April 26, 2010

So Many Memories

I have been playing EQ2 since release, and for the last few years I’ve played fairly steadily. Typically I take a ‘break’ and wander off to other games but I’ve learned how to multi task so well that I’m able to juggle multiple games without too many issues. Lately I’ve been thinking about how many memories I have of in game events and friends, so many years worth. It’s incredible how much a simple video game can affect our lives and how we interact in it. I wouldn’t give it up for anything, and I don’t consider it a ‘waste’ of my time.

However. As the years pass I notice that things change. Players change, and those who I used to game with on a fairly frequent basis are (well to put it bluntly) growing up. Moving on to real life responsibilities and in some cases that means no more gaming. A lot of my friends have families and children who are growing up and require a lot of attention (as it should be). The gamers are not the only ones changing, but the games are evolving as well. At first I tried to dig in my heels and demand that everything stay exactly as it was but that’s a pointless effort on my part.

I often wonder how many of us are gamers for life. Whether we’re 12 or 120 will we still be playing these MMOs as we do right now. How do we make the choice to finally let go and move on to another hobby to fill in that void of time if we’re not gaming. While I don’t think that games have an age limit, I do think that as we get older the desire to game perhaps grows less. Or at least the desire to play games as we did growing up, with the community that is out there now. Perhaps I’m wrong, but those are just some of my thoughts this morning as I sit here thinking.

Happy gaming, and I’ll see you in Norrath!