May 1, 2010

Busy Weekend

It was a busy weekend gaming, and it was great. I worked on the fury who is now high 70s, did Unrest with guild mates as well as Shard of Love and a few other instances. On my troubador I managed to do all three Vasty Deep zones yesterday which were also the 5 shard (weekly) zones, and ended with 19 shards in total. No idea what to spend my shards on yet, I think I’m going to just save them up for the new gear that comes out.

I also picked up a few upgrades for the troubador, and passed off some items that I looted with greed rolls to the dirge, and casters.

Worked on the guild hall on Oasis some, and all in all? It was great. The city festival is in Freeport until the 7th, so don’t forget to stop by! It’s up the road from the docks, towards the crossroads. While I’m not a fan of the black marble walls (they have more brown then black in them) the floor tiles are amazing.

Safe travels, and I’ll see you in Norrath!