The video is still processing at this time, and it’s VERY amateur, and my cat starts talking about 4 minutes into it – but here is a video / audio about some of the changes coming with Sentinel’s Fate that affect players of all levels, not just those at level 80.


8 thoughts on “I talk about Changes coming with Sentinel’s Fate”
  1. Very nice, video works really well for this kind of thing over trying to write out a long post with tons of screenshots.

    When is Princess starting her podcast?

  2. @James – I’m still in Vanguard as well, though I don’t write about it as often as I should. I’ve been helping a friend level up working on URT quests in Thestra with my 44 bloodmage

  3. Just Canadian. :D I’ve lived a LOT of places though, so it’s mixed with French, east coast (3 different types) and I lived in Germany for 5 years, on a Canadian base. Not sure what accent everyone spoke with there. So now I just blend it all. :)

  4. I like the crit and resistance streamlining but I’m not sure about the stat changes. Seems a bit too extreme and uninitutive. Why would Agility increase damage for instance? I also think it removes part of the fun and strategy behind balancing your stats.

    BTW you have a very interesting accent. Are you British? I can hear an English twang in there ;)

  5. That was a great video, very informative indeed. I am really happy with the changes to the stats and AA’s, much less confusing for the mmo tourist like me.

    BTW, your cat is awesome!

  6. Thanks, that was really informative. Had no idea all these changes were coming. Tempted to dip back into EQ2 to check them out, once the expansion launches.

    I did notice Princess wasn’t listed in the credits. I hope her agent doesn’t hear about this!

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