April 8, 2010

Stay updated with Buzz

I was browsing through eq2players (a fairly frequent occurrence for me) and I happened to notice this post, talking about keeping your web site updated with the latest SOE news: here.

It allows you to create a custom bit of code that you can then use as a widget on your web site much like I have now along the right hand side of MmoQuests. The selections are quite varied, and if I had more room I’d love to have added every category for EQ, EQ2, and Vanguard, but alas there’s always some sort of restriction.

Still, the idea is very awesome, and I’m glad to see that every so often fan sites still get a little update to improve and become closer to their game of choice. This is something that (in the past) I think SOE has fallen behind on. It’s important to keep in touch with your supporters and fan sites, they are (more often then not) what is drawing new players in to the game through their own personal motivation and excitement.

If you run a site that would be interested in adding this sort of widget I highly suggest you check it out. After all who doesn’t like to be in the loop about major updates coming to their game of choice.

Happy gaming!