April 11, 2010

The Golden Path – The Legend of Roger Goldie

One thing I really love about EQ2 is the quest chains. I enjoyed doing Claymore, Soulfire, Godking, and all of the major quest arcs. What I didn’t enjoy was major quest chains that tend to be shorter (and a lot more difficult) like the mythical quest chains. Sony has been working on their quest management, and trying to streamline them so that they make more sense. Right now if you’re a new player coming into game you’re left fairly clueless about where to go and what to do. There’s no natural progression from one zone to the next. Most people end up asking “what should I do at my level?” instead of having any inclination from the game progression.

There’s a new system coming to game called the Storyteller system. It should be implemented in May if all goes well. In the mean time, players can progress through The Golden Path, which is a quest chain that takes you from 20-70 (I believe, my levels may be off) through a natural progression. The story explains why you’re doing the things you’re doing, and leads you through some of EverQuest II’s best zones. If you’re interested in working your way through these quests you can check out both Zam and EQ2wikia for the Legend of Roger Goldie Timeline.

I am excited about updates like these. They give players more to do from all level ranges, and not those who are currently at end game. It’s important to be able to find a way to bring new players to the game, and while this hasn’t exactly been a forte of Sony, I’m looking forward to seeing if May might bring around an influx of new players.