April 19, 2010

Coercer Soloing Heroics in New Tunaria – Video

One of my favorite things to do in EQ2 is play my enchanters. There are two “branches” of enchanter. One is illusionist, the other coercer. Illusionists add a LOT of buffs to both melee (mostly with aa) and spell casters. They get a summoned persona which is a rendering of themselves, and they’re a fun class. On the other side is the coercer. They buff tanks and healers as well as offer some to melee classes (dps buffs etc). While they can possess essence (a pet that works a lot like the illusionist pet) it’s not nearly that good, and what they really shine with are their charm spells.

If you happen to get lucky enough to pick up a master 1 charm, there’s really no end to the fun you can have. Expect to die, a lot. Especially as charm breaks. You’ll also find yourself challenging the class to see just how much you can do. I love mentoring down to level 60 (or being level 60, as I’ve leveled up more then my share of coercer classes) and heading to New Tunaria just off of Greater Faydark to charm vampires. These NPC nuke for 20k a shot, and as long as you’re fighting humanoid encounters, you’ll be able to pretty much two shot anything.

There are down sides, of course. Charm breaks. Vampires poof in daylight if they happen to break during that. There’s adds. The pet could get killed if you don’t have them on range. So what I’ve done is made a video of my coercer soloing in New Tunaria to show you a little of how it’s done. This is by far my favorite class. There’s a reason I have two level 85+ coercers as well as an illusionist.
