April 27, 2010

The Number Game, and Another 90 Crafter

Last night I decided to do a little experiment. Since I have so many characters I’m constantly fighting with myself over who is my ‘main’ and which character out of the 12 I enjoy more. There’s no real way to measure this especially since I tend to float around from character to character so for fun I decided to make a list of who had how many achievements (remember these are different from aa) because there’s a fairly good chance that the characters who have the most achievements are ones I’ve spent the most time on, and thus are probably some of my more favorite characters to play. Does that make sense? Well, it did in my head. The results were about what I expected with a few surprises thrown in there.

  • 288 – 90 mystic. I played this character almost constantly through TSO and it’s no surprise that out of all my characters she has the most achievements. I love the mystic. Sadly, I rarely play her these days. She’s also got the most aa to her name, as well as spell upgrades and gear. Why am I not playing her? Not really sure.
  • 239 – 90 warden. Another character who does not come as a surprise to me, she has been my favorite for so many years but I’m always reluctant to play her because EVERYONE and their dog has a druid. They’re a very simple class to play, and if you know how to play one well it just makes it all the more fun.
  • 229 – 80 illusionist. This one was a surprise to me. I haven’t really played the illusionist that much, and I can’t even recall playing her often in the last year or so. She used to be my raid main but that was well before achievements came out. She did do a little TSO raiding, but I never thought it was that much. Apparently I was wrong.
  • 216 – 90 troubador. Not really surprising, I’ve raided with this character and there’s a lot of achievements that come from that. I’ve always tried to make her my main, but no one seems to want the bard unless it’s for raids. With SF that has changed slightly, but not enough for me to want to dedicate myself to playing just this one character.
  • 199 – 80 templar. Another big surprise to me. This character has not been my main since I first started playing EQ2. She’s crafted and that’s pretty much it for years now. I love playing the templar, but there’s been very little reason for me to play her with the other (better) healers I have, so she sits on the sidelines for the most part.

The others in order were:

  • 139 – 83 coercer and 90 paladin (explained on the paladins part at least because she is still a brand new character)
  • 133 – 90 dirge (power leveled character)
  • 122 – 90 coercer (just returned after deleting, on Antonia Bayle)
  • 103 – 85 ranger (never played seriously)
  • 80 – 87 inquisitor (mostly power leveled)

Now, knowing these numbers really doesn’t do all that much for me aside from confirming (slightly) who I enjoy playing more then other characters. I’m really a numbers and lists sort of gal though, and it was still fun to figure out.

In other news! My woodworker reached level 90 last night. That means 6 crafters down, and three to go. Jeweler, Provisioner, Woodworker, Alchemist, Tailor, and Carpenter are all resting at level 90. The Sage, Armorer, and Weaponsmith still need work.

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself, I’ll see you in Norrath!