May 2010

What’s in a Spell

It seems that every class I play, no matter the game, has at least one ‘unique’ spell that makes me want to play the class even more. It may not be the best ability, or even the one I use the most, but it’s one that I look forward to casting every single time it’s up.

This weekend my newly betrayed fury managed to pick up six of her master spell upgrades. The first one was a heal that I use constantly as a fury, ‘Back into the fray’ – it is a very fast casting direct heal, which increases the lower my target is in health. It’s one of those ‘class defining’ spells that I adore. The next master spell I managed to get was hibernation, which is another unique-to-the-fury heal. It is group wide, and I have put aa into it to trigger if anyone in the group goes below a certain amount of health. Fantastic spell that I constantly use.

The third is my ‘new favorite’ spell to use, and is pictured above. This spell was actually revamped with Sentinel’s Fate, it used to be something I’d rarely cast. Now it’s something I want to cast as often as possible, especially in raids. Yum.

What’s your favorite spell to cast? Is it something unique to your class or a basic spell that everyone gets? Why do you think we’re so drawn to these spells, and do they really make our characters unique?

Most of the spells I ‘enjoy’ the most happen to be heals and buffs, I just can’t help it. For the mystic, I’d have to say bolster is my ‘favorite’ spell to cast, and not just because it enlarges my target by a certain amount. Instant cast spells are high up there too, although I don’t have very many of them in EQ2.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and that those who have today off are celebrating it with friends and family. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Never Enough Alts

Not the most fancy of characters, but for someone without a level 80 and no real means of twinking, I’m pretty happy with my shaman alt. I love playing the class, and spent a lot of this weekend working up her inscription and jewelcrafting skills. Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Betrayal to Fury (again)

I love freedom in my MMOs. Freedom to do what I want with my characters. While it’s not exactly a perfect system, the ability to betray between your counterpart class in EQ2 is something that I really enjoy doing. I also like the fact that I can do it without having to pay cash for it. In a perfect game I’d extend that quest so that you could betray from one completely different class to another without being restricted by your counterpart, but hey we can’t all get what we want.

Back when EoF was the expansion just coming out, I was playing a fury in a guild called Torrent Knights. I loved the fury, a whole lot. Mid way through I decided to betray to a warden for the good of the guild, and then shortly after that I stopped playing the druid all together and moved on to my illusionist being my raid character. After that, it seemed like everyone and their dog played a druid and so I decided to move on all together, and while my druid has always been what I consider my ‘favorite’ character it was also my least played. I know that ideally I would just play whatever I want to play and not give a second thought to how many other people are playing that class (especially since I play the character very well) but in order to have ‘fun’ in end game groups I want to be playing something that doesn’t have to spend hours upon hours LFG because there are already too many of them out there. Hence the alts.

Now that time has gone on I’ve been getting back to my roots so to speak. I love my druid, and it seems like I spend hours LFG no matter who I’m on so I may as well play what I love. I spent most of Wednesday evening betraying her back from warden to fury, and then spent all my money purchasing diamonds to get expert spells created, and headed to the docks of Nektulos forest to pick up my new mythical. Thankfully since I had completed the level 90 version there’s no need to do the complete quest over again, you just go talk to the shady merchant and they’ll sell you the mythical + spells. The only thing they don’t sell you is the house item, which I was sad to see because I’d certainly pay to add that to my collection.

Pictured above is the ‘new’ fury with her mythical brandished, looking all fierce – except for the fact that Snowflake decided she wanted in on the screen shot and it is hard to look menacing with that cute ball of fluff just over Arysh’ shoulder.

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Win Yourself a New Prowler Mount!

*************** CONTEST IS OVER – CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS ******************

It’s contest time once again! If you didn’t get lucky enough to win one of the copies of Sentinel’s Fate I gave away in February, maybe you’ll have better luck this time! The contest is simple:

What would you name your new prowler?

– One entry per person, leave a comment on this site with an ACTIVE email address (in other words, one I can write back to you at with the code).

– Be as creative (or uncreative) as you want, if there’s a backstory with this name then please feel free to include it!

– Entries will be accepted until June 1st, so you’ve got some time to think of a name

– I’ll be picking five winners and announcing them here on MmoQuests, and emailing winners, so be sure to check back!

Have no idea what I’m talking about? Then check out this post over on EQ2players which explains how the market place has added a new mount to the collection of items for sale. They look pretty amazing! A huge thank you to a mysterious dark elf who provided me with the keys to give out to MmoQuests readers! Snogs!

Any questions? Please feel free to email me at or comment below.

Good luck everyone!