I’m running a contest! That’s right. You can win yourself a key to access Sentinel’s Fate when it goes live on February 16th – it’s easy to enter and not only that but I have 1 Collector’s Edition key to give away as well as 8 regular retail keys. The keys will become active on the 16th when the retail version of the game goes live.

To Enter:

Email me: stargrace@mmoquests.com with a description of your favorite EQ2 memory. This can be as long or as short as you want, in any format that you want (ie: a story, a poem, just a little paragraph. Whatever you feel inspired to write). With it, attach at least ONE screen shot. This can be a screen shot of the memory that you’re talking about, just a character shot, your favorite image that’s been burned into your brain, whatever goes along with your story.

That’s it, that’s all there is to it! It’s so simple even my cat Princess could enter if she wanted. Trust me, when she’s not busy getting into my video recordings, she’s busy pounding away on the print screen key.

Please keep in mind that this contest is ONE ENTRY PER PERSON – so make sure it’s your most precious EQ2 memory! I’ll be taking submissions from now (February 8th) until the 14th – and I’ll announce the winners and email the Sentinel’s Fate keys on the 15th – just in time for the release on the 16th. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ENTER FROM A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS as that is the address I will use to contact you about your prize! I’ll also be announcing them here on MmoQuests.

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to leave them below, or you can email me at the address mentioned above.

Good luck, I’ll see you in Norrath!

P.S. Just because you may not have ever played EQ2 before does NOT mean you can’t still enter! You can! Be creative, perhaps your favorite memory of EQ2 isn’t of you PLAYING it at all. I’m open to creative ideas, so don’t let that stop you from trying to win yourself a copy if you want to start playing!

8 thoughts on “Enter to Win a Copy of Sentinel’s Fate!”
  1. I just used Picasa to send my entry. Strangely, the service does not allow customizing the Subject, so my apologies for the email arriving in your inbox with a nondescript subject “Invitation to view a photo from Lloyd’s Picasa Web Album – Drop Box.”

  2. Travis I started in EQ2 just after christmas. Its pretty rough at first but joining a guild helps a lot with that. Right now I have found my feet and am exploring the vast world. Its pretty cool that their is so much content there and such varied things to do. The guild halls are also really neat.

    My favorite memoryso far are dancing in the streets of freeport beside the two characters that are from night at the roxbury for Erollisi Day.
    I am going to upload a picture and write up a post on it.

  3. Stargrace, what’s your opinion of new players getting into EQ2 at this point? Is it a rather daunting task?

    I’ve played EQ2 in the past but haven’t played for awhile and have only low level characters. Any thoughts you have would be extremely appreciated. Thanks!

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