April 13, 2010

5th Crafter hits 90

Yesterday was a great day. My provisioner was level 87 and I was determined to reach 90, adding her to the other four level 90’s I already have (crafters, that is). Obtaining that goal gave me the 50% bonus experience to crafting for having max level crafters, which the remaining crafters can take advantage of. It’s not as nice as having constant vitality, but it’s still a great bonus. This means my Alchemist, Provisioner, Jeweler, Carpenter, and Tailor have all reached the max level. My woodworker is sitting at level 85 currently, and she’ll be next before I complete the final three, Sage, Armorer, and Weaponsmith. A few people have called me crazy for wanting to level them all to 90, but I really enjoy being self sufficient (by craft means at least) in pretty much every game I play (there’s a reason I have so many crafters in LotRO too). Plus it gives me something to do while I multi task and do other things.

On that same thought, I finally finished the Master Crafter quest for the alchemist. She was the only one of my crafters not to complete this quest, and I only had the final stage left. The one that sends you into Maj’dul to throw books around. It went a lot faster then I thought it would, and with some help from friends I was sporting my new cloak, title, and house item. Not to mention the T8 rares I got that promptly went to the guild bank.

I’ve been playing the dirge, trying to get her more achievements. Sitting at 132 she’s WELL behind where she should be (at level 90) and being able to support my group is pretty important to me. I enjoy playing the class a great deal, and while I have no idea how long my interest will last with this one particular character, it’s fun in the mean time. Last night was a quick trip through Cella on the Mystic, and I’m thinking that it would be a good idea for me to finish her mythical quest so that she can wear a spear I’ve had in her bags for quite some time now. We’ll see I suppose.

Other then that, things are still fairly quiet which is the way I like them. What has everyone else been up to in game?