April 12, 2010


I love what EQ2 has done with macros. They’ve made them simple to use, and allow for a great number of commands (a little less then we used to have, but still nice). Yesterday I went through all of my crafting characters and created crafting macros for them. They all have gear to wear during harvesting, adventuring, and crafting.

My one issue with this is that I wish EQ2 adopted Vanguard’s method of handling gear, which is to allow for different ‘tabs’ depending on the spheres. Adventure classes, Diplomacy, and Crafting as well as Harvesting each have their own tab with their own set of gear, and your character switches to it depending on what they’re doing. I have an entire bag devoted to crafting and harvesting gear on my tailor, not to mention all of the quest items I also have to drag around with me. It would be nice to free up some of that space eventually. If you’ve neglected testing out the ‘new’ (it’s been around for a little now but I’m never sure how many people are aware of it) macro system, I’d give it a try. The idea is that players don’t have to put in a lot of their own commands any more, there’s a drop down tab with a selection of macro options (equip item, use item, cast spell) that all simply use a drag and drop method to control the macro.

It’s nice to be able to switch out all my gear at the touch of one button, and not have to root through my bags to figure out which item it is I want to wear. You can easily create these macros for things such as appearance gear sets, and even floating cloaks while you’re falling.

Anyone else use the macro system and find it helpful? Let me know in comments! Until then safe travels, and I’ll see you in Norrath!