favorite zone. Maybe it’s that zone we’ve done a million times looking for an elusive piece of gear, or maybe it’s a zone that dropped everything we’ve ever wanted. For me personally, it’s zones that challenge the group – and also look amazing. Of course, I have to be with the right group of people to enjoy these places. I rarely PUG, not because I don’t enjoy meeting new people (I do) but mostly because I dislike it when others tell me how to do my job (who barely know what my ‘job’ is) or when I seem to get stuck with a group of people who have no idea what they’re doing so I end up dying 10 times on the first pull while they blame the healer (me).

I have really bad luck with dungeons, I always have. My saying is that if I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. That healer shield that supposedly drops from Obelisk of Ahkzul? I’ve never seen it. I’ve ran that zone so many times I couldn’t begin to count, and that shield has evaded me every single time. It has overloaded heals on it, which is why I want it. Have wanted it, for over a year now.

The charm that drops in Kurn’s Tower is another one of those ‘never dropping’ items – though I do have that one on my mystic. It refuses to drop for any other healer of mine. Don’t even get me started on those charms in the Jarsath Wastes EA.

What about everyone else? Have a favorite dungeon story you’d like to share? Have you also been doing them over and over searching for that last piece of gear that will make your character complete?

Let me know below!