February 18, 2010

My First 90/90

Sentinel’s Fate retail has been out for two days now, and I have my first level 90 adventurer / level 90 crafter. Goudia (troubador) managed to hit level 90 first in my army, although she was a crafter a day before she was an adventurer. The (some what) sad part of this is I haven’t actually been to the expansion at all yet. I crafted T8 to get to 90 crafter, and didn’t make anything from T9 until afterward (mostly because I simply didn’t have the materials). I also managed to inch her tinkering to 450, so that’s maxed out.

It may sound like I rushed through the content and didn’t get a chance to actually explore SF – however. I look at this differently. I now have as much time as I want without feeling any pressure what so ever. I can work on quest chains at my own pace, and I can enjoy the scenery. I know, that sounds really weird but I’m very happy about it. Plus I have 11 other characters who need to eventually manage their way to 90/90. I also have a whole lot of achievements to work on, and alternate advancement. I’m really looking forward to it.

How has everyone else been spending their time in SF? What are some of your favorite areas? Let me know!