March 16, 2010

Making Another Attempt

Over five years into the game, and I’ve played pretty much every class – except a tank. Why? I’m not sure, I’m just not a big fan of tanks in general. It’s not that I don’t enjoy leading from time to time, but I’ve just never really connected with them, I suppose.

I have created tanks over the years and managed to level to 50 or so before setting them aside and eventually deleting. One tank actually made it all the way to 74, a paladin of mine. I actually enjoyed this character a fair amount, but then I took a break to work on other alts, and she was cast aside. Eventually she too joined the pile of deleted alts.

Now, one thing Sony has always been very good at is their customer support. Especially if you’re polite and patient and not requesting something absurd. Yesterday I got it into my head that I would indeed like to play the paladin, and at least be able to claim that I have ONE tank at the level cap. Even if I never group with the character. So I sent off a petition asking if it would be at all possible to have this character returned to me, explaining the finer details like why I had deleted, and when, etc.

A few hours later I received an email saying she had been returned, and thus I’m back to 12 characters on my main account, the paladin filling in that final slot (thank you)!

Mentoring down to 45 Hamal and I headed to Runnyeye to kill some easy encounters and while we were there I managed to ding 75. Not bad, now she’s only 15 levels away. Hopefully I’ll be able to stick with it this time around. We’ll see. That brings my current characters to:

  • 90 Troubador / 90 alchemist
  • 90 Mystic / 85 tailor
  • 83 Coercer / 85 carpenter
  • 81 Warden / 81 woodworker
  • 80 Dirge
  • 80 Templar / 90 jeweler
  • 80 Ranger
  • 80 Illusionist / 80 provisioner
  • 76 Inquisitor
  • 74 Paladin
  • 58 Necromancer
  • 1 Warlock

I have a few characters on my 2nd account as well, but that account is closed for the time being (my 80 swashbuckler is there). I also did a little house cleaning, and deleted my 2nd 80 illusionist, and a shadowknight I had. I’m constantly deleting characters to make new ones. There are a few who I of course have pretty strong emotional ties to, and refuse to delete. I had hopes of focusing in game on only one character plus crafters, but I just love all of the adventure classes so much I don’t think it’s going to be possible. We shall see.

In the mean time, happy gaming, and I’ll see you in Norrath!